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G-Reco has definitely been very strange and oddly paced so far, but that's relatively par for the course for the beginning of a Yoshiyuki Tomino anime. I do really love how quirky it is most of the time, though, especially the characters. Gundam hasn't been this weird since Turn A, which was Tomino's last directed series in the franchise. I genuinely think the overall picture of what is going on will clear up soon, though. G-Reco hasn't had the best (or worst) start of the anime I'm watching this season, but since the director's best known (and with good reason) for his stellar endings I will gladly wait to see how things go.

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Well I sure hope so. ;3; I havent seen much Gundam so I'll take your word for it.






(but in all seriousness if you havent see the Berserk movie outtakes you need to, they're fantastic. Those dubbers have fun there)

pheonix561 and T1g like this

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Yeah, I know there's like half an hour of hilarious outtake dub in the anime, so it doesn't surprise me that when the same team got together they had outtakes for the movies too. Totally gonna try and find these on youtube now. Thanks for letting me know they exist!

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<Sahaqiel> Mufn
<%Fierce_Muffin> yeh, mang?
<Sahaqiel> I've watched all of Stones;Goat.
<%Fierce_Muffin> !!
<Sahaqiel> when mayushi took that grenade I was like wat
<%Fierce_Muffin> Did you love it?
<%Fierce_Muffin> Don't even remember a grenade
<Sahaqiel> that's because there wasn't one
<Sahaqiel> also there's not a series called Stones;Goat
<%Fierce_Muffin> Shaq
<%Fierce_Muffin> Shaq
<Sahaqiel> yes mufn??
<%Fierce_Muffin> Why


(Mayuri has Grenade Launch)

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I don't know what is funnier: that, or Mercy's outfit

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the fabled Eka like

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If you didn't notice, changing the outfit also changes the weapon. I mean, it is obvious for the brawler (because they use their hands and feet, so of course the gloves and boots change). But if you look at the sword for the different sword fighter outfits, or the blaster for the different gunner outfits, you will see it changes pretty significantly.


Like, Gamagoori should totally get the Biker Outfit. You should upload your QR codes for your Miis so people can download them.

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New Steins;Gate short form anime in the works.


It's apparently just to promote the new IBM "Next-Generation Computing", but it looks pretty cute, so I'll allow it. This video is the first episode.




Also, Ghibli's Princess Kaguya is premiering in North America. Just in case anyone was interested in watching it in person.


Gatchaman Crowds 2 listed for 2015. Nothing too big, but it's good to know they haven't forgotten about it. I hope it's during the summer season like last time.

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the fabled Eka like

A rare meeting of fate.


I haven't been watching many shows due to sickness and feeling guilty about not doing homework, BUT there are some Berserk things I must speak on 'cause uh


Yesterday was Movie 1 and 2, today was legitimately 94 chapters in one sitting. (I haven't watched Movie 3 'cause I made it an order through my Uni's Anime Club to get free shipping. So I won't really see it until after Christmas but *shrugs* I know what happens anyways).



On the movie (1 & 2) content so far (meant to talk bout this before anyways);

1. I really like Studio 4C's work in general so I kind of liked how the CG and 2D melded - esp. when they used cel-shading to make it look more hand-drawn at times.

2. Pretty sure no one from the original JP cast carried over to the movies, which is sad for me (esp with Casca - she had a really cool unique voice in JP imo) but it is good to know the English VAs all came back. I'll probably watch all of the movies in Eng at some point, seeing as the outtakes were a riot.

3. Movie 1 was short as dang. Like OVA-short. I thought Movie 2 would be like that but luckily not

4. The new OP sequence and song for the movies is SUPER RAD I LOVE IT

5. On that note actually the music is generally pretty good (though I do miss the oldschool feel of the original show's music. Eka/Guts' theme otp)

6. Guts used a normal sword rather than his giantass sword to kill Duko Huvio (Julio? w/e his name was) which was actually the most logical thing to do. Unfortunately the manga author didn't even think of that pfft but thats ok. Also the scene of him killing the kid made me emote a bit more than the show - probably because the kid took a bit longer to die ;-;

7. Holy shit Griffith is just fabulous with new animation. So goddamn shiny.

8. The Battle of Doldrey for Movie 2 was good but felt pretty -eh- in comparison to the show and manga scene. Probably because they cut a lot out (tbh I honestly didn't mind so much that Zodd throwing Guts the sword was cut out - he was already in Movie 1 and apparently Skull Knight shows up later anyways so *shrugs*). I think I probably felt this way mostly because it was pretty short overall.

9. On that note, super mega 100% peeved that they cut a particular REALLY IMPORTANT SCENE(at least to me) out of Movie 2 before Doldrey's battle. I was really pissed they cut out Griffith's story of when he saw the nameless kid dying in battle who wanted to be a knight, and also when Griffith basically sold his body over to the bearded pedophile dukeman who owns Doldrey in order to fund his army, and then went into emotional shock and talked about it with Casca in a lAKE LIKE JESUS THAT WHOLE BIT WAS SO IMPORTANT TO HIS CHARACTER. It tells the audience the reason doesnt consider subordinates friends, it gives the audience an example of what lengths he's willing to go to achieve his dream, iT GIVES CONTEXT AS TO WHO THE HECKDANG THE DUKE GUY WHO HOLDS DOLDREY IS SO THAT WHEN GRIFFITH KILLS HIM ITS MORE DRAMATIC AND EMOTIONALLY EFFECTIVE IM JUST AHRgh so mad.

I know they gave us the little scene with Boscone and Dukeman chilling in a pool with little boys (1 of which was a carbon copy of Griffith? That was confusing - unless that was a flashback??) but that was so vague. That lack of a scene is literally the only thing I didn't like about Movie 2.

10. Holy crap they really upped the creepy factor for the bedroom scene with Griffith and Charlotte. 

11. The preview for Movie 3 scared the shAT out of me goddamn stupid Behelit screech


And yeah I just spent a few hours reading up to Chp 107 of the manga so now I'm past the animated stuff and can read on to the continuation. I know what happened to Casca now.


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So, on a slightly related note:


Does Guts get smarter when he loses his eye? Because if he did, that would tie him further to Odin than before, Odin having sacrificed one of his eyes to gain knowledge, and also being recognized as the god that gives berserks their power. He is not a popular god, because magic users, especially male ones, are untrustworthy (he is incredibly cunning). Also, he tends to kill off his heroes so they can join him in Valhalla to help prepare for Ragnarok.

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Posted (edited)

Maybe a bit less naive? Not noticeably smarter, he just learns at a normal rate.


As for the movies, you just have to view them as a receptacle of some scenes that usually look pretty good, when the CG isn't too obnoxious.


Those things that weren't there are still implied to have happened, its just they couldn't fit it into the run time/didn't have the budget to do it. In that way, it seems pretty clear the movies are made for people who already know the story of the golden age. Do be prepared for movie 3, its depiction of the eclipse is much more gruesome than the show's.

Edited by Necropolis (see edit history)

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I liked the CG in the movies. It was respectable. Didn't draw too much attention to itself.

Also I kept thinking that Guts was like emotional stunted or stupid. Just because he was a big guy.

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Guts does not get smarter when he loses his eye. I don't know if "less naive" is how I would describe him after the eclipse; He doesn't really come across as naive throughout the golden age arc. I think it would be more accurate to say he just turns so, so much more hateful. Anger is a secondary emotion from sadness and fear, and Guts was in a lot of pain. So he just turned into this hateful, wrathful, vengeful guy who wanted nothing more than to kill Griffith for what he'd done.

I agree with you guys on the CG, too. I guess I can see why everybody hated them, but really, I didn't mind it. And yeah, Eka, Definitely be prepared for the movie 3's eclipse. Between the anime, the manga, and the movies, it's pretty widely agreed that the movie did it best. I can't remember which reviewer said it, but they put it best when they said, "Unlike most movies or shows where a long winded violent massacre sequence could easily get campy or funny, the eclipse never stops being terrifying." Have fun!

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And I totally get that the movies cut stuff out due to time and budget constraints and that clearly its meant for people who have seen it, but I still say that the scenes I mentioned shouldn't have been cut out under any circumstances. Maybe cut short, sure I wouldn't care. But they're so important imo; like Griffith's-dream-explanation-to-Charlotte-at-the-fountain level of important. :c Might just be me though.


And yeah Iunno why people hated on the CG much, I liked it. Worked well with the 2D imo.


I've also been at war with myself 'cause I've told 2 of my bestest animu-loving friends to watch Berserk (with many warnings) but before I watched the movies I said AYY GUYS GREAT IDEA! The movies are practically recaps, and in newer, prettier animation! Let's all watch them together and you can share in my shock and love for the story as you haven't seen the show.

And then I saw like the bedroom scene in Movie 2 and ofc I'm reading about how much they upped the Eclipse sequence (I've listened to the godDAMN TERRIFYING MUSIC TRACK FOR THAT SCENE) and i'm like oh god oh no friends. Friends should I even put you through this oh gosh oh geez xD

Like they're not innocent or anything and we're all adults, but its the fact that the sequence is horrifying for any agegroup that I'm kind of like uhhHHMMMM ..

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I thought the CG was actually some of the best implemented I've ever seen in anything similar. I liked it a lot, actually.


Also pheo, you punk, go into the listening thread after you've got whatever it is figured out. I have no one else to discuss The Strokes with.

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