Adventure in Skyloft

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"But there's still one thing left to do..." I say, feeling the lull settle over the air.

"What are you talking about?" Link asks.

"Zurin..." I remind him, gesturing over to where Zurin lies on the blankets behind us, still motionless. I feel a little guilty for forgetting about him for a moment there, but I was too happy wrapped up in that moment...

So I fill Link in on everything that the old lady told me, and by the end, he's grinning. "So we can make this ok?" he asks. I nod, and he turns, making his way over to the Master Sword, still lying where he discarded it.

He hands it to Zelda, who looks a little doubtful about holding such a large and powerful sword in her grip, but she persists regardless.

"Ok..." she says quietly. "So Pipit, Karane, Emzy... if you would..." she holds the blade up in the air in front of them, and they all rest their hands on the blade of sword.

Slowly, but surely, we all watch in stunned silence as the golden glittering energy transfers from their fingertips into the blade of the sword, which is now imbued with this shimmering golden light.

She confidently strides over to Zurin, sword extended out in front of her. She closes her eyes, uttering some kind of prayer to the goddess as she presses the tip on the sword into the palm of his hand. We all watch in silence as the golden energy transfers, holding our breaths.

Edited by NayruGoddessOfWisdom (see edit history)

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Coming back to life is the most bizarre thing Zurin has ever felt. He couldn't remember a thing after sacrificing himself earlier, as if the world had been around him and he was oblivious to all of it, but nonetheless an awareness of the world slowly came to him until he noticed his eyes were closed. He slowly opened them, appreciating the ability to see once more without Demise's magic controlling them. When the faces of his friends peered into view, his appreciation must have tripled and a smile broke out on his face.


"Ah, that was the most unusual experience I've had in a while." He muttered as he sat upright. "...I'll refrain trying that again." Everyone else laughed and shared an emotional reunion with him, introducing Zelda along the way. In his own opinion, she was exactly like he thought a reincarnated goddess would be, with such a graceful appearance and aura of serenity.


It quickly came to everyone's attention during the reunion that the old lady had slipped away at some point. "She went back to her own time, I believe." Impa explained. "You'll get to thank her when you return." "Speaking of which, I guess we should get going soon." Groose added. "What do you guys think?"

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"That would be great," Link smiles. But suddenly, a purple light orb emerges from his sword. Fi.

"Hylia, Your Grace... Or perhaps you prefer 'Zelda'. It pleases me to know you are safe." she says in her robotic voice."Master, I must speak with you." 

Link nods, and he follows Fi towards the pedestal of the Master Sword.

"What's going on?" Emzy whispers, but Callia gestures her to stay quiet so we can hear what Fi's saying.

"Master Link, you have successfully protected the goddess reborn and defeated Demise, fulfilling your role as the hero of legend."

It still sounds so weird to me, Link, as the hero of legend from the stories we used to hear as a child.

"My purpose here is complete."

Oh. He has to say goodbye to her. I think that's going to be hard, regardless if she was annoying, but for a large part of his adventure, she was his only companion...

"Drive the sword into the pedestal before you, and I will return to the sword to enter a sleep without end."

"No! Fi, can't you just come with us?" Link says, surprised by Fi's command.

"Master, you have achieved the purpose you were chosen to fulfill. Please, set the sword in the pedestal and bring the goddess's mission to an end. Now, Master. It is time to conclude our necessary companionship."

She goes back into his sword and Link turns around. 

Zelda slowely steps forward. She nods. She must now how hard this is for Link, Fi was her, or Hylia's, creation after all.

Link nods back, and takes out his sword. He sighs, and drives it back into the pedestal. A small circle of light surrounds it, and the sword shines a bright purple glow.

Edited by Franne (see edit history)

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((Oh, Nayru I forgot to mention how neat that stuff was you came up with on the soul and how it works in the Zelda Universe, about 7 posts up from this one. Nice job! :D ))





Everyone turns to face the resting Master Sword one last time, from where Fi's voice emanates. "My Purpose was to obey the command of the goddess and lead you, the chosen hero of this land, on your quest. When I first awoke and began this quest, I merely perceived it as serving my function. However, I now consider the data I have on this adventure, with all of you, to be the most precious I have. I do not have the capability to fully understand the human spirit, But as I leave everyone here behind, I experience a feeling I cannot identify."


Zurin truly felt a little sorry for the spirit. It must have been like Ghirahim all this time, an incomplete individual that felt the insatiable urge to fill its void, albeit in a more humble and compassionate way in Fi's case. "I lack sufficient data to be sure of my conclusion, but I believe this feeling is what you and your friends would call... happiness." She continued. "Our partnership is at an end, and I can feel my consciousness fading away. Before I enter the sleep that calls me into the sword, I wish to relay words I have recorded many times on this journey to everyone here..."


"...Thank you." And with that, the voice faded away forever.

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He makes his way down the stairs, a slight tear in his eye. "Ok..." he says, looking around at us all. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yeah," I say, smiling. "It's time to bring Zelda back home."

"Impa?" Zelda asks, turning to her. "Are you coming?"

Softly, she shakes her head.

"What? Impa, why? Come with us!" Zelda cries.

She offers Zelda a kind smile. "Zelda, Your Grace, you possess the memories of the goddess. You must understand why that is not possible. I am being of this age. My place is here."

Zelda steps forward, crestfallen. "I... I know that, but..."

Impa closes her eyes softly, turning to look at the Gate of Time. "You must return to your own time. I will take care of the gate once you have passed through."

Zelda rushes forward to Impa. "I... can't do that.You and I have been through so much together. I don't want to leave you alone. Please, Impa," she says desperately. "Come back with us."

Impa places a hand on her shoulder. "Zelda, at the command of the goddess, I passed through the Gate of Time. I did so to protect you and aid the fight to prevent the worlds destruction. The last remnants of Demise are decaying slowly within the sword. Someone must stay behind to watch over this blade. His spirit must not reawaken. He must never be allowed to threaten the world again. This is the nature of the task given to my tribe."

I frown. Her tribe?

She continues. "As a member of the Sheikah, the goddess' chosen guardians, I gladly welcome this duty. Zelda, I shall watch over the Triforce. It's power is too great to leave in the grasp of man. Dependance on his might is an invitation to disaster. When it has served it's purpose, it must be secreted away to lay dormant once again... the knowledge of it's existence hidden away from mortal memory. These are the words the goddess spoke to me long ago. I remember them well. As you you, I'm sure."

Zelda reaches down, taking off one of her beautiful lilac bracelets and handing it to Zelda.

Impa smiles. "Do not despair, Zelda. You and I will surely meet again someday."

And with that, Impa turns, opening the Gate of Time.

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We all say goodbye to her and walk through the gate. But the moment we're all back into the present, the gate starts to dissolve into golden light, revealing the old lady standing behind it. 

We all run up to her, Groose in front. He gives her a hug and starts to tell all about how Link did it and that he's so happy.

That's when I realise Zelda's still standing where the gate of time stood. 

I follow her gaze and that's when I notice it too, together with Callia. 

The old lady is wearing a beatiful lilac bracelet.

Zelda walks over to her and takes her hand. 

"... See? I told you we'd meet again," Impa smiles.

Zelda smiles back, but that quickly becomes a gasp. Impa has started to dissolve in light just like the gate did.

It's only a matter of seconds before she's gone.

The lilac bracelet falls on the ground, and Zelda still stands there, her hands reached out to nothing.

"Impa... Thank you... Thank you for everything..." she whispers, and tears roll down her cheek. 

Next to me Groose fall to his knees and sobs softly. He was with her al this time. Emzy places her hand on his shoulder and I do the same, squeezing it softly.

"It's going to be ok," I whisper to him.

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Everyone walks out of the temple to find a small welcoming party of humans Zurin does not know. One is rather large and old; he figured this was the headmaster his friends had mentioned on occasion. The other two must have been students, and accomplices of Groose considering their reaction to him. The two students didn't pay him any mind, while the headmaster gave him a quick look before Zelda stole his attention with a long embrace. "It is so good to see you again, my daughter." he said with a great smile and watery eyes; Zelda could only cry from her sheer joy. "And of course," the headmaster continued, parting with Zelda, "I owe so much to all of you... though it seems I have yet to be acquainted with someone." he said, turning his gaze back to Zurin. 


"Ah, well..." Zurin replied, faltering a bit. "My name is Zurin, a surface dweller and friend of your students here. We've helped each other quite a bit on this quest." Everyone else smiles and nods in agreement, eager to gloss over him being a demon, and the headmaster either goes with the lie or remains oblivious, pleasantly introducing himself as Headmaster Gaebora. "Speaking of which, what's the plan now, guys?" Emzy pipes up. It seemed nobody else including himself had realized the end of the journey meant, possibly, goodbye. 


Suddenly, Gaebora drew everyone's attention. "I had been thinking of that. With the discovery of this surface world, it is possible that some of you would be interested in staying here and doing as you please." He eyed Zelda at this moment, as it was clear to everyone she would want to stay below with Link. "In light of this, I will consider you all for an early graduation of sorts, if you wish to pursue it and can prove yourselves to me."

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(( *whispers* it's Gaepora not Gaebora... ))


I narrow my eyes. "You want us to prove ourselves to you? Sir, we defeated the evil presence threatening the surface? Surely that's enough!"

He smiles, looking rather proud. "Come with me, you'll see what I mean."

He looks upwards, letting out a loud whistle. Suddenly, a flock of multiple loftwings come fluttering down to the surface in a flurry of brightly coloured feathers. Mine lands just a few feet away, stepping closer and softly nudging me with her beak.

"How did they come through the cloud barrier?" Link asks, looking at the headmaster in confusion.

"I'd assume," Gaepora replies "That now the evil presence has vanished from the Surface, the birds no longer fear coming through the cloud barrier."

I grin, clambering aboard my bird. It feels good to rest my hands on her strong figure once again, feeling her warmth radiate through her feathers.

"Could I possibly get a lift from anyone?" Zurin asks, looking around him.

I grin, offering a hand. "Sure." I pull him up onto my bird, and he sits behind me, smiling.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this," he mumbles.

And with that, we all take off, pulling back upwards towards the Sky.

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((Oh whoops, forgot about that :P ))


As Skyloft comes into view, Zurin becomes a bit anxious given that it's the middle of day and people will see him the moment they land. But something isn't right; why are there so many people congregated at the center of town? When everyone touches down and makes toward the gathering, praise and applause immediately burst out for the group. They don't even seem to mind that Zurin is there, and even take a moment to thank him individually along with the rest of Skyloft's heroes. Even Batreaux is walking among the residents without a care, so what in the world is going on?


"This is the challenge I mentioned. Not really a test in any sense of the word, I admit," Gaepora announced to the group, "But I thought it necessary for everyone to come here and be recognized by the city. Especially you, Zurin, former Demon Lord and friend of Skyloft." Everyone in the group is dumbfounded by the headmaster's knowledge about their demon friend, but he only continues to smile in response. "Don't be afraid, I only know because of the graduate knights who spotted you while on patrol. We deduced that you and Batreaux here are kind to humans, and everyone here would like to extend that kindness. From this day onward, both of you shall be allowed to live in Skyloft as full citizens!"


The words left Batreaux and Zurin speechless. Both of them had certainly wanted this a lot, but ever since visiting in secret a few days ago, he'd known that Skyloft was the place he dreamed of living. "I would be... so very honored. From the bottom of my heart, thank you citizens of Skyloft!" Zurin proclaimed to the entire city. With Ghirahim destroyed, Demise gone, and a new place to call home, everything was settled at last. This would be the beginning of an age of peace for Zurin of Skyloft.


((aaaaaaand that's a wrap for my character I think. You guys are free to mention him in your posts of course but I don't plan to write anymore posts in here about Zurin. Thank you so much guys, it's been a wonderful experience :D ))

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((Awwww we'll miss you! :) But I don't think we're done yet ;) you can always join us in a new adventure on the surface with a new OC :) Oh yeah, do you want to say something about your experience with this RP? I'm planning on putting it in the fanfic :) you can send it on here or on fanfiction, my username is Franne :) Thanks for the lovely experience and story! :) )


I smile and pat Zurin on his back. He earned it. 

"And tonight, we will hold a big feast to celebrate our hero's and their official graduation," Gaepora smiles. 

Everyone cheers and claps for us, and I show them the biggest smile I got. I'm just so happy. 

This adventure has been an emotional one for everyone. So much happened! Callia and Fledge got together, Pipit and Karane got together, Zelda and Link are kind of together, I can't believe he still hasn't made a move towards her. We were happy, tired, sad, hurt, angry and euphoric. We did something not many people will ever get the chance to do in their lives. We learned so much from this experience. I learned that I needed to grow up, and that love can be painful, but also that if you have friends, it doesn't really matter that much. I learned that sometimes, life doesn't go the way you want it to. And that you have to accept that. We will have nightmares about the giant evil creatures, demons and Demise. But we will have amazing dreams about the things we did together, the enemies we defeated and the beautiful areas we have seen.

I smile to my friends, and take Emzy and Callia's hands. 

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(( I think that pretty much sums it up! This RP has been loads of fun guys... thanks for everything! xxx ))

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((Something on my experience? I'd say this has been the most enjoyable first experience in an RP that I could have hoped for. Writing up a character and story with you guys has been great!))

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Skyloft, with the threat of Demise finally behind them, slowed down their hustle and bustle that had built ever since the disaster following the wing ceremony. It was as if the entire island in the sky slowly exhaled in relief. The foolish young adults retired to their homes to rest and relax, foolishly assuming their trials and tribulations had finally coming to an end, making the one mistake no adventurer should ever make; Letting their guards down.

name: N/A
age: 8 years
race: Velociraptor
hair / eye color: N/A, Red
outfit: Nude
short personality discription: A lethal hunting/killing machine native to Hyrule, who, unbenkownst to the trio, had followed them back to skyloft from the surface with one purpose: to kill.

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name: Pheonix561

age: I forgot again

race: White

hair/eye color: brown or something/hell if I know

Outfit: bear suit

Short Personality Description: A guy living in Skyloft who wants to be king. Nobody knows why and just plays along with his delusions of power.


It's another fine day in Skyloft for Pheo, who just spotted a few his subjects and is walking up to them. "Hey guys whats upEAKWEHRAKLGFLJSGSD" Suddenly a velociraptor jumps out of the bushes and gobbles him up. Poisoned by the king's tainted meat, the beast becomes disoriented and falls off the edge of Skyloft. Nobody ever mentioned Pheo or the Velociraptor again.



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name: Velociraptor Ghost

age: four minutes

race: spirit/spectre

hair/eye color: n/a

Outfit: n/a

Short Personality Description: A lethal hunting/killing machine who has shed his physical form in order to hunt and kill more efficiently, without the risk of death or the inconvenience of walls and doors and swords that prey hide behind

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