Hnet Favourites Survey

15 posts in this topic


I'm sure some people came in here thinking this was like a popularity topic lol, but NOPE. it's an actual survey, blatantly stolen from elsewhere but WHO CARES. anyways, stumblin' across this made me think about when people were talking about those AMAs, and how they wanted to learn some more things about other users of the forum! right? This survey may not be the most substantial way to learn about everyone but hey, I love knowing these little details about people and I also strangely enjoy filling in surveys. So here ya go. get surveyin' yourselves! <:

basic survey outline for copy/pastin' below


Favourite Artist:
Favourite Band:
Favourite Song:
Favourite Composer:
Favourite Genre:
Favourite Album Art:


Favourite Author:
Favourite Book:
Favourite Series:
Favourite Poet:
Favourite Poem:
Favourite Play:
Favourite Comic (incl. manga/webcomics/graphic novels):


Favourite Live-Action Film:
Favourite Director:
Favourite Animated Film:
Favourite Animated Series:
Favourite Live-Action Series:
Favourite MUSICAL:


Favourite Game:
Favourite Game Series:
Favourite Game Studio/Developer:
Favourite Board/Card Game:


Favourite Colour:
Favourite City:
Favourite Country:
Favourite Food:
Favourite Drink:
Favourite Animal:
Favourite Season:
Favourite Language:
Favourite Clothes:
Favourite Type of Holiday:
Favourite Subject:


Favourite Artist: uhhhhh I honestly cannot decide N/A
Favourite Band: R.E.M and Duran Duran - blame my family, Paramore is a guilty pleasure of mine
Favourite Song: Somebody That I Used To Know; Gotye - Rio; Duran Duran
Favourite Composer: lol N/A to me because I don't care
Favourite Genre: Pop music!! aww yeee, also House music when a certain person links me a ton of it and I'm stuck listening for ages lol
Favourite Album Art: I also do not care about this lol so N/A


Favourite Author: I am very fond of a lot of his stuff so, Neil Gaiman
Favourite Book: Life of Pi; Yann Martel
Favourite Series: The Hunger Games; Suzanne Collins - typical teenager guilty pleasure reads lol
Favourite Poet: Carol Ann Duffy, TS Eliot,
Favourite Poem: Standing Female Nude; Carol Ann Duffy - Journey of the Magi; TS Eliot. *note
Favourite Play: N/A I've only ever read Shakespeare and I didn't even like that so
Favourite Comic (incl. manga/webcomics/graphic novels): Cucumber Quest


Favourite Live-Action Film: Pan's Labyrinth, Enchanted, Black Swan, (500) Days of Summer
Favourite Director: idk N/A
Favourite Animated Film: Beauty and the Beast, Tangled, Brave, Up, Coraline, Kiki's Delivery Service,
Favourite Animated Series: GRAVITY FALLS, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Archer
Favourite Live-Action Series: Come Dine With Me, Community, Glee, Gavin and Stacey, Pushing Daisies, CRIMINAL MINDS
Favourite MUSICAL: Mamma Mia! Sweeney Todd. I'd love to see Spring Awakening! and one of the various Phantom of the Operas, and my family's absolute love of it has made me fond of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat >:


Favourite Game: Banjo-Kazooie, Paper Mario: TTYD, Catherine, Persona 4, TF2 when I play it ...POKÉMON STADIUM games lol
Favourite Game Series: Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda duh, Animal Crossing, Spyro the Dragon original trilogy
Favourite Game Studio/Developer: Atlus because their total dickishness makes me laugh in frustration, Rare in their N64 days I guess
Favourite Board/Card Game: Pokémon Drinking Game totally counts as a board game!!! otherwise... Munchkin? Snap? Black Five? Cluedo? I love all board/card games >:


Favourite Colour: Pink, Purple
Favourite City: Dundee where me and my besties live lol, otherwise London, such a good summer holiday ;-; and Stirling because it's my hometown!
Favourite Country: Scotland what a surprise, but also Belgium and France due to amazing trips I've had in said places
Favourite Food: Chicken Fajitas!! chicken in general lol, I also adore cheesecake, cake in general.... >: such a bad sweet tooth fff
Favourite Drink: Fruit Ciders and Mojitos alcohol-wise, Irn-Bru for not-alcohols
Favourite Animal: BUNBUNS ;w; kitties, puppies, sheepies, fishies, bears, foxes.... everything!!!
Favourite Season: Autumn, Winter - they're just beautiful to me
Favourite Language: English hurdurr, but I really would like to get better with my French, and I can appreciate/would like to learn Scottish Gaelic n_n
Favourite Clothes: MY: purple skintight jeans, dog-themed hats, wintry-coloured scarf, I need to buy my own skirts/dresses blurgh
Favourite Type of Holiday: Hmmmm, I enjoy visiting different cities to experience their shopping and cuisine I guess? My dream holiday would be to go on a tropical cruise though, since I've never been on one!
Favourite Subject: Thinking back on school, it was probably English! Best classes, best teachers and once I was motivated enough I do enjoy reading new texts! I will always have a soft spot for Sociology/Psychology though.

*ugh I also remember reading this one poem about former racehorses reflecting on their life and death in Higher English and it was really beautiful in a... morbid way lol, but I cannot remember the name of it and the poet for the life of me fffff >:

note: you can bring things into other categories if you're feeling stuck! Like, if you don't know about musics for example and you like a ton of video game musics/composers and whatnot, then just use those for your answers! Nobody will be judgin' HOPEFULLY yeah lets not mock anyone for what they say plz. this is to be a cheerful, silly thread!! <3

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Ill come back and fill this out after i reflect on it more


Favourite Artist: Santigold

Favourite Band: Passion Pit

Favourite Song:

Favourite Composer:

Favourite Genre: House, Electro Pop

Favourite Album Art:


Favourite Author: Eiichiro Oda

Favourite Book:

Favourite Series: One Piece

Favourite Poet:

Favourite Poem:

Favourite Play:

Favourite Comic: One Piece, Young Avengers


Favourite Live-Action Film: Avengers, The Cabin in the Woods

Favourite Director: i guess Joss Whedon, since he directed both of those films. Also Edgar Wright

Favourite Animated Film: One Piece Film: Strong World

Favourite Animated Series: One Piece (Isn't it obvious?)

Favourite Live-Action Series: Community, Parks and Recreation

Favourite MUSICAL: Rocky Horror Picture Show


Favourite Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2, Dragon Quest IX

Favourite Game Series: Pokemon

Favourite Game Studio/Developer: Nintendo

Favourite Board/Card Game: Dungeons and Dragons, I suppose.


Favourite Colour: Purple

Favourite City: Columbus Ohio

Favourite Country: Russia (Boy, do they have sexy accents or what?)

Favourite Food: Chipotle, Pizza

Favourite Drink: Monster (Green)

Favourite Animal: Deer, Zebra, Manned Fox

Favourite Season: Autumn

Favourite Language: Russian

Favourite Clothes: None

Favourite Type of Holiday: Halloween

Favourite Subject: Art

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Music-wise especially I'll just answer for generally recent favourite things. Cutting out Favourite Artist because that is basically the same thing as band and having two categories for the same thing is actually bothering me.


Favourite Band: The Go! Team, Asian Kung-Fu Generation

Favourite Song:

Favourite Composer: None.

Favourite Genre: Rock and indie stuff I suppose?

Favourite Album Art: Ho hummm I don't know. Maybe this one, just for jokes?



Favourite Author: Z I L C H

Favourite Book: Not sure on a specific one.

Favourite Series: His Dark Materials was one I remember enjoying a lot, years ago.

Favourite Poet: None.

Favourite Poem: None.

Favourite Play: None.

Favourite Comic (incl. manga/webcomics/graphic novels): Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind maybe?


Favourite Live-Action Film: Marley & Me, In Bruges

Favourite Director: Director of anything? Kenji Nakamura (Trapeze, Mononoke, Tsuritama)

Favourite Animated Film: The Lion King, Pom Poko

Favourite Animated Series: The Tatami Galaxy, Trapeze

Favourite Live-Action Series: Grey's Anatomy, Doctor Who, Dexter, Community

Favourite MUSICAL: Moulin Rouge is pretty great, but I haven't seen any besides it


Favourite Game: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Pool (like actual table pool)

Favourite Game Series: The Elder Scrolls, Pokémon, Ratchet & Clank

Favourite Game Studio/Developer: Bethesda, That Game Company

Favourite Board/Card Game: Munchkin


Favourite Colour: Blue

Favourite City: Dundee or Inverness, though I think it barely qualifies as a city

Favourite Country: Scotland, but secondly Greece

Favourite Food: Chicken or fish

Favourite Drink: This tropical juice I get from TESCO

Favourite Animal: Dogs, tigers, dogs

Favourite Season: Summer, easily

Favourite Language: English, because it's not moonspeak like all the other ones. But I would like to know Greek.

Favourite Clothes: Jeans, thick jumper and long sleeved t-shirt/normal shirt, and my greyish scarf with little bits of colour in it

Favourite Type of Holiday: I don't like being dragged around to go sightseeing mostly, unless we're sure of what we're doing, but I guess anywhere where I can have fun with my friends or family and chill out. I've never had a holiday that wasn't immensely stressful. My holiday in Greece this year would have been better for me if we weren't constantly on the move in between arguments about where to move to next.

Favourite Subject: Biology I suppose. Though even that I have minimal interest in. There's nothing that interests me a whole lot.

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Posted (edited)


Favourite Artist: Can't really think of one single artist that is my favorite

Favourite Band: The Beatles

Favourite Song: 1812 Overture (it uses cannons! AS AN INSTRUMENT!)

Favourite Composer: John Williams, Hans Zimmer

Favourite Genre: Classic Rock, Metal, Chiptune, 80's

Favourite Album Art: Abbey Road


Favourite Author: Jules Verne

Favourite Book: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (haven't finished it yet, but it stands to reason that my favorite book is one I willingly start to read and continue to read.)

Favourite Series: Harry Potter

Favourite Poet: I don't really know many poets, so Edgar Allen Poe?

Favourite Poem: The Raven

Favourite Play: Don't really know much about plays either. Sorry.

Favourite Comic (incl. manga/webcomics/graphic novels): The Adventures of Dr. McNinja


Favourite Live-Action Film: Avengers, Sherlock Holmes, anything that features both Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

Favourite Director: Edgar Wright

Favourite Animated Film: The Iron Giant

Favourite Animated Series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (but you already knew that by now.)

Favourite Live-Action Series: Doctor Who, The Walking Dead

Favourite MUSICAL: Guys and Dolls, Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog


Favourite Game: Team Fortress 2, Wind Waker, Crazy Taxi, Batman: Arkham City

Favourite Game Series: Assassin's Creed

Favourite Game Studio/Developer: Valve

Favourite Board/Card Game: Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Hungry Hungry Chutes and Scrabbopoly: Baby Boomer Edition



Favourite Colour: Green

Favourite City: Washington D.C. (so many sights to see and they're all FREE!)

Favourite Country: I love my country, but sometimes I feel more like an England kind of guy

Favourite Food: Ramen Noodles, Chili

Favourite Drink: Mountain Dew

Favourite Animal: Penguins

Favourite Season: Fall (it's when my shows come back on!)

Favourite Language: French (It just sounds nice, y'know?)

Favourite Clothes: Jeans, Hoodies, T-shirts, Hats (I am especially fond of Fedoras.)

Favourite Type of Holiday: Christmas, Halloween

Favourite Subject: Art

Edited by DR SHRUBBERY! (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)


Favourite Artist: I don't really know. The only one-person music teams I follow are "shitty"(accoridng to most) dubstep people or Pony musicians.

I need to stop being so Brony-fab. :x

Favourite Band: Hmm... Linkin Park maybe? Offspring? Shinedown? FUN? I don't even know. owo

Favourite Song: Tie between "Screw The Nether" by Martyn Littlewood ft. Simon and Lewis and that Song Of Storms dubstep Rap remix by Ephixa and NoneLikeJoshua.

Favourite Composer: None.

Favourite Genre: Either Dubstep, Elektro, or Rock.

Favourite Album Art: I don't buy or pay attention to albums and their art.


Favourite Author: Angie Sage, J.K. Rowling, Eoin Colfer, J.R.R. Tolkien.

Favourite Book: Either Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows or The Fellowship of the Ring, which I finished today. :3

Favourite Series: Artemis Fowl

Favourite Poet: Dante Alighieri

Favourite Poem: None

Favourite Play: A Midsummer Night's Dream. Not read it, but just that one line "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" sold it for me.

Favourite Comic (incl. manga/webcomics/graphic novels): HOMESTUCK HANDS DOWN


Favourite Live-Action Film: The Avengers

Favourite Director: Joss Whedon

Favourite Animated Film: THE STAR WARS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

Favourite Animated Series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (AT LEAST IM TRYING TO STAY AWAY FROM IT BEING MY ENTIRE IDENTITY)

Favourite Live-Action Series: Community, Glee, The Proxy, Big Bang Theory

Favourite MUSICAL: Into The Woods


Favourite Game: Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, Zelda: Twlight Princess, Metroid Zero Mission, Brawl, Terraria

Favourite Game Series: Zelda, I guess

Favourite Game Studio/Developer: Valve, Mojang, Nintendo, ReLogic

Favourite Board/Card Game: Chess(sorta), Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Uno, Spider Solitaire, Klondike Solitaire, Three Peaks


Favourite Colour: Silver/Gray

Favourite City: London, Manhattan, Athens, Dundee, Edinburgh, Berlin, Dublin, Tokyo

Favourite Country: All of the British Isles, Japan, Germany, Greece, Italy, Canada

Favourite Food: Pizza, especially a local place called Michellangelo's, also Burger King, and ribs

Favourite Drink: Mountain Dew, English Blend black tea, orange soda of any sort, cream soda

Favourite Animal: Kitties! :3

Favourite Season: Summer. I so hate school.

Favourite Language: Latin. Argentum est Potestas. Sit vis Nobiscum.

Favourite Clothes: I don't even

Favourite Type of Holiday: Staying at home, just not going to work or school. I don't want to go anywheeerrrreee~

Favourite Subject: Science, although more recently math. Algebraic expressions. @w@

That is all.

Edited by Silver Moon (see edit history)
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Going to do some of LL's added ones.

*Last Album You Listened To: Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Don't Bend, Ascend!

*Last Book You Read: Start to finish, Animal Farm. Currently reading A Wizard of Earthea.

*Last Movie You Saw: Kick-Ass

*Last Game You Played: Skyrim briefly, but I've mainly been playing Pokemon White 2.

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puppy this whole section I don't have a favorite anything


Favourite Author: none

Favourite Book: I dunno, I don't read as much as I used to. I guess I enjoyed Catch 22.

Favourite Series: The only series I ever read was Eragon, and I didn't even finish it.

Favourite Poet: I don't got one.

Favourite Poem: Invictus! Read it.

Favourite Play: I've only seen two musicals I'm glad I've seen; monty python's the holy grail and the lion king.

Favourite Comic (incl. manga/webcomics/graphic novels): Well when you break it down like that, I don't have a favorite one of these either.


Favourite Live-Action Film: Shit man, If it wasn't "There Will be Blood" or "Inception," It'd probably be "The Vanishing." The 1993 American remake was the version I saw with Sandra Bullock, not the original. I didn't mind it as much as the critics did I guess, but I didn't see the original first so.

Favourite Director: Not sure I have one I guess. Chrisopher Nolan is the only name I can think of.

Favourite Animated Film: Jeez, lots of these come to mind. Redline and SkyCrawlers both instantly come to mind, but if there's anything I can confidently say has been a big influence on me, I'd say "Thief and the Cobbler." The Honest Recobbled Cut, not the version that was released in cereal boxes. A new version of the cut is coming out soon, with new material! Hurray!

Favourite Animated Series: Shit man I really have no idea. Berserk, whynot. I know I'm missing a lot by just giving that answer though.

Favourite Live-Action Series: The Office, or 30 Rock. I stopped watching both of those years ago, but I still laugh at them when they're on. Recently, however, I discovered FireFly thanks to xkcd. It's not bad!



Favourite Game: The games I've sunk the most time into are TF2, Runescape, and Super Smash Bros Melee. Outside of that, Probably Pikmin 2, LOZ: Windwaker, Dark Souls and so on and so forth.

Favourite Game Series: I follow Gears of War pretty religiously.

Favourite Game Studio/Developer: Ho man, I'm not picking.

Favourite Board/Card Game: Scrabble? If not like Mousetrap.


Favourite Colour: Brown!

Favourite City: Paris. I'm not much for cities, but Paris.

Favourite Country: the puppy kind of question is this oh is this LL's questions now


Favourite Drink: Milk or cold water go with everything. But if I'm indulging myself, Coca Cola.

Favourite Animal: Lol Bears. Or anything exotic that I look at and say to myself "Yeah, I wanna draw that."

Favourite Season: Autumn, or Winter.

Favourite Language: American

Favourite Clothes: Jeans and a Tshirt/Longsleeve shirt

Favourite Type of Holiday: The kind where I don't have to work and food is cooked for me.

Favourite Subject: Art

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Posted (edited)


Favourite Artist: Thom Yorke

Favourite Band: Radiohead

Favourite Song: White Town - Your Woman

Favourite Composer:N/A

Favourite Genre: N/A

Favourite Album Art: Nirvana - Nevermind


Favourite Author: N/A (But Oscar Wilde is a pretty cool guy)

Favourite Book: N/A

Favourite Series: N/A

Favourite Poet: N/A

Favourite Poem: N/A

Favourite Play: N/A

Favourite Comic (incl. manga/webcomics/graphic novels): Deadpool


Favourite Live-Action Film: The Pianist/I Am Legend

Favourite Director: N/A

Favourite Animated Film: The Iron Giant

Favourite Animated Series: Adventure Time/Regular Show/Futurama/Daria

Favourite Live-Action Series: The Walking Dead

Favourite MUSICAL: N/A


Favourite Game: Front Mission: Gun Hazard/Megaman X: Command Mission

Favourite Game Series: Megaman/Castlevania/Metroid

Favourite Game Studio/Developer: Valve

Favourite Board/Card Game: Yu-Gi-Oh!


Favourite Colour: Black/Red/White

Favourite City: N/A

Favourite Country: N/A

Favourite Food: Pizza/Sushi

Favourite Drink: Anything made out of fruit


Favourite Season: Winter

Favourite Language: English/French/German/Japanese

Favourite Clothes: Dress shirt/Jeans

Favourite Type of Holiday: Uh, Halloween?

Favourite Subject: N/A

Edited by GabeCello (see edit history)
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Music: so it's really hard to pick amongst my musics so I'll go with the ones I respect/listen to the most

Favourite Artist: Thomas Bangalter, Dave Armstrong

Favourite Band: Daft Punk

Favourite Song: Love Has Gone

Favourite Composer: Thomas Bangalter?

Favourite Genre: French/Disco/Filter House


Favourite Book: I have started to enjoy my study books more than other fiction books


Favourite Animated Series: The Tatami Galaxy, Neon Genesis Evangelion


Favourite Game: Many of the Zelda titles encapsulate my favorite games in terms of a lot of areas, like gameplay, story, feel, etc.

Favourite Game Series: The Legend of Zelda, obvs.

Favourite Board/Card Game: I really enjoy a good game of Quelf.


Favourite Colour: Green.

Favourite Country: As far as countries I've been to go, the US has the best living conditions.

Favourite Season: The transition between spring and summer, and between summer and autumn. For a brief time, the perfect weather brews.

Favourite Language: Out of the ones I've spoken and learned, so far Japanese seems the most structural and interesting, I think. Though I do think that French sounds nice.

Favourite Clothes: I pretty much cycle through a few shirts and jeans. I want to get more clothing, but I don't have money. I think they're mostly stylish.

Favourite Type of Holiday: Ones in which my friends and I can have fun together. Though I like to treat every day like a holiday.

Favourite Subject: Programming. Something involving computer science. I want to learn much more about it.

*Last Album You Listened To: Mylo - Destroy Rock and Roll

*Last Book You Read: school

*Last Movie You Saw: Jin-Roh

*Last Game You Played: mFufni's Adventure beta... if it counts...

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oh gawd. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Favourite Artist:

Favourite Band: (see below) but even so, ive got a soft spot for the killers, panic! at the disco, a smattering of Lady Gaga, and, uh....dir en grey? oh, and Luna Sea.

Favourite Song: Whatever im looping continuously that week.

Favourite Composer:

Favourite Genre: based on my playlists and listens......anime themes. and vocaloid songs, mostly covers. somehow, synthetic voices spawn a new sort of background sound/tempo.

Favourite Album Art: Asian Kung-fu Generation's stuff



Favourite Author: I forget names too easily for this.

Favourite Book: Oryx and Crake, maybe? its not that i like it so much as it just straight-up haunts me. like the Pendragon book that took a shot at walmart. that haunts me too.

Favourite Series: Probably a toss-up between the Pendragon series, and the Percy Jackson series.

Favourite Poet: not into poetry. maybe some good limericks, though.

Favourite Poem:

Favourite Play: ive red some, but im not horribly into anything? shakespeare's ok with me though. ive gone and forgotten most of what ive read, though, im sure.

Favourite Comic (incl. manga/webcomics/graphic novels): Grey is... i probably the one i root for most. after that....ive read way too much manga. like songs, what i like seems to change based on what ive been reading. Ookiku Furikabutte is solid for me though. and Rave Master. i cried a lot during Rave Master.


Favourite Live-Action Film:

Favourite Director Studio: Anyone that makes eyecrack. Gainax, Madhouse....otherwise, it comes down to plot.

Favourite Animated Film: ill let you know when i remember what ive even watched, and what i remember about it.

Favourite Animated Series: earghhhh.... its a close call between Ookiku Furikabutte again, MM!, or korezon, all for different reasons. due to the deviation of 2 and 3, though, id tell the average shmoe that its Oofuri.

Favourite Live-Action Series: Heroes, or Kamen Rider: Kiva. also Grimm. i also like castle and the mentalist. In the middle is alright, though i see it as almost the same thing as malcolm in the middle, which i also watched when it was on. modern family, too.

Favourite MUSICAL: no.


Favourite Game: Devil Survivor 2 or Kid Icarus: Uprising. also 999, Megaman NT warrior (GBA) and The World ends With You.

Favourite Game Series: Zelda, Fire Emblem.

Favourite Game Studio/Developer: based on games made that i liked/games made total, probably Shin Megami Tensei.

Favourite Board/Card Game: Old Maid.


Favourite Colour: Red

Favourite City: Tokyo (Shibuya) I love big cities in general, but somethings different about streets/signs in japan. cant quite put my finger on it.

Favourite Country: Americas got its good points, but so does Japan. though if it came down to it, id probably live here, and vacation there.

Favourite Food: raw fish, squid, octopus, crab, steak, bacon, and uhhhhhhhhhhh sweets.

Favourite Drink: milk, or mint tea, with milk in it. blueberry juice is good, too.

Favourite Animal: cat. the more toes the better.

Favourite Season: spring. its when my virthday is, and when winter bloody ends

Favourite Language: Japanese. for all the pain i have speaking in my second language, their letters are cooler, and its p melodic. strangely enough, my favorite accent is indian.

Favourite Clothes: comfortable ones. Tripp pants, especially. and jeans.

Favourite Type of Holiday: whatever will get me a long time off. so.....summer.

Favourite Subject: lunch. jk. years ago, i would have said math or science....genetics is a fun subject for me, though as far as classes that im in, id have to go with computer science. i like coding ;u;

other, for your reading pain:

slai kilo kame pugni doc ahtse nodt nt' icadee rehp. toeht oreh wsien tir evnet lacitr ohtyl hgu, idna 'nevah rugift uode oht ebotw pytts otie tu.

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indeed. my mom orders it online, in giant cases of it, to save on shipping. even comes in tiny glass bottles.

and i keep reading over everyone elses, and going "sjdbf,aj awebgol HOW COULD I FORGET TO LIST THAT?!"

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I am totally going to forget to list a whole bunch of things. :)


Favourite Artist: Geez, I really cant decide. Maybe Kashiwa Daisuke, but he sort of falls under composer. Blue Sky Black Death or Massive Attack are also great. I listen to a lot of Daft Punk, Knife Party, Deadmau5, The Glitch Mob, Paramore, Radiohead, Trentemoller, Ratatat, Animal Collective, Lady Gaga, and a whooooole lotta Girl's Generation.

Favourite Band: Tegan and Sara - One of the few bands where I like literally every song.

Favourite Song: Tegan and Sara - Nineteen

Most Meaningful Song: A long time ago I started to listen to this song whenever I felt sad, and now I cant hear it without crying.

Favourite Composer: Brian Transeau (BT) - Not exactly a classical composer but I would still call him one.

Favourite Genre: Probably anything electronic (techno, DnB, house, dance, dubstep, etc) as my #1 , but I also listen to a lot of indie pop/rock, hip-hop/trip-hop, industrial, and pop, rock, metal, etc etc. Really a little of everything.

Favourite Album Art: she - Coloris



Favourite Author: George R.R. Martin

Favourite Book: Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein or Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace (Basically written just to troll the reader, one of the longest books ever written, ridiculously complicated syntax, and its built so you have to read it at least twice to understand it at all.)

Favourite Series: A Song of Ice and Fire

Favourite Poet: H.P. Lovecraft

Favourite Poem: All the World's a Stage by William Shakespeare or When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer by Walt Whitman

Favourite Play Opera: Aida by Verdi (My parents were opera singers when I was growing up and yes that is my dad singing). Faust is also great.

Favourite Comic (incl. manga/webcomics/graphic novels): Questionable Content or XKCD for webcomic. OGLAF is good too but i wish it had a more continuous story. I dont really read much manga.


Favourite Live-Action Film: Well, Boys Dont Cry gets my vote for saddest film of all time, but The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 version) has to be my favorite.

Favourite Director:

Favourite Animated Film: My Neighbor Totoro

Favourite Animated Series: Adventure Time foreverrrrrrr

Favourite Anime: Steins;Gate is definitely #1, also Eureka Seven, Bakemonogatari, Durarara!!, and I'm a sucker for K-On!

Favourite Live-Action Series: Nothing can really beat Breaking Bad, but Dexter was great as well. Honorable mention goes to my obsession over The L Word.

Favourite MUSICAL:


Favourite Game: This one is really tough. Going by hours played it would be WoW, then LoL, then SC2, but the obsesson with Garry's Mod I had when I was a kid has to put it at #1, even though I haven't played it in years. As far as games that actually have a story, probably Bioshock, Twilight Princess, or Psychonauts.

Favourite Game Series: The only series I can really think of is Half-Life.

Favourite Game Studio/Developer: Valve or Riot

Favourite Board/Card Game: D&D after this week :)


Favourite Colour: Purple and sometimes Green

Favourite City: Probably San Fransisco

Favourite Country: Hmm, maybe Japan, but if it was someplace I was going to live it'd be either Australia (the people are so nice) or Sweden.

Favourite Food: A good filet or some Sushi. Gyros are probably my absolute favorite though. I really love cooking.

Favourite Drink: Pomegranate Juice. I could drink that stuff by the gallon (and I have, though I think it was actually pomegranate blueberry lemonade). I love tea. I am a recovering mountain dew addict.

Favourite Animal: Dolphins are cool I guess. I want to like cats but I'm allergic.

Favourite Season: Winter, I really cant take heat, and it just makes me happy for some reason.

Favourite Language: Its gotta be Japanese. English wins for usefulness and depth of meaning though.

Favourite Clothes: I this pink and black plaid collared shirt that I just love so much.

Favourite Type of Holiday: Christmas I guess, despite the religious connotations, I like seeing everyone happy and giving.

Favourite Subject: Definitely Computer Science, its my major after all.

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So much Code red.

No one will get this because they're all dicks that don't watch a webseries called "WHOOKOS"(We Have Our Own Kind Of Smart)


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I haven't had a mountain dew since last spring, I replaced it with sprite and tea mostly; I guess that's marginally better. After a while you just get a tolerance and then Code Red just doesn't even taste like anything anymore.

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You know she is coming out with a new EP? Digital Girl, I think. I messaged him about it but I still don't have a response, lol.

Also, I think Dr. Pepper is the soda to taste like nothing the fastest. Probably because it's just a mashup of a bunch of different flavors. Whatever they could throw in, I assume. 23 flavors, and I can't taste one.

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