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  1. Infakly liked a post in a topic by T1g in Pikmin   
    Guess who got a Wii U to play one game?

    And guess who doesn't get to play it?
  2. Infakly liked a post in a topic by Sahaqiel in Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)   
    @nab Ain't ever played a Dynasty Warriors game, or even really ever beaten a beat-em-up. And anyway, I wouldn't judge a game based on previous comparable games. It still looks really cheesy to me, from the electric guitar cover of the Legend of Zelda theme to how completely pointless some of the flashy moves are. Why would I bring myself to like this game from a series I normally like if it becomes comparable to a game that I wouldn't like? Also, why wouldn't I complain if the trailer was clearly made in a week, if not a day? That's definitely something you say to complain about trailers. "Man, this looks like it was made in a week, if not a day. That's pretty lame."
    @James Lu I don't think this is trying to attract people to buy the Wii U, which is odd because of the aforementioned lack of convincing titles. They definitely might have spent more time than this on a trailer if they were trying to get people hyped.
    @LL The trailer does lack a variety of enemies, but the enemies that aren't Bokoblins do look interesting to fight. My only complaint about them is that the Skyward Sword monsters don't look like they match with the environment. They still look much too bright and colorful, even though Link got a makeover that makes him more world-appropriate.
  3. Infakly liked a post in a topic by Michael in Fun With Zelda   
    In the past we featured a list of fun things to do in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but there are at least 15 zelda games out there! What do you do find is fun to do in some of the other zelda games?
  4. Infakly liked a post in a topic by Cascade in New 3DS Zelda Game Announced!   
    wow I'm actually posting zelda-related news for once on a Zelda forum. FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING.

    From this article:
    So yeah, discuss this exciting news!! I think the new game looks really cute! The kawaii version of ALttP if you will. Of course I went there. But no, really. The new mechanics so far look like they'll make for a wee bit of freshness in dungeon-crawling. Thought for the first few seconds that it was gonna be a remake of LttP, so glad it's a completely new game. I'm exciteddd :3c
    (see below: pheo's more informative post/former-thread. great timing we both have on making the exact same topic)
  5. Infakly liked a post in a topic by Arachne in New 3DS Zelda Game Announced!   
    I'm really excited to play this one. It's a good fit for the fun-with-perspective Nintendo has been focusing on to really sell the 3DS graphics. I suspect there won't be a really groundbreaking story in this one, but it's sure to be fun.
    I just worry that Nintendo isn't willing to take big chances with their existing franchises this generation, and that they'll just keep recycling ideas from previous titles.
  6. Infakly liked a post in a topic by Eka in WINDWAKER WII U REBOOT ANNOUNCED   
    Literally sold my Wii and WW a week before this was announced, and I already got a WiiU for Christmas.
    100% ready for this. Scrapped dungeons made playable would be fantastic as well.
  7. Infakly liked a post in a topic by Jareddude in Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)   
    Super excited for this. I wish we had more info. C:
  8. Infakly liked a post in a topic by pheonix561 in Zelda Director wants WiiU game without Story

    So it's a bit of a weird thing to ask for in a zelda game, which are typically story focused games, but director of the zelda series Eiji Aonuma wants the next zelda game to be lacking in story. Not without a story entirely, just one that is set by the player more instead of being already planned and established by the game. To quote from the article:

    It's a very interesting idea, but to be honest, it sounds like he just wants to create skyrim or something. What do you guys think?