Favorite Classes in Video Games

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Man, mages are just so bad. All they do is shoot fireballs and and lightning and whatever, they dont actually DO anything cool. Warriors and shit, they got big ass swords to CLEAVE through their enemies, and mages are like "oh ho ho, fireball woohoo". Ech

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See, what I like are Buff mages. The kind of class that primarily sets everyone else up to be stronger.

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Generally a Paladin or Warrior type. Sword and shield. Link, basically. 


Never been a big mage fan, though occasionally will play as one.


I would be a Nord if Skyrim were real. 

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im going to Pheo and SWQ into newts

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Mages that buff are nice, but they're never really fun to play AS, more fun to play with

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I dunno if I have a kind of class I always go with, I like to switch it up game to game. Actually, I probably end up playing more magelike stuff than anything else. I played destruction warlock and warrior in wow  :cow: I also don't mind being a healboy at all, it's soothing to watch and regulate the health bars. For some reason I'm never really interested in playing hunter or rogue sorts of things oh well suckers


Edit: that's a lie, I played spy in TF2 and archer boy in skyrim

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Archery is the only way to make Skyrim not boring so I like to play with a bow a lot. But I always use enchanting :x

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Archery never seemed to deal near the damage that swords or magic did in Skyrim. I dunno. Even at 100 Archery with all the skills and an awesome bow, I never felt powerful. 

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That's weird, Archery scales with your skills exactly as much as any of the other weapons, magic is the one that doesn't have damage scaling when you increase skill levels. Generally speaking, people recommend using either a bow or dual-wielding one-handed weapons for Legendary Difficulty because everything else is bad at DPS. 


I will grant you that an arrow just doesn't look as powerful. Especially since Skyrim lacks damage calculation based on where you hit your target so you can puncture their ear or something and still kill them.

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I pick my class based on the game in question. Combat systems really change how fun a class is.

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My thoughts exactly :D

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I pick my class based on the game in question. Combat systems really change how fun a class is.


I feel this as well. It's why I have a hard time getting invested in mage characters in The Elder Scrolls games. The most I'll do is be a spellsword, casting fire with one hand when I'm not in range to strike with my sword, and using healing spells to regenerate during the battle. As hard as I've tried, I can't get into other schools of magic, or being a pure mage character. I feel so helpless when a lot of the battle is taken up by jumping into my favourites menu and selecting the right spell for some effect. Overall I think I'm just an impatient RPG player, and I want things to happen straight away. It frustrates me to sit using buff spells and items when I don't have the experience or knowledge myself to really feel that it makes a difference to the time spent playing. I just want the battle to be over as soon as possible, because I guess the battle doesn't interest me half as much as winning.


In tabletop RPGs I've not really found any particular niche. Again, I prefer a less complicated set of abilities, but I tolerate complicated characters more easily when all I need to do is be aware of what spells I have. I enjoyed building a bard character in 13th Age, a more complicated class for that system, although I never actually got to play him.


As far as RPGs where you choose classes goes, it's just mainly limited to tabletop and The Elder Scrolls for me. So there's my input.

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I came back to this thread because I for some reason forgot to mention I have a natural affinity for pickaxes in games. I don't know why, I just do. Minecraft, runescape, monster hunter, Risk of Rain, it doesn't matter what the game is. As long as there's a character with a pickaxe, I will go for that character.

Pic related, it's me:


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