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Posts posted by kels

  1. IMG_1753.jpg

    during an exceptionally long, flat, and boring drive to medicine hat.


    and thanks everyone for the nice words, I kind of avoid them because I don't take compliments well.

  2. is that 'bottom of the well' with one 'o' missing?

    not sure on twilli's either, and my devil kitten is too busy attacking me for me to figure it out


  3. aaah, that would be fantastic

    I found TP way too easy as well...there were some tricky bits, but just with the number of zelda games I've played I knew how to beat most enemies/solve most puzzles without much challenge.

  4. just remembered that I can't actually print my screen and paste it as I have no suitable editing program for anything but pics from my digicam, ever since paint randomly disappeared from my computer. (my computer isn't in the most fantastic shape)


    current bg...taken heading west into the (rocky) mountains from calgary. love the drives into the mountains.

    I've got a pretty much endless supply of backgrounds, 1200 pictures from new zealand (...ridiculous.), probably just as many of random sunsets/landscapes around alberta and you seriously do not want to know how many pictures I have of my cats. in fact, I don't want to know.


    is a good sky one, I like the clouds. that's central/eastern alberta

    my devil kitten is the background on my mom's computer


    ...I'll stop now.

  5. nah but I did cancel my evening shift for today

    random - has the 'unity' in your name always been spelled wrong or is that something new? I just noticed...

  6. yeeeah you kind of got me on that one...not only do I get most of the groceries, I also get stuff specifically for him (eww nasty skim milk). however, it's more in the actual trip to the grocery store than the expense. it's time consuming when you just have to go down every aisle just in case (also *cough*your*cough* says the spelling police)

    otherwise, I do know how to say no to work, but if they're desperate enough to call me at that hour for a double I feel bad for saying no. getting paid overtime for the second half isn't so bad either! :D

  7. lol, my whole problem is that it's unfair and I've been unable to change it so far!

    other option is to have my lil bro move in come july, but he might be even messier...

    here's a new pet peeve:

    when work calls me an hour before my evening shift is supposed to start, asking if I can work a double.

    even worse:

    when I say yes.

    so because I'm foolish and weak I now have to work from 3:15 today to 7:30 tomorrow morning, then come back for another shift at 3:15 tomorrow... :wacko:

  8. making mud muffins is underrated as a child's pasttime

    the best times were when my cousin and I would go over to my grandma's and make horrible concoctions out of everything we could find in the house and dare each other to taste it...

    or, dress-up at grandma's house

    making tree forts, or forts inside the house with every couch, blanket and chair in the area

    driving/riding/being towed behind the quad or skidoo

  9. my biggest problem:

    my fat, lazy roommate NEVER CLEANS ANYTHING. he never tidies, he never puts things away, he can't even put his dishes in the dishwasher, he can't throw his old food out of the fridge...

    and the last time I confronted him, he said that since I'm home more, he thinks I should do more of the cleaning.

    I almost kicked/punched/choked the jerk

    but instead I said, "joel, I'm not your wife and I'm not your girlfriend. just because I work part time doesn't mean I should do everything around here. if it keeps going on I will not be renewing our lease." absolutely no avail.

    what do you guys think? he works full-time, I work part-time (oooh yes, well-paying nursing job), rent is split evenly, I get groceries about 70% of the time, I do about 90% of the cleaning, I handle paying the bills. is there anything I can do to change this ridiculous situation (I can't stand living like this, but our lease is up in july and I REALLY don't want to move again...)

  10. the world revolves around profit, especially the mainstream film industry

    this one is probably not worth going to the theater for, I'll save it for the DVD...and perhaps get around to watching red dragon in the meantime

  11. I was wanting to see this movie

    with the violence, is it the type of violence that's just going to make me want to leave or hide my face (ie: most gory horror type movies) or is it easier to kind of get around than that? is it violent very often through the movie? if it's a bloodbath, I might pass...

  12. I could have endless fun with mud and muffin tins

    also had a pretty awesome mini-tea set

    and a stuffed dinosaur named shaker, you could flip out these things on it's head, hands and feet to make it look all evil and mean with claws, wings and such

    ...don't remember a lot of my actual childhood toys, because my youngest brother (6 years younger) destroyed pretty much all of them.

  13. 22.

    that cat is the devil incarnate when he's not being the cutest little kitten ever. he breaks things, he eats plants, he drinks out of my waterglass, he bites, he gets into the cupboards...

  14. also depends on the girl. a bit of a break after initial penetration might help, or lubricant.

  15. varies according to the girl. anatomy, technique, pain tolerance...pain is a subjective experience

  16. haha I was trying to build on what you said (why I really don't know - to me triforce is triforce until nintendo shows me otherwise)

    in more detail then.

    since ona took said fourth triforce piece away before the triforce was formed by the departure of the three other goddesses, it wouldn't actually be a piece of the triforce itself because it never had an actual part in the formation. thus, there is no missing piece to the triforce that we know, there's another force hanging around related to the single goddess.

    (sorry if that's still being redundant)

  17. not going to bother with snes (besides super mario all stars - best game ever) or n64 (besides OOT and MM...and goldeneye, who didn't love the multiplayer?)


    wind waker

    four swords

    that collector's edition zelda disc with zelda 1, 2, OOT, MM

    twilight princess

    mario kart

    final fantasy: crystal chronicles

    luigi's mansion

    wario world

    paper mario


    brain age

    final fantasy III

    urbz (ugh, I never even got out of the first building in this stupid game I was so busy showering, eating, visiting the washroom, sleeping, etc etc etc...what a pain)

    tetris ds

    new super mario bros

    super princess peach

    mario + luigi: partners in time

    mario kart

    super mario 64


    the minish cap


    twilight princess

    (except I actually don't have a wii yet, just the game...which I got before the gc version came out and propped up on my tv to torture myself)

  18. IMG_2801.jpg


    with my crazy kitten. he's biting my hand with pretty much complete disregard for the fact that I might drop him.

    random side note: my roommate is snoring SO LOUDLY right now that I can hear him clear as day even though I'm in a different room... :huh: