Fantasy Panda Dreaming

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Posts posted by Fantasy Panda Dreaming

  1. Speaking of Tumblr


    I posted this on mine.

    I found this at a store. I don't know whether to be surprised or not that these exist.

  2. Lol

    I just researched this little nursery rhyme

    it goes like this:

    Monday's child is fair of face;

    Tuesday's child is full of grace;

    Wednesday's child is full of woe;

    Thursday's child has far to go;

    Friday's child is loving and giving;

    Saturday's child works hard for a living.

    But the child that is born on the Sabbath day

    is fair and wise, good and gay

    Guess I am full of grace :>

    That reminds me of a song.

    I'm a Saturday's child. But I'm immensely lazy, so... yeah.

  3. Oh hey another person with War of the Lions high five :D

    I wanted to get the Persona game for PSP (I don't know if there were multiples or not, I only ever saw one cuz the Gamestop near my house didn't expand much on their PSP game library), but I never had enough money. And if I did, it always went to Patapon or a tactics game (all of them ended up sucking really bad in comparison to FFT, though).

  4. For this reference, you are the greatest member to ever exist here.

    Rex Raptor, Weevil, Mai Valentine, ESP Roba, and Mako Tsunami. Why do I remember this stuff? Yes, Weevil was VERY rude! He threw Exodia into the ocean. ;_;

    GOD I want to punch him in the dick with a sledgehammer.

  5. Drive-throughs suck. My friend did get free food a few days ago though, since the pay window was unmanned.

  6. My brother did cub scouts/boy scouts for a few years when he was 10 or so. I went along with a lot of the things cuz my dad was the vice-leader or whatever. I guess it was fun, but not something I'd be interested in now. I like being bored and sitting home doing nothing c:

  7. Nah, today isn't Depression Day.

    Yesterday was mine.

    But yeah, it isn't that fun. I've been in sort of the same spot where you are. I just used all my focus on something else or slept. Listening to music, sleep, drawing, studying something not-school-related that I actually want to learn, or reading a good, fast-paced book help me. I could always lend you that book on the Russian Revolution, also.

    Yesterday I just didn't eat and slept once I got home. The starving feeling usually takes away from the sadness feeling for me.

    Trust me, you are not an unattractive person. I've seen much worse that have been dating people. One even cheated on his girlfriend. My first thought was, "How did he get anyone to even cheat on his girlfriend with???"

    But yeah. Happy smiles and bloody corpses.

  8. I understand only bits and pieces of this, and it makes me sad to not understand.

    I wish I had the experience to laugh as heartily as the other Hnetters D:

    Oh yeah do I still count as a clone of VRS or am I my own seperate entity yet?

  9. Maths is kinda fun I guess, I'm not bad at it but I'm not amazing. My brain started a small fire when you put those numbers, cuz I don't like them cross-multiplication-or-whatever-things.

    Then my school did this:

    And I lost significant amounts of respect for anyone in those vids.

    Sure, it took balls to do that, but errrggg... It's just the jocks. And most of the jocks in my school are assholes. And most of my school is made up of jocks. And all the kids in that vid were assholes. There were 2 teachers in that vid, one was my teacher last year.

    He was really immensely awkward.

  10. Errrggg, that hair looks cool but the pokemon pic reminds me of that Weevil person from Yu-Gi-Oh (the first series). That kid was ANNOYING AS puppy. And rude. I used to have a Yu-Gi-Oh game for GBA and he was my least favorite person. All the people in the 2nd tier of users/trainers/duelists/whatever were annoying as puppy. Slut-bitch, dino-bitch, bug-bitch, fake-psychic-bitch, and fisherman-guy-who-wasn't-as-rude-as-everyone-else.

  11. I don't own any of those cuz my brother would probably sell them for weed or crack or whatever he does, but I have had a PSP (stolen in aforementioned way) and I currently have a DS.

    I liked the PSP's game library, mostly cuz it had the Final Fantasy Tactics (original) remake, and that's my most favorite game ever. And the Patapon series was really addicting and awesome.

    The DS is pretty cool too, mostly cuz of the touch screen which is innovative n' stuff. And the camera. But I'm left-handed, so that made a lot of potentially fun games not as good for me. The World Ends With You was awesome though, cuz they made the controls reversible, so both left- and right-handed people could play.


  12. Oh my god he's really smart D:

    For some reason, that's always a surprising factor to me more-so than anything else.

    Oh hey, you're blackxican? Cool. You're a terrorist? Cool story. puppyING SHIT YOU GOT A 90-MILLION ON YOUR ACT?

    (I don't know what the grammatically correct form of more-so is. So yeah.)

  13. Oh god, Rubber. I remember seeing that trailer, I wanted to see the movie SOO bad. Mostly just cuz the trailer had an awesome song, and it made me want the sound track really bad.

  14. I don't know how I feel about this.

    And it makes me feel uncomfortable about the city.

    But I'm sure there have been better worst movies ever. Like Teeth, or Fantastic Planet, or Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus.