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one thing i've noticed about the Marvel/DC/Mainstream comic fan-base is that they always complain that it's stale and stagnate and then when something actually does come to change everything (Talking about all of Marvel Now, not just Spider-Man) everyone bitches and complains.


I'm not making this in reference to you, Tyrion, cause your analysis is pretty accurate, but i mean gosh it's like nobody can be happy.


The status quo is boring, but the min it's broken all the writers get death threats.


Thats not always true, but its pretty common, yeah. People like new things, but not TOO new. Like for a while Dick Grayson was Gotham's batman, and people were legitimately bummed out when the reboot hit and he wasn't anymore. Then there is Damian Wayne... Lots of Batman changes that have stuck I guess, when you look at it.

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So I just read Superior #1.


I was hating it. It had good art and good story, but it just felt like Spider-Man was a villain the whole time. Which he kinda is. It would've been better in any other comic, but this just felt wrong. That is, until the end! Wut a nice sweet twist we have. :>

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So I just read Superior #1.


I was hating it. It had good art and good story, but it just felt like Spider-Man was a villain the whole time. Which he kinda is. It would've been better in any other comic, but this just felt wrong. That is, until the end! Wut a nice sweet twist we have. :>

I should be getting my comics in the mail in a few days.

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in order to broaden myself I've decided to try my hands at filmmaking. I have an idea for a fan film set in the marvel cinematic universe the plot revolves around a patient at an asylum who seems to bed able to see the future. The patient Robert Reynolds saw the emergence of the superheroes years before it happened and even knows things that are to come including a war for Infinity. SHIELD gets wind of Reynolds and transfers him to a SHIELD facility where he drops names . (Kree, Ultron, Peter Quill, Secret Invasion, Hydra, Advanced Idea Mechanics, Thunderbolts.) As events unfold if is revealed that Reynolds is a time traveler and a powerful superhero called The Sentry.

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Sounds cool but wut kinda budget do you have? Actors? Sounds like you are taking on a lot for a first project.

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Just read Wolverine: Get Mystique

Short read, but damn it was a good one. I don't know a whole lot about Mystique, but I wanna learn more. She is such a cool villain!

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If has been confirmed that Marvels SHIELD series which is expected to be picked up by ABC any day now will be set post Avengers. This news all but confirms that Phil Coulson survived his run in with Loki in the film as he is a main character In the forthcoming series.

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I feel like a super hero show without super heores is stupid.

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I feel like a super hero show without super heores is stupid.

It's not really a super hero show, it's a paranormal police procedural set in the marvel cinematic universe. 

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so yeah, a super hero show without super heroes.

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I wonder if Clark Gregg imagined if this would be his legacy as an actor? I don't know how much serious work he's done.

He,s done some independent films and has also acted in tv. he was on West Wing, Will & Grace and The New Adventures of Old Christine. His role as Coulson in Iron Man was originally supposed to be a one off cameo as a favor to his friend Jon Favreau. But the characters personality and quiet intensity won over audiences and they decided to bring Coulson back. this eventually led to the character's inclusion in the Prime Marvel Comics Universe.

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so yeah, a super hero show without super heroes.

There are comics in the Marvel universe that are not entirely comprised of Cape wearing do gooders. Why should TV be any different. Besides with this they can really flesh out the universe.

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I'll always just see this as a long-running advertising campaign for Avengers 2 using the scraps and rejected ideas of the cinematic universe.


But its also a chance to build on things to get stuff sooner than would be allowed with only movies. Maybe the Mach V armor gets namedropped and a few more Meta human villains get developed, and we have Thunderbolts by 2016. I reeeeeaaaaaaally want the Thunderbolts. And not shitty Way Thunderbolts, I'm talking classic to Warren Ellis Thunderbolts.

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There are comics in the Marvel universe that are not entirely comprised of Cape wearing do gooders.

name some good ones.

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I hope they use the series to introduce lesser known character's to the Cinematic Universe. There are many Agents in the comics and so far we've only seen a smattering (Hill, Sit well, Barton, Romanoff, Fury). I've long said that Agent Clay Quartermain should be introduced and he should be played by Warren Kole who played an unnamed agent in The Avengers. 


Other agents I'd like to see are:

Jimmy Woo

Abigail Brand

Wendell Vaughan (so they can introduce Quasar to the MCU)

Dum Dum Dugan (they can make him the Captain America character's grandson)

Philip Lawson (Mahr Veil of the Kree)

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