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Dandy 4


Probably the funniest episode yet. Although, I feel like it dragged on a little bit near the end. Still, it was just so silly.


Flamenco 14


Probably the best episode yet. It's like half the series was a big drought and then came this and the last episode with a massive rainstorm of above average stuff. Also, this happened:




Witch 3


Man, I am loving everything about this anime. I need to get on the manga after this is done, since it's even more high quality.

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episode 4 of nobunagun and they are already doing crazy shit like diving into hurricanes

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Kill la kill 15:


It was like, the previous episode had nothing but filler, and then this next episode had EVERYTHING, and they just took all of the plot content that should have been in the previous episode and pumped it into this episode and overloaded it and so on, and I'm probably going to have to go back and watch it just to make sure I caught everything I should have to remember.

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For the record, my DVD collection now consists of:




The Cat Returns

From Up Poppy Hill

Grave of the Fireflies

Howl's Moving Castle

Kiki's Delivery Service

Laputa Castle in the Sky

My Neighbours the Yamadas
My Neighbour Totoro

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Ocean Waves*

Only Yesterday

Pom Poko


Porco Rosso

Princess Mononoke

Spirited Away

Tales from Earthsea

Whisper of the Heart
The Castle of Cagliostro
The Little Norse Prince
Panda! Go Panda!
Sherlock Hound (series)*
--Mamoru Hosoda
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Summer Wars
Wolf Children
--Makoto Shinkai
Journey to Agartha
5 centimeters per second
--Satoshi Kon
Tokyo Godfathers
Millennium Actress
Perfect Blue
--Other films
Tekkon Kinkreet
Welcome to the Space Show
Sky Blue*
Brave Story
Origin Spirits of the Past
The Sky Crawlers
--Series-related films
Eureka Seven The Movie
Ghost in the Shell 2.0*
Evangelion 1.11*
Evangelion 2.22&
Eden of the East (series)
-Eden of the East The King of Eden
-Eden of the East Paradise Lost
Samurai Champloo*
The Tatami Galaxy
*haven't actually watched/finished watching
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I thought something was off and then I realized it was because I couldn't see any of her skin

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That interpretation of her Kamui looks amazing though.

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Well, yeah

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Posted (edited)

I've had that picture of alternate Ryuko Favorited on DeviantArt for months and never thought I could share cool stuff like that here. Meanwhile on the opposite side of the skin-showing spectrum, this one looks to be heavily based on the pose and perspective from the scene where Satsuki is calling Ryuko out for being ashamed of her body as she dons Junketsu, but I still feel the detail work is wonderful and the expression is perfectly captured. Despite the boobs I can't stop looking at the face.


Edited by Agent Zako (see edit history)

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she looks like an unlikeable person

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More like a total unrelenting motherpuppyer/tactical genius. She's one of the most endearing characters of the show, which is not to say any of the characters aren't endearing. You should really consider watching Kill la Kill.

Anybody else think maybe Junketsu talks to her in the same way that Senketsu talks to Ryuko? Think there's anything going on there?

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I think Junketsu will get a voice before the show is done, possibly at some dramatic moment of failure on Satsuki's part where she has no choice but to talk to it/him/her if she hasn't already. Lady Satsuki is definitely one of the highlights of the show for me, and it'd be cool to get more insight into her. 

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I've been expecting them to do some thing where it turns out that Satsuki and Junketsu's relationship is a lot more cold and unforgiving than Ryuuko and Senketsu's, and maybe some weird symbolism about purity, but I can't think of a sensible reason for that kind of interpretation. Or Satsuki being a total softy and being bros with Junketsu like Ryuuko is with Senketsu. Maybe she talks to Junketsu all the time, like Ryuuko does to Senketsu, only we can't see it, kind of like how Senketsu can literally run on his own, but Mako and co. can't see it, with Ryuuko's interactions being visible only so we can see what's going on, unless the director doesn't want us to-- ie, Ryuuko ironing Senketsu and Mako's family being weirded out, and from their perspective, Senketsu's mouth doesn't move. I also have imagined that maybe Junketsu is constantly trying to talk Satsuki out of being a horrible dictator, or trying to plead with her, but Satsuki completely ignores the wishes of her kamui because she "wears" clothes, rather than "being worn by them", and Satsuki will use anything she can with utmost control and pure self-interest. But yeah, Junketsu and Satsuki's relationship will totally be a thing. 300% banking on it.


Kill La Kill general discussion:

Also, I don't know if I mentioned this, but the mohawk guy is totally Ryuuko's brother. He has an unclear connection to a woman who was unraveled, and seeing as we don't know what happen to Ryuuko's mom, and since her dad is in life fiber research, it's pretty much a given by this point. Also, they both have red highlights with black hair, so that's pretty blatant. I think I heard something about Ryuuko's berserk form being her brother or something. Nah. It's mohawk guy.

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