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Everything posted by なべ

  1. なべ added a post in a topic Memorable #Zelda moments/quotes   

    4:15:19 PM - Kibblo: Somebody's knocking on the door
    4:15:23 PM - Kibblo: Do I shiv them
    4:16:09 PM - Double45: probably not
    4:16:30 PM - Kibblo: Can't find the shiv knives anyway
    <Double45> holy shit, that's kibblo
  2. なべ added a topic in Forum Games   

    The Big Ol' Video Game Music-Guessing Contest #1!
    Hey, yo. I know this forum is dead and all, but if you see this message, you're alive. Congratulations!
    I'm running a video game music guessing contest, cross-site. Probably 30 songs, with scoring and a prize, possibly prizes. Song clips will be 30 seconds in length, and will range in difficulty. It will not be an active participation game, like Werewolf or the old trivia games, so keeping up activity won't be an issue.
    Let me know you're interested in this thread, through PMs, or in the Hnet IRC chat, which is alive and well, and a good place to pick up hot singles for only 99 cents per minute.
    • 1 reply
  3. なべ added a post in a topic Memorable #Zelda moments/quotes   

    December 4th
    6:04:04 PM - Nabe: Double, I want you to know, I got you something for Christmas
    6:04:24 PM - Double45: uh oh nabe..
    6:04:42 PM - Nabe: Your grandpa will be happy to get this package
    6:04:47 PM - Double45: please
    6:05:02 PM - Double45: don't send me mail anymore lol
    December 15th
    2:22:03 PM - Double45: Nabe
    2:22:07 PM - Double45: what did you send me in the mail..
    2:22:25 PM - Cello_: lol
    2:22:33 PM - Double45: it says Belt Bucket
    2:22:48 PM - Double45: i own 1 belt and i only ever wear it if my pants are too big
    2:25:14 PM - Double45: nabe
    2:25:16 PM - Double45: literally why
    2:25:27 PM - Double45: i have to take of this shit for you guys
    2:26:31 PM - Double45: oh how i regret giving you my address
    2:31:00 PM - Fierce_Muffin: I have to take of this
    2:31:11 PM - Double45: oops
    2:31:16 PM - Double45: i have to take a picture of this shit
    2:31:22 PM - Double45: how did i puppy that up so badly..
    2:31:30 PM - Double45: but really muffin
    2:31:32 PM - Double45: cello ganny
    2:31:32 PM - Double45: http://i.imgur.com/fdhO7rA.png
    2:31:34 PM - Double45: look at this shit
    2:31:40 PM - Double45: i have NO uses for this at all
    2:31:44 PM - Double45: i don't even know how to dispose of it
    2:32:03 PM - Cello_: wear it n your forehead like a naruto ninja
    2:32:17 PM - Double45: puppying Nabe
    2:32:32 PM - Geust333: HA he got it
    2:33:13 PM - Double45: at least the japanese candy had a use to me
    2:33:23 PM - Geust333: You have to wear it, big guy
    2:33:26 PM - Geust333: Merry Christmas
    2:33:36 PM - Double45: nope
    2:33:51 PM - Geust333: jesus
    2:34:00 PM - Double45: god
    2:37:34 PM - Double45: not only do i have no interest in wearing a belt buckle period, but i would definitely never wear this
    2:39:57 PM - Guest00000: 'w`
    2:40:18 PM - Guest00000: dubl has no whimsy or humour...
    2:44:33 PM - Guest00000: [13:33:56] <Geust333> jesus
    2:44:33 PM - Guest00000: [13:34:06] <&Double45> god
    2:45:21 PM - Double45: I've never really been a fan of the whole gag gift concept as a whole
    2:46:19 PM - Guest00000: LL sent me gaudy rainbow toe socks
    2:46:25 PM - Guest00000: i wore them until they had too many holes
    2:56:18 PM - Geust333: It's not a gag gift, it's a true and holy gift from the one and only nabe
    3:02:08 PM - Nabe: God, I'm good
    3:02:42 PM - Nabe: Double: Merry Christmas
    3:04:07 PM - Double45: no nabe, this is terrible
    3:04:18 PM - Nabe: I mean
    3:04:32 PM - Nabe: If you really hate a memento of me this badly, the garbage can works
    3:04:55 PM - Cello_: i still think you should wear it like a naruto headband
    3:05:10 PM - Nabe: ^ That's not bad
    3:05:23 PM - Double45: my mom handed me the package, i'm just glad she didn't ask me why i ordered a belt buckle
    3:05:45 PM - Nabe: You can blame your country's customs for the package saying Belt Buckle on it
    3:05:47 PM - Cello_: http://www.soccer-training-info.com/images/neymar_jesus_headband.jpg
    3:05:51 PM - Nabe: I wanted it to be a surprise
    3:05:54 PM - Cello_: looking good double
    3:05:59 PM - Double45: please
    3:06:51 PM - Geust333: I wish they had discreet packaging so my mom wouldn't know that I ordered.....  a BELT buckle
    3:07:12 PM - Guest00000: dubl you're self conscious about the babbliest things
    3:07:26 PM - Nabe: Double's mother will want to hear about the package contents, and see it, though... that's a door-opening event if I've ever heard one
    3:07:44 PM - Geust333: Just tell her the truth
    3:08:20 PM - Geust333: This Canadian I've been talking to and spending nights with for years on the Internet sent me a melt buckle to wear so I'd never forget him
    3:08:21 PM - Double45: yeah
    3:08:24 PM - Double45: i'm very self conscious
    3:08:59 PM - Double45: if i actually was in texas
    3:09:05 PM - Double45: i bet i could give this to someone
    3:09:07 PM - Double45: a jesus belt bucket
    3:09:14 PM - Double45: sounds like something a texan would love
    3:09:15 PM - Nabe: buckle*
    3:09:19 PM - Double45: yeah
    3:09:19 PM - Double45: oops
    3:09:22 PM - Double45: belt buckle
    3:09:33 PM - Cello_: a BUCKET of jesus eblts
    3:09:36 PM - Cello_: belts
    3:09:36 PM - Nabe: ^
    3:09:42 PM - Nabe: eblts... perfect
    3:09:59 PM - Nabe: Just tuck it in the back of a drawer... you never know
    3:10:11 PM - Double45: nah....
    3:10:20 PM - Cello_: tryna headband
    3:10:42 PM - Nabe: Give it to your grandpa then, you stopped the package before it reached its intended recipient
    3:10:55 PM - Double45: please
    3:11:02 PM - Nabe: Look at that little red maple leaf, taunting you
    3:11:03 PM - Double45: no one in my family would want this
    3:11:13 PM - Geust333: Wow
    3:11:20 PM - Geust333: Your family hates Jesus
    3:11:27 PM - Nabe: If one person in the world were to want this, I would have thought it would be you
    3:11:39 PM - Cello_: "*tips fedora*" - Double's family
    3:12:02 PM - Double45: yeah remember all the times i talked about my love of belts and the buckles you can put on them
    3:12:07 PM - Cello_: can't have them seeing you appreciate jesus
    3:12:09 PM - Nabe: Please
    3:12:11 PM - Geust333: Just wear it when you're alone
    3:12:12 PM - Nabe: I am referring
    3:12:14 PM - Nabe: to jesus
    3:12:14 PM - Geust333: On your forehead
    3:12:17 PM - Nabe: ^
    3:12:24 PM - Cello_: they'll think you're not euphoric
    3:12:43 PM - Double45: i mean i didn't mean we all don't believe in jesus or something..
    3:12:47 PM - Double45: we're just not religious at all
    3:12:55 PM - Cello_: so you don't believe in jesus
    3:12:57 PM - Nabe: >He believes in Jesus Christ, our Savior
    3:13:02 PM - Double45: i didn't say that
    3:13:14 PM - Nabe: Double, I get that you are only viewing this in one layer, but try to see it from my point of view
    3:13:15 PM - Geust333: >HATES Jesus, though
    3:13:22 PM - Nabe: There are at least 10 layers of hilarity here
    3:13:59 PM - Double45: yeah, funny at my expense
    3:14:06 PM - Nabe: Actually, my expense
    3:14:16 PM - Double45: both really
    3:14:19 PM - Nabe: uh no
    3:14:27 PM - Nabe: Not unless that package came with a customs charge
    3:27:21 PM - Double45: i guess i just can't say jesus anymore
    3:27:26 PM - Nabe has changed the topic to: Welcome to #Zelda! | Painting just makes ya happy, keep it simple, too many complicated things in life... just enjoy it. | Theme of the Day: jesus.
    3:28:17 PM - Nabe: Meagan says she hopes you wear it at some point
    3:29:10 PM - Cello_: http://marshill.se/marshill/files/2011/07/10/20110710_jesus-is-right-not-you_poster_img.jpg
    3:29:11 PM - Double45: well...i won't, sorry to let her down
    3:30:13 PM - Cello_: http://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/411363/file-1183574871-jpg/TheHumanRight.jpg?t=1446510248432&width=659
    3:31:39 PM - Double45: right
    3:31:40 PM - Double45: jesus
    3:36:47 PM - Guest00000: going on a jog
    3:36:53 PM - Guest00000: enjoy your belt buckle dubl bubl bby
    3:37:00 PM - Guest00000: 'w-
    3:37:25 PM - Double45: right yeah
    3:40:37 PM - Geust333: right yeah god jesus jesus jesus
    3:40:51 PM - Cello_: ayyyyy jesus
    3:41:00 PM - Cello_: that sounds like a mexican actually
    December 17th
    11:42:18 PM - Nabe: Wear my belt buckle
    11:44:41 PM - Double45: screw your belt buckle nabe
    11:44:44 PM - Double45: i should go bury it underground
    11:45:09 PM - Nabe: jesus
    11:45:20 PM - Double45: and then when the wind and rain unsurface it people will be like
    11:45:25 PM - Double45: "What's that coming out of the ground?"
    11:45:29 PM - Double45: "It's Jesus"
    11:55:38 PM - Nabe: JESUS
    11:56:13 PM - Necropolis: Lol
  4. なべ added a post in a topic The Phantom Pain is a 10/10 Masterpiece   

    please don't represent my content as your own just because I don't have internet gosh
    Also, Pheonix, basically none of what you stated about the plot is actually in the plot of any of the games, at all.
  5. なべ added a post in a topic Should gays be accepted by America?   

    Posting in a locked topic, but I believe it's important to express exactly where and why this argument is flawed. Telling someone that they're a douchebag for holding to values and principles they believe to be right isn't going to change their mind.
    Sexuality isn't the right word here (the bolded), despite the term for the actual preference of partner being homosexuality, because it incorrectly suggests that sexual intercourse needs to be involved in the discussion. To be homosexual is to be attracted to people of the same sex as you, whether that's for love or sexual intercourse or physical intimacy or a combination thereof. Any argument about sex or the "purpose" of sex ignores the much simpler fundamental human truth that people cannot and do not choose their feelings or emotions.
    Of course, the argument of "it's not the societal norm and therefore I can't condone it" is inherently vapid and suggests a basic inability to think in anyone who utters it, but you can have the benefit of the doubt from me regardless.
  6. なべ added a post in a topic The Phantom Pain is a 10/10 Masterpiece   

    - We already knew it was Peace Walker 2
    - We already knew it was exceptionally good
    - IGN is garbage, please
  7. なべ added a post in a topic Should gays be accepted by America?   

    There are plenty of gay people who find anal sex unpleasant, or don't engage in it for various personal reasons. Being born gay leaves you minus one option for intimacy with your partner, you know? Which is unfortunate for those who don't indulge, although most of those who don't still find contentment with their level of intimacy with their partner(s).
    Personally I add options daily.
  8. なべ added a post in a topic Fuck Konami   


  9. なべ added a comment on a blog entry Sweet Sixteen   

    hbd hnt
  10. なべ added a comment on a blog entry "It's JIF, not GIF"   

    why not gee I eff
  11. なべ added a comment on a blog entry Vocabulary Roundup - Game of Thrones, Page 250   

    Man, but I use these words all the time...
    (Glad to see you joining the Brotherhood!)