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Yeah man. you in town?

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Necro I have been in town for over 2 months

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I feel that Jojo is one of those things that can pop up in the most random places (a mall (a mall in the Philippines)) despite not getting directly involved with it.

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August 4th, 2014: 5-something pm to 10:30 pm ;

Amy watched eps 5 - 15 of Berserk in one sitting because it was so rad pheo I hope you're happy

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Well, obviously

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start today

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I kinda interested in Jojo. Im hesitant though.

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her reactions = my reaction. Gonna watch episode one now

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Playing the game was honestly a major factor in my growing interest in the series. I was watching the series, but I never had a love for it before I got the game tbh. It's one thing to enjoy something, but quite another to love it.


Like, I enjoyed Adventure Time when I first watched it, but the more I watched it the more I grew to simply enjoy the characters for their simple interactions, and I got a new appreciation and love for the earlier episodes that I mostly glazed over before.


I'm getting that with JoJo now. I watched the first load of episodes half-mindedly, and found it entertaining enough to keep me going. I'm starting to really enjoy the cheesiness now, and I feel like I'd enjoy the first series a lot more than I did the first time around. The game helped a little to give me an idea of it as well, and got me interested in the whole series, and getting the stories between the campaign battles.

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Saw the first 2 episodes on Crunchyroll. Can I just mention, CR's standard definition videos are so much clearer than any definition on youtube or any other streaming site. Makes it worth not actually torrenting it. The SD there is almost almost ALMOST as good as an HD download from pirate bay or wherever. So yeah, im gonna use that site a lot more.


But yeah, watched eps 1 and 2 and LOVED IT. I stopped cause i wanna watch it with a friend, but i'm hungry for more. The story makes no puppying sense, but i kinda expected that. However, everything else is so good, so over the top, that the nonsensical story actually fits. I was surprised by how amazing the animation was. I wasnt expecting it to be that good. especially since the art style is very detailed, i cant believe how fluid the animation was! The ever changing color pallet looks great too. And the music is good too! I mean, it's still shitty j-pop, but its very dramatic j-pop, as opposed to the average *sparkle and sunshine bubblegum* songs featured in most anime. It fits. Im satisfied with it so far. Cannot wait to watch more. So pumped!

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It occurred to me today at work that JoJo part 3 is a grandpa guy running around with a bunch of teenagers. Also a middle aged guy and a however-old-polnareff-is guy. Like some kind of weird elderly man shows up to a highschool and meets some angsty teens and is like "hey wanna save the world with me and this shady guy I know?" I'd like to see an artist in the style of Andrew Loomis or Norman Rockwell do a realistic interpretation of what the characters in Jojo might look like. Just because I'm interested in seeing how somebody might possibly try to rationalize jojo.

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What are these different "parts?" Like, I watched eps 1 and 2 of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders." And it felt like a beginning. But am i missing something? I mean, i know there was an old Jojo anime, but i thought this was a reboot. Or an HD remastered of sorts. 

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