My dad was in an awful wreck....

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On Saturday,July 19th,my dad was in a horrible car accident. He was hit by two drunk drivers. The car looks like a wrecking ball hit it. My dad was about one minute away from home when he was hit. Here are his injuries: skull fracture,

fractured pelvis,broken arm, neck fracture, and two broken ribs. Right now,he's in rehabilitation. It's in another state,so we don't get to see him very often. He's so upset because he wants to come home. But he can't hardly remember anything! I'm afraid for him to live by himself! And he's lost so much weight(he wasn't really big,he just works out). He said that he's not going to stay as skinny as he is now. I hope he gains it back because I don't like seeing him like this.

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Drink Drivers Suck.

Big time.

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That really sucks. But look on the bright side..he didn't end up with burns all over his face and body. My uncle got in a car accident a few months ago because of drunk drivers. Somehow the airbag exploded and caused a small fire...I still don't know why that happened... :unsure:

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If that question is for me, then no. :) He still is alive, but he has to wear gloves and this special cloth over his arms to protect them from the sun. He can't be out during daytime much, either.

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This is why people shouldn't drive drunk. They get into accidents and cause harm to themselves and others. The moral of this story: don't drink and drive.

Or better yet, don't drink at all.

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Being hit by a car. Not fun. -_- I wish him the best and I'll be thinking of him. I hope he makes a full recovery. :)

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really, he could have gotten killed. He is 1 lucky man.

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no one should drink and drive....that is how my boyfriend died >.> i hope your dad is ok and gets better

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That's awful! :sadlink: I really hope you're Dad gets a speedy recovery. My prayers are with him.

Try to keep positive about the situation as well, that always helps. =) It's no good if you're stuck in that same rut.

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Like the others, I hope he's O.k and that he recovers. I also say the same for anybody in your situation. I hope for the best and you are all in my prayers, you and all who have been affected by driving under the influence and anybody involved in a car accident/ collision of any kind.

Someone in my school died last year when she was in a car crash. The car was packed and the driver had only just passed his test, she was in that car. The person crashed. She was killed, I think one of the others was paralyzed and the others suffered minor injuries. They were all a couple of years older than me, but you couldn't help but find out every single detail somehow, what with it being a school and all. i didn't know any of them though.

What I'm saying is that your dad got off lucky. Your lucky he wasn't badly hurt. But nonetheless he is in my prayers.

Anyone want to be on my signature? Just pick an animal and I'll put you on my signature alongside a picture of your chosen animal. ^-^

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no one should drink and drive....that is how my boyfriend died >.> i hope your dad is ok and gets better

Stop trying to make it your thread and make people question you about your boyfriend and feel bad for you. >:(

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Have you been in this kind of situation Fierce Muffin?

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If that question is for me, then no. :) He still is alive, but he has to wear gloves and this special cloth over his arms to protect them from the sun. He can't be out during daytime much, either.

Ouch why cant he be out in the sun?

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Have you been in this kind of situation Fierce Muffin?

She just wants some attention out of it.

If I were to say this, "I had no pencils at school , my dog died, and I got a ticket today." which one grabs the most attention? Obviously, the dog dying.

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