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Valentine's Day!

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Hi everybody! Happy Valentine's Day!!
I just wanted to talk a little bit about what we as a community mean to me. Sometimes we disagree, but that's going to happen no matter what! On the other hand, the good things we share aren't guaranteed, so we sure are lucky to have them. :)
Some of us have been here for a while, and that's just swell. I was actually talking to somebody about this earlier, but it's been great to grow up with you all! I don't know what I'd be like without these last six years, the good and the bad (but mostly good!!). You've collectively been here as a community I could fall back on even when life got tough and I didn't feel loved enough out there in the real world. It's let me realize that you guys are part of my real world!!
I'm so thankful we live in a time when you can just turn on a computer and instantly connect to someone across the planet. Really, it's such an amazing thing that I've gotten to know so many wonderful people from the all over the country and the world! I just wanted everyone to know how much I genuinely love them: the old, the new, and those we don't see too much of anymore.
Because Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about making a card for someone you hold hands with in a park; it can be about making a post on a forum for people you've never actually met who are equally as important to you. I hope we stay friends forever.
So happy Valentine's Day, Hnet :)

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You took on this jokingly overzealous forum persona just so you could get away with being really sentimental, didn't you?
I'm too tsundere for this shit.
Happy fagentines gay.
Ganny and pheonix561 like this

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