The Scoundrels of Virtue

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"And how do you suppose we find him?" Maia asked Endel.

"She's right, I mean, it's great that he saved you but he lives beneath the castle..." Torianna said.

"We'll see about that when we get there", Endel said. 

Maia gave him a tiny smile. He seemed so eager about this. "I'd like to meet the man that saved your life, Endel."

"Thank you", Endel said and he gave her a kiss on her forehead. 

Torianna didn't say anything about this, but Maia saw that she was talking to Lorcan softly.

"We should get ready", Maia said.

Endel nodded, watching the two as well. "Yeah."

"We'll be there soon", Torianna replied.

"Okay", Maia replied and she and Endel went to get their stuff.

"Do you think Lorcan will be alright?" he asked her. 

"I don't know.. I guess that only time will tell..."

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Lorcan, who was keen to exercise his injured arms, took the reigns with Endel while the girls made for the carriage. They set off at a quick pace, trundling contentedly along the paths back to Castle Town. This was the first time they'd returned to Castle Town since the collapse of the Scoundrel's base and the kidnapping of the princess. Maia seemed keen to see how her home was.

"Aren't you even a little curious?" she asked Torianna.

The thief shrugged. "I guess. There's just too much temptation there."

Maia frowned. "How do you mean?"

"I mean..." Torianna faltered. She wasn't exactly sure how to phrase it. "There's too many people I used to know, too many buildings that I've robbed, too many purses that I've pinched. Heck, I don't think there's a street in that city that I haven't sneaked through. It's just full of ghosts, y'know?"

Maia seemed to understand, giving the thief a slow and careful nod. "I guess that makes sense..." she watched her for a few moments more, her grey eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Torianna sighed. "You're pondering something. Come on, spit it out!"

Maia hesitated a few moments more, before finally swallowing her nerves and resting her delicate elbows on her knees. "What's going on with you and Lorcan?"

The question caught Torianna by surprise. She hadn't been expecting something so loaded. She pressed her hands together, letting them rest between her knees as she summoned the only words that seemed to make sense.

"You know how I am..."

Maia shook her head slowly in response. "Two weeks ago... yes. But I'm not so sure any more."

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Endel and Lorcan had their typical silent drive for a couple minutes before more talkative of the two decided to put his concerns out in the open. "So, how are you feeling? If you're less than a hundred percent in any way you can tell me." Lorcan gave a warm smile and waved his hand to dismiss his concern. Truth be told, the quiet guardsman was exceptionally cheery looking. "Ohhh, Torianna's affection has you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside." Endel teased, to which his companion faintly smiled and tried to hide the truth my shaking his head vigorously. Endel's worries about his  friend seemed pretty unfounded, so he relaxed considerably and the two had light exchanges of words and miming for the rest of the trip.




Eventually they reached the city gates for the first time in forever, and a strange feeling crept up into Endel. He realized there was no base to report to, and no friends waiting for him in a place he could call home. The world outside felt more inviting than it used to; a return to Castle Town felt like a regression somehow. Or maybe it was just a final visit to wrap things up and then never look back? He was certain, at least, that he wasn't the only one who felt this way. Torianna and Lorcan were just as anxious about their future after their final missions were over, and the former was showing serious signs of contemplating it this morning. But for now, he and the rest of them needed to wear a brave face and just let the Goddesses lead them in whatever direction was best. That was the nice thing about buying into destiny; it really took a lot of weight for pushing an agenda off his shoulders, in a way.


At any rate, they'd arrived at the stable, and so Endel hopped off the carriage and prepared to brief everyone. "First thing's first, let's take a moment to split up and check the place. I want all of you to watch your backs like you're afraid of your own shadow. Maia, go to the Castle. Torianna, search the west side of town. Lorcan, stay here in the south. I'll head for the east. Meet back at the castle courtyard in an hour and we'll report on the status of the town. See you guys later!"

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Lorcan wandered aimlessly southwards, trying to find somewhere to start his check-up on the town. After his imprisonment, the amount of noise came as somewhat of a surprise to him and he quickly found himself with a growing headache. Being here in the crowded city did make him miss the tranquility of the forest more - there were people there too of course, but they were far less... concentrated. 

He wondered about his home, about the others and their homes. His thoughts turned to Torianna, and her lack of a home. There was no way she would go back to her father, and by extension she didn't have the network behind her anymore. Where would she decide to go after all of this was over?

Lorcan pushed the door of a small inn open, stepping inside carefully. The keeper glanced up and spotted Lorcan, smoothing her apron and offering him a friendly smile. Lorcan made his way over to the bar, occupied by one or two people sitting at ale, and fumbled about for some paper. 

The innkeeper watched with slight amusement as Lorcan scribbled the word 'water' down before holding it up with a smile. 

"Water, is that all?" she asked. Lorcan nodded. "Alright then, you take a seat there and rest; you look exhausted. You're lucky too, the water supply was in a bad shape until just now! Thankfully those Zoras saved our skins!"

Lorcan mentally checked off that information, relieved to hear the town's water was safe once more. 

"Hey, Lorcan, is that you?" a voice to the left of Lorcan came suddenly. The knight jumped, turning to face the other man. Was that..?

"Don't tell me you've forgotten old Nathaniel!" the man exclaimed, and Lorcan grinned. It was indeed Nathaniel, the oldest member of the forests' tiny community. Lorcan had known him for as long as he could remember, the old man who always had some story to tell or opinion to give. 

He shook Lorcan's hand firmly, his white wisps of hair sticking out in every direction as he shook with laughter. "Still not a word, eh? You haven't changed at all, boy!"

Lorcan smiled, a hint of red tainting his cheeks. Nathaniel hadn't changed either, then. 

"Everyone's always missing you, you know!" he remarked. "You should come back for a visit sometime when you're not protecting us all from some sorta danger!"

Lorcan nodded, grinning delightedly. He'd definitely be paying a visit, that they didn't have to worry about.

"I suppose you've got some business to be going about, though, so you drink up and get cracking at an egg, Lorcan!"

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Torianna stood with crossed arms, her back pressed against the outer wall of a small shop that sold preserves in glass jars. She watched a pair of young teenage boys scrapping in the shadow of an old play park as she pondered Endel's parting words.

"I want all of you to watch your backs like you're afraid of your own shadow."

It was a curious expression if Torianna ever heard one, and it hit a little too close to home for her liking. Fear of one's own shadow was something Torianna knew like the back of her hand. Sometimes, when it was particularly still at night she could still remember how it felt when her childish imagination invented shadow dwelling monsters, waiting to feast the moment she closed her eyes. Idiotic over-active childhood imagination. Now, she knew better. She supposed she should thank her father for that much, at least.

With Endel's words in mind, Torianna glanced back over her shoulder. A couple of wealthy citizens were just making their way out of the shop, carrying a straw bag filled with jarred preserves. The temptation was too much as they passed her by. She slipped her fingers into one of the pockets and withdrew a glimmering coin. It was a petty steal, but she'd been craving that simple rush for a long time. It made her feel a little more human as she tossed the bright coin off her thumb.

Many things had changed about Torianna since the day Lorcan had caught her red-handed in the weapons store. She'd learned a few lessons in morality from Endel, Maia had changed the way she viewed weakness, and Lorcan had brought out her sentimental side. But something in her gut, a most primal part of her, still loved thieving, even just for the rush of it.

And that was something that she knew she could never change. It was hard wired into her psychosis.

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The streets of Eastern Castle Town were still mostly roped off around the crumbling and destroyed pitfalls where Kazdan had wreaked havoc. Even so, the place felt like a graveyard to Endel now; he'd never had the stomach to ask Ashei how many people had died in the fighting. The official death count would probably just make him sick, and getting angry wouldn't bring back any of his friends. Skallin was gone for good no matter how much he wanted otherwise. Endel peered over into the ruined pit that had once been the site of Kazdan's demise. "I don't know if you can hear me, Skallin," he called down into the ruin, "but I wanted you to know everyone's doing okay now. We're all working hard to save Hyrule... to help all those people you died for... so wherever you are, I hope you can rest easy." His vision blurred with tears as he backed away from the chasm. After taking a moment to regain his composure, he left the ruins behind to return to his mission.


Heading straight for Hyrule Castle, Endel was unsurprised to find Lorcan and Torianna had finished ahead of him. "I guess Maia is still busy at the castle. Did you guys find anything?" he asked. Lorcan made a gesture of drinking and then a thumbs-up, which Endel concluded was a sign people were able to drink the water again. Torianna gave a halfhearted nod and looked away, which Endel thought was unusual.

"Something the matter, Torianna?" he asked.

"Nothing really, just thinking about stuff." she replied nonchalantly.

Endel decided not to press her about it in public. "Maia should be coming back soon enough. I remember how to get back to The Advisor now; there's a hidden tunnel beneath the far end of the courtyard. It leads straight to a hidden graveyard, which is where he lives I guess. It's kind of weird, but this trip will definitely pay off, I can feel it." The others seemed to buy into his unflinching optimism now, and the excitement chased off Endel's remaining melancholy from earlier. Things seemed to be slowly turning back in their favor.

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Lorcan glanced to Torianna warily, noting along with Endel how unusually quiet she was. He nudged her softly, throwing a questioning look in her direction. Torianna smiled back, if a little half-heartedly.

"What's wrong, nature boy?" she asked in her familiar tone, softer still. "I'm fine, anyways, relax."

Lorcan watched her for a second, frowning, before deciding it was probably better to let it lie for now.

After a few moments, Maia left the castle with a smile on her pale face, no doubt feeling good after seeing the Princess in her old home again. 

"The Princess is safe and sound, thankfully," Maia reported cheerily. "And I've been given permission to get our group into your Advisor's hideout through the courtyard, Endel!"

"That's wonderful news," Endel replied with a grin. "Let's waste no time, then!"

They followed Endel through the main entrance of the castle, into the courtyard gleaming under the sun. Endel took to the head of their small group, and their trek to this elusive Advisor began.

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Torianna wasn't exactly instilled with reassurance by what Endel had told the group of the advisor. An elderly figure who lurked to protect the graves of the deceased royal family? He sounded like a creep, and an obsessed and crazed one at that! Still, Endel swore by this man, and Torianna knew the boy had good judgement...

He led them away from the main courtyard to a smaller side path just to the eastern side of Hyrule castle. He busied himself, probing about the floor, apparently searching for something, whilst the others exchanged weary glances. Within a few minutes, Endel revealed what appeared to be a square of metal, perhaps a trap door...

"This is it," he said, grinning. Torianna studied his facial expression, the excitement as he glanced between his comrades. It was clear he was keen to share what he'd found. Moments later, he pulled the trapdoor away with ease, revealing an inky black drop beneath the ground. Torianna frowned, glancing over the edge.

"That doesn't look particularly encouraging..." Maia said carefully.

Endel knelt down by the edge of the hole. "I know..." he muttered. "But it's not far to drop - I swear! Then there's this stupendously long set of stairs... look, I'll show you!" Before anyone could protest, Endel gripped the edge of the hole and swung himself down into the blackness below. Maia gasped, but it dissipated into a nervous laugh as Endel landed safely on the ground.

Torianna grinned. Pitch black secret tunnels? This was more up her street!

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The four of them descended into the darkness and followed the surprisingly clean-cut spiral staircase down into the depths of the castle. The others were looking a bit anxious about descending this far into the earth, and after three solid minutes of following the stone steps Endel started encouraging them with stories again. "It's a really dry place, not what you'd expect this far underneath Lanayru Province." he explained. It was probably the reason people had been buried here, the thought; drier conditions preserve bodies and their possessions a bit better than damp dirt. His bow was a perfect testament, and when he voiced his ideas to the others they seemed to agree that it was logical.

"I just hope he doesn't mind surprise visits." Torianna jokes nervously.


Soon enough, they encountered the long, straight tunnel that Endel had fallen into. About two thirds of the way he pointed out the hole in the ceiling he'd fallen through, and how The Advisor apparently installed nets and fall-breaking constructs to slow anyone plummeting through these shafts. "Admittedly it's one of the things I still don't get about that guy... how would he have thought to do that, much less build them on his own?" He wondered aloud.

"I was merely acting on my intuition, to be honest." A familiar voice said a ways off. All of them nearly jumped out of their skin, but Endel came to his senses faster. "I'm guessing you remember me?" he called back.


The enigmatic Advisor came into view almost in the blink of an eye. Just as before, he appeared in a patchwork of faded robes that covered almost all of his incredibly pale skin. "Ah, you've brought your friends this time." He said; Endel thought the man was very happy to meet them even though only his nose was visible beneath his hood and scarf. "I am always eager to entertain guests, they are a wonderful interruption to the monotony of solitude. Please, follow me and we can discuss what brings you here." He gestured at them to follow and led everyone to the graveyard, then to the far end of that where a small, dimly lit hut was tucked in a corner. "Please, do come in and make yourselves at home." He opened the door and they all wandered in, with everyone but Endel shocked into silence by how surreal the experience was.


The inside of the hut was spacious enough to hold a moderate table and bed. The walls were covered in hanging fabric and tapestries of all colors, bearing emblems that vaguely resembled the Crest of the Royal Family, but only had the Red Bird on them and no Triforce. "Now, I presume you came here looking for advice given my namesake." The Advisor started abruptly as he entered. "Sadly, I don't know much about current events, so it would be mutually beneficial if you could provide a rundown of your situation." Endel did as The Advisor asked and explained what had gone down since his first visit. "Most perplexing." He said with what sounded like... fear? "Events have taken a turn I would not have expected. But such is the nature of humans, I suppose. Now, before I discuss a method of action, I am sure you friends have many pressing questions about where they are and who I am. While I must decline from giving my true identity and events of my orignins, feel free to ask to your hearts content any queries you may have."

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((I am so sorry I haven't replied for so long! I just really don't have the time, normally it'll be better this week but I'm so so so sorry for not replying :( schoolwork really sucks and I had a lot of it... Sorry guys, I'll promise I'll reply this week!))

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((Hey guys, I'm sorry for my lack of replying... I do feel pretty bad about it... School has been too much, and well, that kinda goes first... Sorry, I'll reply more often again))


Maia certainly didn't dare to talk. Not that the man was scary, meeting him was just very... impressive...

She wondered who the man was. Did he used to work for the Royal family? How did he get here? How long has he been down here? Does anyone from the castle know of his existence? Does the Princess know? She obviously had a lot of questions, and the man already had made clear that he would not answer them. Not the ones she was wondering anyway.

Endel was the first to speak. "There has been a significantly decreased number of monsters on the fields. They have never migrated, nor have they ever formed a conspiracy."

The old man nodded slowly, taking in the information. 

"We were just wondering if you could help us..." Torianna said. 

The old man stayed silent for a while. 

Maia glanced at Endel, who hadn't removed his eyes from the man. All of his hope was put on this man. Well actually, all of their hope. 

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((No worries Franne, feel free to post as often as you can!))


Lorcan of all people indicated a question first by pointing to Endel's bow and giving a confused look.

"Ah, yes, I suspected at least one of you would be curious about that." The Advisor replied. "Well, to put it plainly I lent it to your friend here on behalf of a hero entombed in this place. Likewise, those clothes of his are relics from many different warriors."

Torianna seemed a bit perturbed. "Um, all due respect, but does that mean you hand out spoils from graves?"

The Advisor gave a warm chuckle. "Oh no, my dear, they chose to be buried here so that their belongings would change hands to other heroes long after them. This place is the graveyard of many royal family members, their companions... and a few good friends." The room went quiet as The Advisor seemed to drift off for a moment, lost in some mysterious past.


"Alas, I've become too sentimental. Let us return to the topic at hand." Just like that, the old man had snapped back from his reverie. "You are approaching a grand journey that will require more than what you have now. It was a wise choice to return here; fortunately I do possess something to aid your quest." He stood up and left the room for a moment, then returned with an orb of pure glass the size of Endel's head. "That's... an enchanted crystal ball!" Maia exclaimed.

"Correct." The Advisor confirmed. He rested the orb on a cushion he had brought as well, then laid it on the table. "It was no small task fixing this object, as the ball was shattered when I inherited it, but there has been... an excess of time for pet projects down here." Endel and the others drew in for a closer look. He didn't notice anything remarkable other than the crystal's flawlessness, but  there must be more to this thing than its immaculate beauty.

The Advisor made his intentions clear with his next task. "You have described to me many roads that lie before you. Searching for a lost friend, pursuing the forces of evil, solving the mysterious disappearance of monsters from the land... this crystal ball will tell you the next step in your travels. I bequeath it to you, and recommend each of you try and master using it."

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The others were gazing at the crystal ball in what appeared to be wonderment. It caught the dim light in a captivating way, but Torianna had to admit that she wasn't all that impressed by the offering.

"That's it?" Torianna asked, raising an eyebrow. Endel whirled around to look at her, shocked that she would question the decision of The Advisor. She didn't let it distract her. "We travel all the way back here just to see you, and all you do is give us a ball of glass and tell us to give that a try?"

The gentleman blinked, but didn't appear to swayed by Torianna's outburst. "It would be unwise for you to underestimate the utility of this tool, my dear girl. The hands of fate work in mysterious ways."

So now Torianna knew where Endel got his faith reinstated. She turned her attention away from The Advisor, choosing instead to focus on her comrades. Maia was bent over, studying the crystal ball with a sparkle in her steely grey eyes. Even Lorcan watched it carefully, his lips parted slightly in awe. Torianna sighed, summoning all the politeness she could muster.

"If that's all you have to offer us, sir, then we shan't waste any more of your time."

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Lorcan and the others frowned at Torianna in puzzlement, and the Advisor remained quiet. 

"Can't you see anything at all?" Endel asked. "I mean, I can only see some shapes and things, but they're there."

"Whatever," Torianna scoffed. "I don't see what you're talking about."

Lorcan blinked in surprise at Torianna and Endel. Turning to Maia, he gave her a quizzical look. She frowned hard at the crystal ball, running her eyes over it.

"I'm pretty much the same as Endel," she said, "just silhouettes, I think."

Lorcan gaped at them all in confusion. So they couldn't see it?

"What's with you?" Torianna demanded, glaring at Lorcan. "See something we don't?"

Lorcan nodded, tapping the crystal ball. He saw it, clear as day. Cheval.

"Here." Lorcan was passed an ancient scroll of paper by the Advisor, alongside an inked feather. Writing carefully, Lorcan held the scroll up with a bemused expression.

"Cheval?!" Endel exclaimed. Torianna looked disbelieving, and Maia watched him in a mixture of confusion and slight wonder.

The Advisor made a 'hmph' noise, appearing to be nodding under his concealing clothes. "It makes sense, I suppose, that the quiet and observant one of your group would be the one to see the most clearly."

"Where is he, then, if you can actually see him?" Torianna asked. Lorcan took to the paper again, frowning as he wrote.

"'Looks like a desert'," Maia read aloud. Lorcan took the paper back again, watching the crystal ball with deep concentration, before writing again.

"He's hurt," Endel read, frowning. Lorcan nodded, watching Cheval walk with a strained expression. One hand was clutching his abdomen tightly as he stumbled about. 

Lorcan had never gotten on particularly well with Cheval, or most of the older Scoundrels, but he wasn't going to leave a wounded member to fend for himself in what looked like harsh conditions. 

"You're right, we have to save him," Endel agreed with Lorcan's quick scribblings. "It's a good thing you saw him, Lorcan."

Lorcan just smiled, glancing at the crystal ball once more with raised eyebrows.

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((Just picked up my copy of Majora's Mask 3D! Can't wait to get all the masks and see what Sault Fierce Deity Link looks like! :D ))


Torianna looked ready to glare a hole in the wall, so Endel decided to conclude their business quickly. "I can't thank you enough for all you've don for us so far." Endel said to The Advisor. "You're welcome to travel with us."

The old man shook his head. "I would only be a burden at my age. But do not worry, I am certain we will see each other again." Endel gave a slight smile, and the others thanked The Advisor in turn, Torianna going last and with some reluctance. "...Sorry I doubted you." she murmured, to which The Advisor extended his hand and shook hers. "There is significant promise in you; I am fortunate to have met your acquaintance." He said.




Back in the daylight, everyone made their way through the courtyard and back to Castle Town. "A trip to the desert, huh?" Endel wondered aloud. "Lorcan, make sure to gaze into that crystal ball every once in a while so we can keep up with Cheval's position." Lorcan nodded in reply, gently wrapping up the orb and storing it in his backpack.

"Before we go, don't you want to see Ashei?" Maia asked.

Endel shook his head. "I don't even know where she and the remnants of the Scoundrels are. They probably didn't tell us on purpose, just in case we got caught or something." He figured to himself that when the time was right, she would contact them instead of the other way around. "For now, let's focus on gearing up for our trip. Maia, see if you can get us a place to stay in the castle. Lorcan, you go with her and keep an eye on that crystal ball. Maia and I will round up supplies."


The two groups went their separate ways, and after they were alone Endel turned to Torianna. "So, what was that about with The Advisor earlier?" He asked.

"None of your concern." She told him bluntly.

"Hey, as a friend I don't care who you decide to like or dislike. I just want to know if you have some problem with old men or something, before you go and endanger our mission again with hasty remarks." He told her with more concern than acridity.

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