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LISTEN TO ME CLOSELY. I'm not making this topic to talk about your grammar (even though that needs work) and I'm not making this topic to belittle you. I just want you to understand what news is. You said in the other topic that you understood, but you don't understand.

When people come to's homepage and expect to get the latest news, they can't get to what they need quickly because you spam the news section with things that aren't news. Look here, let me list all of the "news" which isn't really news:

Zelda Spirit Tracks- UK commercial (Slightly forgivable, because it's Zelda related)

New Super Mario Bros. Wii- 4 minutes of new footage

New Super Mario Bros. Wii- Some intro videos

New Super Mario Bros. Wii- Gameplay videos!

Excitebike World Rally Wiiware- Gameplay video!

Doc Louis' Punch Out!- GamePlay Video

More Spirit Track Videos- GamePlay (Slightly forgivable, Zelda)

Working the Spirit Pipes: More screens (Forgivable)

New Super Mario Bros. Wii- Super Strategies

Nintendo Dsi LL Japan Promo Trailer

Ultrahand- Wiiware (Japan) Footage

Valhalla Knights Eldar Saga intro gameplay (3 parts)

Mario Party Arcade- Japan Exclusive Video!

A Familiar Face From Wind Waker? (Eh, Zelda related but not newsworthy in the least)

Besides the Zelda topics, the rest could have gone into open floor. Hell, most could have gone into the Random Youtube Video thread. Please. Please. PLEASE stop spamming the News and Reviews. I find it very irritating when trying to get some actual Spirit Tracks or Zelda Wii news to have to sift through "Excitebike World Rally Gameplay 1001!!!" We are a Zelda site, Adr. If we expect to add to our members, or to just catch the eye of passerby's, we cannot spam the News and Reviews with these types of threads. It's great that you want to post news, someone has to, but make sure it is actual news and not just a gameplay video or non-zelda related post.

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I think just about all of the Spirit Tracks-related items are newsworthy. Every little juicy tidbit should go on the front page, it keeps people coming who never go onto the forums.

As for everything else, I still like seeing them. I think Adr should be given his own board to post non-Zelda related, not quite front page-worthy news items.

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I walked into the ST spoiler thread out of severe curiosity.

What I found pissed me off and I closed the window immediately.

Way to put the most shocking and unusual spoilers first.


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I dont know anything about spirit tracks and I dont think my brother has any plans to buy it so I guess I dont either. :P

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I can't agree with this.

I understood that I shouldn't post random youtube video's with stuff like:

Portable NES!


Mario Monopoly!

So, I don't do that anymore.

But all other news I've posted is fine in my opinion.

If you have problems with finding Zelda news through all the other news posts.

Dustin has added something great for a long time now in the news post system:



I always put my news in the right section. So, as you can see, you can view specific news with a great and easily overview.

I've marked the 'Video Games' Tab in Image2 green.

To show this site is not only meant for Zelda news.

Otherwise, news would really be dead. :P (Except if Nintendo releases a Zelda game, leaks info about a Zelda game.)

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Don't spoil stuff so much. ):

I mean, I am sure I'm not the only dude trying to avoid spoilers who can't restrain themselves from taking a small peek.


Don't put the most important spoilers first, at least.


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Oh alright.

Thanks for that hint. :)

I'll put all those videos etc into Spoiler tags. And warn people this time in bold letters.

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Hmm. I see where Lionheart is coming from. Would it be possible to change the order of the tabs, so that Zelda News would be seen first?

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Yes it would be.

But I think 'All news' really should be at the first place.

Otherwise you may miss out a lot of other news. Like news. (example. ' will upgrade their severs tomorrow. So you won't be able to visit us between 1:00AM and 11:00PM. I case we.. blah blah'

And stuff like that.

The Zelda tab is already the first second tab. And it really ain't hard to click on it. :P

But yes, I understand what Loinheart meant. But I think just clicking on the Zelda tab is the way to go, and keep it friendly for everyone.

May Dustin would like to spend time into this 'problem?'. And make it so, that a profile can also set up which Tab should show up as standard. :)

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I shouldn't have to click the "Zelda news" tab to avoid gameplay footage.

The gameplay footage isn't news :/

No one is going to miss out on anything if they don't see those videos. And if you put them in Open Floor or maybe even created a topic for them, people would still see them just the same, and they wouldn't be cluttering up the News and Reviews section.

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Anybody can go anywhere for major news, the small things like gameplay videos are what set different sites apart.

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There used to be a set default tab so that it would show the default tab first whenever you visited but I think dustin removed it.

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This would be a problem with Zelda Wii.

I am trying as hard as I can to not spoil stuff for Spirit Tracks.

But then BAM.


And I have to resist clicking them.

There needs to be one thread for spoilers, and it has to be spoiler marked thoroughly.


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I haven't given an actual opinion on this, so here it is.

Zelda news doesn't come along so often, so I think it's fine to just post Zelda-related things. After all, this is a Zelda fansite, and people will probably want to talk about Zelda.

Also, on any fansite of a specific Nintendo game franchise, the site tends to become more of a Nintendo fansite than what it was originally.

So all that is okay with me.

Now, if you've got a problem with Adr's grammar, then why not have his articles proof-read? He can look at the article in its corrected version, and if there is anything he doesn't understand he can ask questions and get explanations. You know, that way he can learn and get better at using English instead of everyone whining all the time.


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Actually, I offered in a pm. He has yet to reply.

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