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Posts posted by Joshawott

  1. If I do, do I still get a cool banner like the mods do? I'd like for it to have the Wonder Girls on it. That'd be pretty intense.

  2. I think it enjoys the attention, guys.

    I do. That's what makes it so hilarious. Everyone is making a scene, yet the one person who should be concerned over the whole thing--the target of it all--isn't. Now what does that tell us about maturity and self control?

    I'll admit I made a few mistakes. Do I deserve getting demoted? I don't think so, but that's not totally biased. But I think it's funny how everyone is treating making me a Sage is like doing me one huge favor. As if anything I've ever done is anywhere where near ban worthy; there have been people worse than me, and whatever you can think of to support getting rid of me is tame in comparison. The petition to have me banned is, more than anything, a manifestation of a dislike of my arrogant attitude (because arrogance is totally ban worthy) rather than me abusing members, which when put in perspective is something I hardly ever do on the forums. On chat is different, but then again, everyone knows chat = the forum.

    When you look at it, I've only "abused" Adr, Rain and Saha. As if they're not big boy enough to take a little heckling. But oh, three people totally make up a majority of an active userbase of ten. Seriously.

  3. See? If you all didn't love me so much, none of you would be buggin' about this.

    A testament to my awesomeness. But oh, we digress.

  4. Why yes, it is called a life outside of the internet. Just because I don't post anymore doesn't mean I'm not here. I'm watching you fools.

    And no, FreckleFart. I'll be news editor. You're trippin'.

  5. Don't pretend like you don't love me.

    But you're not alone. Everyone else is in denial about it, too. I'm just that fabulous.

    And Saha, it's obvious that I'd win that poll. Quit trippin'.

  6. What's this rank voodoo about?

    Rank: #20 at level 14

    How does one ascend to the higher number and level, out of curiosity?

  7. I'm watching Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's right now. My friend and I are trying to catch up, and I'm on episode 20 right now, and I think she should be on 16. It's pretty intense like a circus on fire. I kinda miss the cards they used in the OG Yu-Gi-Oh!, but it's pretty legit. We like it.

    And we're watching Bleach on Adult Swim, even though they're a hundred episodes behind and I'm all caught up with the Japanese version, but only because it's actually decently dubbed.

  8. The stupidest part of both the SAT and ACT is the essay portion. I have no problem with the objective sections since it's all graded by computer, but the essay can be curved either way because it's a person reading and scoring it. It's the most subjective part of both tests, and even though it's only 30% of the writing section's score on the SAT (I can't say anything about the ACTs because I haven't taken them), that already is giving the essay too much credit as a legitimate way to determine how well one can write.

  9. not in a bad way like...Yu gi oh! and other bad card games.

    Oh, you swear. Check your shoe laces, 'cause youse is trippin'.

  10. I'm playing Subarashiki Kono Sekai, Gyakuten Kenji and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. I'm almost done with SKS and I just started GK. I just got KH358/2D, but I'll play it once I'm done with SKS.

  11. Oh haaay, Haruhi Suzumiya season two is out! I was like, whaaat, since when!? I thought I was trippin' out when I saw it at first, but then it was legit!

  12. A few pictures from prom last night.



    My friend and I were bored while we were waiting for our prom dates/sponsors to show up.


    My friend and I with our older brother/school's AP calculus teacher.

  13. Now that you mention him, Hiyama is the voice actor for Madarame in Bleach. I was thinking bout it when I was watching this week's episode, and I saw Link every time I saw him. But personally, Akira Sasanuma > Nobuyuki Hiyama.

  14. What had happened today was, my mom and I went to Horton Plaza, which is this upscale mall downtown that I haven't been to since I was ten or something. We had to go to Macy's to exchange the jacket for my prom outfit because the one one we got last night as a bit too small. So what had happened was, we got my new jacket and dress shirt. And then she returned some dresses she bought online and exchanged some shoes she got yesterday because they were defective, and then she went shopping for herself for an hour while I waited near the fitting rooms and sat next to this British guy around my age who seriously needed to hide that forest he calls chest hair back in his V-neck. By the way, Horton is by far the most diverse mall I've ever been to in SD because I was hearing French and Italian and German and Japanese and all these other languages more than English.

    Around three pairs of pants, a blouse, a Calvin Klein blazer and dress shirt, as well as $180 later, we went to Bath & Body Works to get some candle oil and a free oil burner with every purchase of two vials of candle oil and a signature scent lotion half off, which totaled $18. And I wanted to go to XXI because I heard they had a better selection of guy clothes than the one at this mall I live closer to. And they did. We left two scarves, three shirts and $54 later.

    But then my mom had to go back to Macy's to get a hat for her trip to Canada in June because she hates the sun like Jewish people hate not making money, and that is just not the business. It was between two hats, and she ended up buying both, for $26 since she had a $10 off card and another 20% off card.

    A grand total of $278. And they say we're in a recession.

  15. I was using my brother's professional Nikon.

    But we digress.

  16. 112320156_403605bd6e_b.jpg

    That's pretty much what I see every night from outside my house. But from farther away, of course. I'd kill to live that close to downtown.

    So today, I went to my friend's house to watch Sweet Sex and Love, but apparently I fell asleep on her couch for six hours. And then SHE LEFT while I was knocked out to go prom dress shopping with our friend who lives next door to her. When I woke up around seven, she was already home, and then I went home to watch more Yu-Gi-Oh!. I was kinda trippin' that they went out without me because I needed to go shopping for my jacket too, but then my parents coincidentally went to Macy's since they weren't home when I came home, and they went shopping for my jacket for me. So now I have my outfit and my ride, and now all I need is my ticket, which I'm getting with my date on Monday.