Gay Marriage

42 posts in this topic


Look over here! Forget about the mounting racial tension in the United States!

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Another loss for good well intentioned folk.

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Gay marriage can't melt steel beams.

SilverAlchemic, Ezlo and Agent Zako like this

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Did you reuse your own joke from another site???

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i've only said this in the hnet chat

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Forget about all the other LGBT+ problems, like trans*people being randomly killed in hate crimes, we have EQUALITY now.

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Nobody's going to let the world forget about that, but what's the point of progress if you can't celebrate the victories. I get it though, people will say "everyone's good now" when they aren't. And using the hype around this and the public attention on LGBT issues is a good opportunity for people to talk about what's next.

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Nobody's going to let the world forget about that, but what's the point of progress if you can't celebrate the victories. I get it though, people will say "everyone's good now" when they aren't. And using the hype around this and the public attention on LGBT issues is a good opportunity for people to talk about what's next.

Lol i had this exact argument on facebook a few days ago, except my role was reversed. I agree with you, Dog. We should celebrate victories. My post was mostly a joke, but i do fear that straight/cis people are like "welp, weve done our part" when really its only the most privileged of the LGBT community thats in the clear now. And even thats an over simplification.

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I like that we can just call it marriage now

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Yeah but honestly my favorite part of marriage equality is how it's negatively effecting each and every heterosexual union across the country, as so many predicted. Now we can continue our slippery slope to Hell. Next stop, human/animal marriage equality! 

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Didn't some places in Alabama or somewhere in the south end up refusing to officiate ANY marriages cuz if the icky gays can now have marriage, NO ONE WILL GET MARRIAGE? or something dumb and childish like that. It's actually hilarious. Same with all the MOVING TO CANADA/MEXICO/UK posts.


The only bad thing about this ruling is that people on my FB are now donning rainbow icons... people from Scotland... only caring about marriage equality once America does it... nobody saying anything seven months ago when Scotland legalised it... lol ok "allies"


I hope everyone was terrified for a split second also when they saw I replied to a serious discussion thread on this forum especially since its this topic lmao

pheonix561 and LLmao ?✊? like this

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I mean, Facebook now has an app that turns your profile pic rainbowtastic, so its easily accessible now. Until then, people would need a photo editing program to do that, so i cant really blame them for jumping on the that specific bandwagon. I got rid of my rainbow pic though, cause i didn't want people to think i was straight lmao.

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Didn't some places in Alabama or somewhere in the south end up refusing to officiate ANY marriages cuz if the icky gays can now have marriage, NO ONE WILL GET MARRIAGE? or something dumb and childish like that. It's actually hilarious. Same with all the MOVING TO CANADA/MEXICO/UK posts.


The only bad thing about this ruling is that people on my FB are now donning rainbow icons... people from Scotland... only caring about marriage equality once America does it... nobody saying anything seven months ago when Scotland legalised it... lol ok "allies"


I hope everyone was terrified for a split second also when they saw I replied to a serious discussion thread on this forum especially since its this topic lmao


I think it was actually Kentucky, and if I'm not mistaken, it's a little more complicated than one might think.


Essentially, if I am understanding correctly, there were some county clerks that were refusing to issue licenses to homosexual couples, so the state stepped in and ceased all licenses in those counties so as to avoid a discrimination suit.  The plan is to get legal counsel to sort it all out and basically force the counties to follow the ruling, or see if counties are granted leniency as counties can technically ban things on their own level beyond the state. But then, you know, yeah, legal counsel.  

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I like that we can just call it marriage now

I know right. When I saw the news about this, I figured it would take months for all the paperwork to happen. And there would be a specific date on which it would take effect. Then I was like "wait it's just straight up marriage, it can happen right now"

It's also cool to see things actually happen that directly affect Americans — and for those things to happen quickly.

Cirt, SilverAlchemic and Pizzza like this

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While I can't agree that any institution should be forced to commemorate the marriage, it's a really good thing that they'll be recognized in all states, now.

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