Wicker Basket

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Posts posted by Wicker Basket

  1. Understandable lyrics. Yeah. The only one that goes a bit mad is boheimian rhapsody. I'm not sure of the spelling and I can't be bothered checking. Go on, correct me if you want, but it only proves that you're as pathetic as your music taste.

    Yeah I guess it's opinion but nevermind. I'm hyper and I don't care who knows it.

    Not sure what you mean by that.

  2. If what you mean is "If you could be any animal other than a Human, what would you be?", then I'd be a fox.

    What is you favorite Disney Classic? (Classics meaning from 1999 or before.)

  3. The old Disney movies. Before Disney became a channel on TV for girls and pre-teens, they had movies that even adults could enjoy.

    -The Lion King

    -The Nightmare Before Christmas

    -The Fox and the Hound

    -Robin Hood (animated)

    -Beauty and the Beast

    -Jungle Book (animated)




    -Peter Pan


    -Alice in Wonderland

    -Little Mermaid



    They keep going on. Even Pirates of the Caribbean is Disney.

  4. Sorry but, that's not a breakthrough, and you just made an idiot of yourself.

    You know, this hasn't gone anywhere for the last several months. We have just about all evidence towards the "Fourth Piece" existing as we can get. I think it's time we E-mail Nintendo (which we can) asking if it exists or was ever considered at the very least, and if we get a response (though not likely) we present the best evidence we have in a formal and organized manner. I know we probably won't get anything back, but if we don't then this topic will just go on and on until we get bored of it.

  5. what do i do :cry: and i am not joking we met in the interior of B.C last year and i have been talking to her for the

    last while

    Figure out what to do on your own, or it's not really you so much as other peoples' advice that's maintaining the relationship.

  6. Lemo, the reason that people on this site hate other members is because they are either too kiddish or immature, angry ranting idiots, or just stupid and annoying. What you need to do is not make a leaving topic (cause everyone hates them) for one, and then realize that the members here are just random people on the internet who don't know you and probably don't care about you or your problems. Plus, there are only a few people that anyone would miss on the entire site.

  7. Theory of Termina:

    you know how people say that termina is a alternate hyrule but i think its the future hyrule. and that the humans are the evolution of hylians wich explains the clock work and the loss of magic

    unfortunetly the map is completly different and the only way it could make sense is buy saying the area itself changed :wacko:

    Sorry dude, but nintendo explained that Termina is the accidentally created parallel universe to Hyrule that appeared when the goddesses left Hyrule (I'm not sure if it was when they left Hyrule, or if it just appeared when they created Hyrule. It's been a while since I read that).

  8. Take your time while writing and make it fun to read with flowing words. Also, stay in the same word tense throughout. You're pretty good, but you need to edit (and use adjectives).

    EDIT: wait a second, this topic is from October! would you people stop digging up old topics!

  9. Meh... There are good stories, and there are bad stories. The bad ones get replies telling the writer they have talent and get high ratings for no apparent reason (idiots), and the good ones get praised a lot and the writers entertain people with more chapters (yay Sahaqiel).

  10. Anything but. Wow, GM, this is an amazing finding! This is evidence-- no, dare I say it-- PROOF that the fourth Triforce exists... herm, I doubt Midna had it, though.... I remember, when I fist played TP, when Zelda healed Midna, there was a fourth Triforce lighting up, a lot like Ganondorf's case; a definite middle, yet it was obviously four triangles, but I think my TV was messed up, because when other people show that cutscene, it's just the three. Oh, well. :(

    Anyway, perhaps there was somebody else in the room whom we didn't see... highly unlikely, though.

    Perhaps Zelda did have it, and my messed-up TV was the only one that could see it! :P Yeah, I wish....

    In conclusion, this is fascinating, but I have no idea why the heck this could have happened.... Hmmmmm.... :unsure:

    Despite my believing in the fourth piece, I wouldn't call that proof or even evidence (quite redundant). That is most likely just one of nintendo's many ways of adding pretty scenery to their games.

    Now aside from that matter: I have been considerations some things and I think that these facts and educated guesses may prove useful:

    The "Fourth Piece" may not be an actual piece of the Triforce, but an extra power relating to it.

    There is almost undeniably a fourth goddesses which would be the Goddess of Time, unless said goddess is one of the first three (though unlikely). For those who haven't figured it out, that is why the "Fourth Piece" is sometimes said to deal with time (the other relations to it only deal with fan fiction and little bits of info. that often don't make sense).

    We have been recently discussing things that we went over about a YEAR ago, and despite being an inch away from finding out whether or not the fourth piece is something Myamoto thought up or has considered, he doesn't like giving straight or helpful answers.

  11. Hey again, everyone (This is P2D!)! I just thought I'd drop by and share my (completley unrelated to what you're talking about at the moment) theories, and some info I've found. Okay...

    1: I read something interesting recently (but I can't remember where) about the Triforce. Aparrently, there were only supposed to be two pieces to it, and the Tri- prefix was meant to relate to the shape of the pieces, not the number. The Triforce of Courage was added in later. Think about it.

    2: I was re-playing MM recently, and noticed that when the Skull Kid turns Link into a Deku, the light he's under makes the shape of an inverted Triforce. Looking at it like that, there's room for three more pieces! And also, the symbol wouldn't work with a fourth piece, as it would just look like an upside-down Triforce.

    I hope you find this info useful!

    Over and out!

    (Eat Hyrule Toast.)

    You know, that first one there makes perfect sense, and helps a lot! Thank you P2D.

  12. ...Really? But this whole thread was built on the arguements. ._. Am I still allowed to find the holes in the theories and explain them to help you guys make the BEST THEORY YOU CAN?? =D=D=D=D=DDDDD

    Yes G333: so long as your info is correct, then you may of course help us come up with a good theory that is more factual than fan fiction.

    For Mr. Heartsauce: the element of fire (liike the others) is from the magic from OoT called Din's Fire.

    Now, I don't understand this "triforce of Desire", for it is not seen as Time is in any game. The only goddess mentioned by a character in the games other than the first three is the Goddess of Time. So that's where the the piece of Time comes from. The others I don't get though. Enlighten me on the subject please.

  13. Okay since a few of you new guys seem to not know much about Zelda, I shall enlighten you: OoT is (as stated by

    myamoto) the first game in the story. This game creates a split timeline through some events that take place within it. The

    later games take place afterwards, all connected in a master document that Nintendo will not release to the public for some

    time (stated by nintendo). As for those of you who do not believe in the fourth piece and argue about it here, we have

    already banned that on this thread, and people who do this will be warned by this threads mods, who may (if given

    permission) be banned from the thread or site.

    Regarding the fourth piece theory: there may or may not be a character going with it.

    Regarding the light spirits in TP: The light spirit of Ordon is not included in the creepy cutscene explaining the spirits, and is

    therefore seen as a possible link to the 4th goddess.

    Regarding the mini temples: The mini temples to which I refered were those in the child saga. The child part of the Spirit

    Temple doesn't really count since it is part of an adult temple.

    Other: W00T!!!

  14. Okay, I don't understand what you are saying about the triforce, becuase we know how that looks already in relation to the goddesses. Now, I am sure this has already been mentioned but I will just put it out there: There is a fair amount of info. supporting that the sheikah have relations to the fourth goddess. I just remembered something else that supports this: The well. Each goddess has a mini temple in OoT, the first game in the story (info from Shig, we all know this); Farore has the deku tree, Din has Dodongo Cavern, and Nayru has JabuJabu. So with the relation of Sheikah to the Goddess of Time, the well would be her mini temple.