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Posts posted by antifairy

  1. I work at a hotel as a night auditor. Quitting in a couple weeks though because I'm moving.

  2. I thought this was a post saying they were remaking them. 

    Some asshole at Gamestop told me the same thing. Came to find out it was just a port.


    That would actually be kinda awesome if a remake was done for both titles. Or better yet that and make the missing Mystical Seed game.

    pheonix561 likes this

  3. So did anyone else see an article for it and your first thought was "Another fake zelda game"? I honestly thought this and even after seeing the screenshots, decided to do more research before accepting it. I didn't see the Nintendo conference so I had no idea.


    Looks great though, glad they moved away from the stylus controls, one of the biggest reasons that I don't like the DS titles.

    Arachne and pheonix561 like this