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Is Black History Month Racist?

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Is it?

If it is, why?

If not, Why?

Keep it civil, please.

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I think it's a good thing that America feels like a douchebag for, well, being a douchebag, but it's kinda' outdated. I think people shouldn't be singled out for any particular event, and, even if it's in a positive light, isn't much different than looking down on Asian folks during the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, or being insensitive towards people born on September 11th.

Be proud of who you are every day, not just when people tell you to be.


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It's not racist in and of itself, but answer me this:

If we created a White History Month, would it be considered racist?

Just because something isn't meant to be racist doesn't mean in a certain context that it still isn't racist. In our present society, I think it is very racist. That and BET (Black Entertainment Television).

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^ I agree, it's outdated in present society.

Also, I wonder which month the Native American History Month is. There's gotta be one for all the poo they got put through.

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Probably not.

Europeanized "America" was a douchebag to them, too.

Still is.


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Also, I wonder which month the Native American History Month is. There's gotta be one for all the poo they got put through.

Native American Heritage Month = November

It's not racist in and of itself, but answer me this:

If we created a White History Month, would it be considered racist?

Just because something isn't meant to be racist doesn't mean in acertain context that it still isn't racist. In our present society, Ithink it is very racist. That and BET (Black Entertainment Television).

Also, so you think Black History Month and BET is racist because... there's no White History Month or WET? (lawl).

First of all, the BET thing is completely idiotic considering most of everything on television is aimed at the white male audience.

Second, in America, we're completely dominated by white culture. We are continuously bathed in "white" history which has many grimy parts many people want to forget. The cultural background of europeans is so diverse that having a general "white" history month wouldn't cut it. Black people, hispanics, Native Americans and Asians are considered to be 'displaced' from the society in general, simply because they've had it so hard in the past. I think it's fair to devote some time to consider their contributions to America's society without making a racket like a 6-year old because you're not getting the attention.

And it's just plain politically incorrect.

tl;dr: white history month: april through january

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I've never heard of it.

Probably because I care as little about black people's history as I do Scotland's or Jews'.

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The way I see it, it's like saying the history of black people is so meaningless to regular history, that you have to box it up and relegate it to its own special month, and never talk about it in the other 11.

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tl;dr: white history month: april through january

what about march?

anyways, I think its pretty outdated. We don't need a specific month for race anymore.

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If people are truly serious about eliminating race as a factor for anything, Black History Month will have to go.

Although, I'm pretty sure I'll always know that guy's black and that one's white and that one's hispanic. You can't hide your race.

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It wasn't made for blacks, it was made so white people wouldn't have to feel guilty. There's no white history month for the same reason that we allow feminist groups to exist. White males already know that we dominate everything and naming a month "black history month" or pretending to acknowledge feminist rights groups is an easy way of making the group stfu.


It was made so that when we're accused of being racist, we can just be like, "Dude, we gave you a puppyin month all to yourself. Now go back to your corner and enjoy your watermelon."

I think we need to all just mix together. I think I want to marry a black person. If everyone did this, I would be happy. Then, in the future, we'll all be a caramelmochaish color, and we'd all be the same race. All brown haired, brown eyed, right handed caramelmochaish people. After that we need to mix together the genders. That's why I've decided on marrying a woman. I figure that if we have kids, they'll be half woman, half man. we could call it a womanan. I think I want to name it Prujames.

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If we continue to single out certain groups of people, that's discrimination, even if it is reverse discrimination. It's still isolation, showing that we believe "that group" is different from "our group". So Black History Month isn't racist per se, but it is discriminatory.

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I think it's lame that we mourn for the separation of black and white by separating black and white.

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we don't mourn, we celebrate.

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