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Profile Comments posted by emsomniac

  1. emsomniac

    your all really uh someitndg about being great freainds . . yeah that
    1. Cascade

      thnx xoxo

    2. pheonix561

      I am a "bearu good friend"

    3. Chimetals

      i thought "bearu" was adorable :>

  2. emsomniac

    Worst case scenario, AT Werewolf will resume on Sunday, it may be Sat.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more

      I'm going to be gone for a week starting sunday.

    3. emsomniac

      The repair guy said that he thought the motherboard was fine, and that all it should need was a new keyboard. I'm gonna call tomorrow to see if he has any more info. Worst case Sunday is just because that's when I go back to school and have my desktop.

    4. Sayubie

      Hey...Hey emma.... mind tickles.

  3. emsomniac

    why do needles hurt so much ow my leg what the puppy ow
    1. pheonix561


  4. emsomniac

    Took almost two months, but my Nexus 4 finally arrived eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    1. emsomniac

      How the puppy does google know what music I listen to if I've never used their store before O.o This is vaguely creepy.

  5. emsomniac

    The internet tells me that broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, and kale are all the same species of plant. Nature, what the hell? how u do dis
    1. PrimaGaga

      duh! half of them look exactly the same!

    2. Cirt

      broccoli and cauliflower, okay.... brussel sprouts, cabbage, and kale, def not.

  6. emsomniac

    Sorry that I haven't been posting much recently, been really busy with this impending move, name change stuff, and the festival I just went to.
    1. pheonix561


  7. emsomniac

    So what are the odds that one of you guys plays Magic: The Gathering and would be willing to nerd out with me all the time as I get started?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. emsomniac

      I've just been playing MTGO in lieu of actually going out and embarrassing myself with this deck I have.

    3. Fierce Muffin

      Ewww, spending money on that. If I had money, I'd do the same, but still...

    4. emsomniac

      Well I haven't spent much, just the $10 for the game itself. Comes with a bunch of commons and uncommons. I dont really have the luxury of knowing a lot of people around here to play it with, other than FNM and stuff at card shops.

  8. emsomniac

    So uh, how about that DOMA ruling?
  9. emsomniac

    So like almost nobody has sent in their night actions yet; I guess we'll just start when I get all the actions. Try not to take too long, guys ;_;
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LLmao ?✊?

      Oh, okay. Pheo was accusing me of being him once.

    3. Michael

      Everyone should follow the topic.

    4. emsomniac

      Ok I've got all the night actions, and I was going to go to bed but I already have everything written so I'll just post everything if a mod can unlock it.

  10. emsomniac

    So Gravity was really really good. Not 100% perfect, but probably the best portrayal of physics in space ever put on a movie screen.
    1. LLmao ?✊?

      A simulation of what it would be like if George Clooney was in space

    2. Cirt

      I saw it last friday. it was fantastic, though a little cliché at times. also astronaut's worst nightmare lol

    3. Otis McNutt

      The movie is totally inaccurate....George Clooney would never talk to a woman his own age for that long.

  11. emsomniac

    So apparently the howling wind in Chicago gives me nightmares. Horrible... mind-breaking... nightmares... D:

      Don't worry. It's just wind, it can't hurt you.

      Unless its a TORNADO.

    2. Sahaqiel

      did you dream you stepped on a lego

    3. emsomniac

      I watched all my friends jump down a creepy abandoned elevator shaft. Later in the dream I picked up one of their severed heads and it was mouthing my name over and over again.

  12. emsomniac

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sayubie


    3. Sayubie


    4. Sayubie


  13. emsomniac

    Since everyone got their night action in 14 hours early, AT WW Day 6 is up with a 14 hour extenstion!
    1. T1g

      wait you are the one hosting the game?


    2. emsomniac

      wow just

      are you dense

    3. Cascade

      it runs in their family

  14. emsomniac

    Scratch that, Day 2 is up!
    1. Sahaqiel

    2. Cascade

      now if only people would actually post plz

  15. emsomniac

    PMs for the Adventure Time Werewolf game have gone out! We will start when all of the players have replied to me asking questions or saying they are ready.
  16. emsomniac

    PMs for night 2 have gone out, and the thread will be updated as soon as it gets unlocked! Sorry for the delay everyone.
    1. Cascade

      AAAAAAAAAAHHHH the suspenseeee

    2. emsomniac

      And its up!

  17. emsomniac

    Please... cant stop laughing... cant breathe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ_bhwCgtXg
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. T1g


      Recieve Drug!


      Bag F uck

    3. PrimaGaga

      oh yeah ive played this game with my friends before


      volcano bakemeat

    1. Sahaqiel

      sounds delicious dawg

  18. emsomniac

    My secondary monitor is dead QQ
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sayubie

      She's dead too.

    3. Teto

      I read mother too

    4. Knuckle

      oh dear :(

  19. emsomniac

    My new avatar is an actual picture of me. No joke, I was 2D all along.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. emsomniac

      Nah, the 3D me that you see walking around is just a robot in human skin. I just got a faulty touch-feedback unit when I was building it. The sensitivity is way too high but its soldered to the mainboard already and I cant be bothered to fix it.

      Please don't tickle me to death though D:

    3. Sayubie

      What's that?? "Please tickle me until I cry"??? Well, if you say so.

    4. PrimaGaga

      lol i played with that princess maker last night. it's kinda cute.

  20. emsomniac

    Kerbal space program is 40% off for the next 2 days. Its one of my favorite games of all time - if you're an engineering type you'll love it, and if not, well there are lots of explosions so youll probably still love it. http://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/?/sale
    1. Sayubie

      You monster.

    2. emsomniac


  21. emsomniac

    Just a tad bit longer on werewolf, sorry for the wait guys.
    1. Cascade

      i say we lynch the person who's holding up emso y/n

    2. SilverAlchemic

      i'd vote for him

  22. emsomniac

    Just have one player left who hasn't sent their vote in, then we'll start Day 4.
    1. Cascade


    2. Michael

      It was the batman.

    3. Sahaqiel

      I vote yes

  23. emsomniac

    If you haven't seen, signups for Adventure Time Werewolf are up!
  24. emsomniac

    If anyone doesn't have it, Left 4 Dead 2 is free today on Steam! http://store.steampowered.com/app/550/?snr=1_7_15__13
    1. Fierce Muffin

      Literally took at least 2 or 3 hours to get this. Steam was down forever.

    2. T1g

      cool cool