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Posts posted by Necropolis

  1. At long last after all these years there has come a soul capable of communicating with King Pheo on his level. The world shall indeed quake with fear

    pheonix561 likes this

  2. Grilled tilapia on a pepper filled salad with a side of a roasted potato green bean mix.

    Life was actually my favorite cereal before I stopped eating cereal...

    Soylent come in yet?

  3. If anyone didn't know Kill La Kill is on toonami. I seem to recall we had a brief conversation about the dub when the trailer came out, but its been a while since then. The only voices that sound weird to me are satsuki and gamagoori. Neither sound deep enough to me, I think Liam O'Brien might've been a better choice for the latter. Not sure about satsuki though. Maybe whoever voiced Rukia from bleach? She had a pretty deep voice as I recall. Regardless I'm sure they'll grow on me. It was apparently a pretty big premiere too.

    Ryuko and Mako are pretty great, Mako in particular is the same voice actor who voiced Madoka in....Madoka

  4. Nope. Their birth rates are crazy low because their workaholic culture and sexually repressive attitude makes pretty much no one want to have sex with each other. There's a huge incidence of couples that literally say that sex is too troublesome because they're always tired from work (they often work 12+ hours). They had a net loss of 200,000 people last year, which is a record for them. More than 50% of their country is over the age of 60. With more sexual repression comes more strange sexual fetishes and extreme examples of reclusion into strange fantasies, which is part of why otaku are such a prevalent problem. Do you want to go out and find a girlfriend who understands you (hard) or do you want to retreat into a fantasy world where you get multiple girlfriends who love you (easy)? The same problem is why the southern US has the most raunchy porn search terms in the highest frequency.

    The next fallout game should be in Japan

    Also this

    DR SHRUBBERY! and Agent Zako like this