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Do you believe in [a/the] God[dess]?

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false profits like cult leaders.

Like the rocky horror picture show?

The "Real God" could, in fact, not exist. You might want to rephrase that to something more like, "I think that the real god is the catholic god." Or something a bit more understanding of other people's religions. You don't know for a fact that the catholic god is the "real god" so don't go around saying he is.

I really think that, while we should not judge you for believing in a higher entity, you should not say that we are going through phases when we say we don't.

Edited by Rumo of Zamonia (see edit history)

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I have always believed in God.He just makes the most sense out of all of them to me.

Also,there is one out there.Nothing could exist without something to create it.It just seems impossible for all of this to be here without one.

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Posted (edited)

Science, The Big Bang making everything appearing out of nowhere. That's the only answer we have if there were no God that created this universe.

I also believe in God.

I just like science better. : /

Edited by Fierce Muffin (see edit history)

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Religion's a HUGE thing.

One religion believes there's ONE God, and that all other religions are wrong and that if they aren't told the right thing, they're going to Hell. Or at least, that's what the Bible School I was forced to taught me...

Another religion believes in a whole bunch!


It's too confusing for one person... at least, person like me.

Personally, I say you should stick to your own, and not try to 'help' others into it unless they WANT to be in it.

And anyhow: Religions, or at least, the 'good' ones, say not to bite each others heads off in war. And yet... here we are.

^_^ My two cents.

.. oh. And I'm agnostic/atheist. Sometimes I think I am, but sometimes, prayer just makes Vivi feel a little more secure...

And the situation doesn't change at all when she does pray, though.

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Christianity and religion is a complicated spot for me, basically because from a religious part of Norway, the school I went to was very religious and always tried to push Christianity on me and most of my family is religious. And well, I rejected to take it. I never believed in it. And I never will. I believe that Christianity only grew as big as it is because leaders all over the world used it as a political tool. To be completely honest; religion sickens me. Especially the middle-eastern ones; Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Buddhism is the only religion I accept. Basically because it's not a real religion (there's no god in it), and because it's message is more appealing. I tolerate that people have religions, and I have religious friends (yes true IRL-friend :P) as long as they tolerate my views. You can disagree with my views, cause I will probably disagree with yours, but as long as you don't hold it against me, it's chill.

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I'm Catholic. I believe in only one god, but I do question my religion at times. I don't believe I have to confess my sins to someone at church like a priest so I can be forgiven. If God is all-knowing, he would know what I have done, and know if I'm sorry for it. I also believe in science. I have read only small parts of the bible, but I don't follow what I have read completely. As for the afterlife...I'll come post at another time, because I have to get off the computer... :embarrassed:

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I was at a camp when I really started thinking about religion and taking it seriously. I had read a book that made me think about all religions, and I slowly realized why most of them made no sense. They all conflicted with themselves or just conflicted with life.

I accepted Jesus as my savior in February, and I changed. People like to say that Christians are annoying people that make it known that they are Christians by wearing the shirts and listening to the music and complaining about how bad everybody else is and going to starbucks to have deep theological discussions with their Christian buddies. All things that they think would make Jesus nod his head in approval and say "good work guys" when he really would say something like "you just paid four bucks for a cup of coffee?" The truth is, I was like that too. That is, before I really found Jesus.

I now want to do things because I want to live a life in the teachings of Jesus. All those "rules" are things I want to do, not things I have to do. I'm not saying I'm perfect, I still mess up. The difference that is most obvious to me is that I used to know the Bible, but now I understand it. I want to be a pastor because I want to share The Word with others. I asked God to tell me what to do for a long time, but I was changed when I listened.

There is a saying that goes "they will know we are Christians by our love." I now know that that is true.

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I believe in God. Okay, take a deep breath and read on.! Alright.

"Ooh, that guy's Mormon, I ain't gonna be his friend." :cry:

jk, but seriously.

Those who look at all the videos and stuff in news and youtube, involving anything, you guys can ask me. Mormons beliefs, customs, whatever. I'll give you the straight truth.

Hope there aren't any Mormon haters out there :unsure:

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I do not belive in God. I don't see the real lodgic to belive in him. I don't really think much about religin, but I mostly belive Scince about things they say that god did. Like "God made the universe" mo one guy could do that. It was brought to the thery of "The Big Bang Thery" witch simply means that the something like a giant meteor, or astroid some how exploded. There for the universe was created.

In other words I do not belive in God.

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Umwhat. So "a giant meteor, or astroid some how exploded," thus creating the universe and all matter in said universe. A "giant meteor, or astroid". So "mo one guy could do that," but "a giant meteor, or astroid" which "some how exploded" can. First off, that's not the correct notion of the Big Bang Theory, which states that the universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense condition at some finite time in the past originating in some arbitrary point in space, and continues to expand to this day. This seems to be the concept of the beginning of the universe supported by most sciences, and yet it lacks one crucial aspect: the cause. We already know the effect, as we live in it, BUT if all of matter did not exist before this point in finite time, and this did indeed take place at a finite time, this means that there must have been something to make an action to start up the reaction that became the universe. This something's prolly God. I end my ooberscientific view of the history of everything.

Not really. The whole idea of the Christian god is a bit far-fetched. He is an all-knowing, all-seeing, ruler of a city in the clouds where dead people go to retrieve wings and a halo, creator of the universe. Seeing it that way put a bit of perspective on it, eh?

Umwhat. This puts nothing in perspective. I don't know whose beliefs you're talking about; surely it's not Christian stuff. First off, there is no physical city in the physical clouds. Second off, people don't become angels when they die. Their souls go to heaven, which is located not in one point in universal space, and are referred to as saints. These are not canonized, fully recognized saints like Saint Francis or anything; the recognized ones are ooberholy people who did lotsa ooberholy stuff. Chances are that there are some ooberholy people who died and were never canonized, but this is the way the world works. Heaven is a place of union forever with God, which is a pretty dern good thing. Nothing in heaven is physical; not one bit of it can be measured in any way, which means that I can't use the words "one bit" to pertain to anything there. This is where the stuff gets confusing- the whole "outside of time and space" thing. ><

Also, I don't have any problems with atheists or agnostics or anyone else or what have you, and I'm not trying to convert anyone or anything, and if I offended anyone in any way whatsoever, I'm sorry for this, though I'm not sure how I achieved it. =O Believe whatever you believe; if that's good enough for you, then it's good enough for me. We're all lovely people.

My next post will somewhat explain something of my views on CONDEMNATION TO ETERNAL HELLLL.

=D See ya.

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Ah yes, condemnation to an eternal hell. That certainly is an interesting topic. I'll do some shedding of light myself if you don't mind.

According to the book of Revelations, Jesus will return to Earth and take his followers to heaven with him. The people left on Earth will be ruled by Satan for a number of years. The world will be divided into two groups: those who worship Satan and have the Mark of the beast and those who don't. Those who don't will become martyrs, and they will be executed by beheading.

After a number of years (I think the number is seven, but I'm not sure), Jesus will return again with those that were killed, and they will rule for 1,000 years. During this time Satan and his followers will be falling in the Abyss. Imaging being unable to move while falling in darkness that you never get used to, and you have the Abyss. After 1,000 years, Satan and his followers will be released from the Abyss. All the Satanists that have ever existed will then be thrown into a pit of molten sulfer to be tortured by demons for all of eternity. Those on Earth during the seven years will not be thrown in, however, because they turned away from God but didn't know that they were worshiping Satan. The people that are blood relatives to God's original chosen people, the Jews, and the Christ followers of all time will be within the walls of Heaven, called New Jeruselum, to be in the company of God forever. Those that weren't Christ followers but also weren't Satanists will spend the rest of eternity outside the gates of Heaven. Without God, it will be chaos outside the gates, but to them it will be a lot like life now.

You basically get what you settle for. If you settle for Satan, you end up with Satan. If you settle for anything short of God, you get a world without God. If you settle for nothing short of the one true Savior, you end up with him.

Anything short of eternity with God is Hell, because Hell is eternal separation from the only thing that is truly good.

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Umwhat. So "a giant meteor, or astroid some how exploded," thus creating the universe and all matter in said universe. A "giant meteor, or astroid". So "mo one guy could do that," but "a giant meteor, or astroid" which "some how exploded" can. First off, that's not the correct notion of the Big Bang Theory, which states that the universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense condition at some finite time in the past originating in some arbitrary point in space, and continues to expand to this day. This seems to be the concept of the beginning of the universe supported by most sciences, and yet it lacks one crucial aspect: the cause. We already know the effect, as we live in it, BUT if all of matter did not exist before this point in finite time, and this did indeed take place at a finite time, this means that there must have been something to make an action to start up the reaction that became the universe. This something's prolly God. I end my ooberscientific view of the history of everything.

Really? Ha I should pay attention in science more.

Here's something that doesn't make since though. Why would he sacrifice his own son? That bas*** is a terrible father.

Beside i'm sure that God and the Devil are the same person, and is trying to scare people to belive what he wants. Eh, but what do I know?

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if God was Satan, there would be no balance in the world. There would be Evil, but no Good. Besides, why would God talk about Satan in a way that makes him hated if they are the same being? It doesn't make sense.

Also, if the Big Bang was caused by a collision of particles and material, where did the stuff that collided come from? It had to have been created, and whatever created that thing that created the particles had to be created, and so on. It had to start somewhere, and something appearing from nothing is about as logical as spontaneous combustion.

Another problem is that in science, everything has to be created at some point. Infinity doesn't work. So by that logic, where did the first thing come from? In religion, infinity works. God was the creator. He made things out of nothing, and he made them by the same power that let him exist forever. We can't comprehend that, but that doesn't make it false.

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Really? Ha I should pay attention in science more.

Here's something that doesn't make since though. Why would he sacrifice his own son? That bas*** is a terrible father.

Beside i'm sure that God and the Devil are the same person, and is trying to scare people to belive what he wants. Eh, but what do I know?

You really need to learn about what you're bashing before you bash it.

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You really need to learn about what you're bashing before you bash it.

I know about it, but it's all lies. Besides, how could someone make the world if there is nothing, but space junk? It just doesn't all add up. Look if there really is a god, and the bible was writen by people who would've been born billions of years after him, and would be an invallad book full of fariytales, and lies.

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