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Posts posted by Joshawott

  1. <object width="320" height="265"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param'>"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="320" height="265"></embed></object>

    "Suteki da ne? (Orchestrated Version)", RIKKI - Final Fantasy X Original Soundtrack.

  2. I went back to Reyman's to check out my proofs. I was expecting the worst, really. I even had a dream last night that all of them sucked. xp. BUT, some of them looked really nice! Not to sound conceited, but damn, I looked good. :] My choice for the yearbook was the last one they took. When I bought them, they told me to pick out five more shots, but the last one was all I wanted, so I took the ones with my side with the most acne facing away from the camera, and when I ran out I chose the ones with it facing that looked the least noticeable thanks to lighting. One of them made me look so dark I was compelled to choose it because I've always wanted to be darker, but then it was a more unnatural dark. They said they'd come in the mail in two weeks, but I'm too impatient to wait that long! D: I thought I'd be getting them right then, but apparently not. Oh well.

  3. But I think they look pretty good on other people who fit the style.

    those wristbands, especially the ones from Hot Topic, were for the emo or silly supa kawaii anime people.

    Wristbands don't look good on anyone. The only people who can really get away with wearing them without sort of remark being made are ones at the gym.

  4. It's more like I was begged to, believe it or not. Whether I wanted to, well, the fact I am one again speaks volumes.

    But seriously.

  5. It comes with the territory. Wear a wristband and it's assumed you're hiding cuts under it. Razor shag your hair and it's assumed you're scene. Wear flannel and you're automatically from the backwater.

    But of course we all know how much of a stereotype is true.

  6. I made a Final Fantasy clock. :] Would have made Zelda, but it wouldn't have been as clever.


    Excuse the drowsy face and day long bed head.


  7. Tidus_x_Yuna__Wedding_portrait_by_SirJoshizzle.png

    I'm generally happy with how it turned out. I tend to ruin things when I color them, and I can point out a few things about this that I'm not particularly settled with but won't mention because I'm that much of an obsessive compulsive perfectionist. I will say that most of it is in the Tidus region, though.