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About Sahaqiel

  • Rank
    Hero of Time
  • Birthday 09/28/92

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Status Feed

  1. Sahaqiel

    Night 2 of Emoticon Werewolf has begun! Send in your night actions!
  2. Sahaqiel

    Happy birthday, Chimaeratail!
  3. Sahaqiel

    Night 2 of Emoticon Werewolf has begun. Send in your night actions!
  4. Sahaqiel

    Happy Chimetals, birthday! [taco bell inbound]
    1. LLmao ?✊?


  5. Sahaqiel

    Emoticon Werewolf Day 2 has started!
  6. Sahaqiel

    Emoticon Werewolf Night 1 has started! 6/7 actions sent!
  7. Sahaqiel

    Emoticon Werewolf Night 1 has started!
  8. Sahaqiel

    Emoticon Werewolf has started!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sahaqiel

      no idea phanta

    3. PrimaGaga

      no idea of wut?

    4. Sahaqiel

      idk, it might be fine. ;-; Really wanted to go for an organic kind of sound but I couldn't make it deep and loud enough with just the piano, so I decided to throw in the synth from before hastily. I should really stop working on these things late into the night.

  9. Sahaqiel

    Doing a remix of G/S/C's Game Corner theme.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sahaqiel

      knuckle go away the fact that you said it was techno is more dorky than anything you could have possibly said ;-;

      but yeah I stayed up like all night and then was like welp here you go and yeah I'm going to fix it up more

    3. Sahaqiel

      My goal here was actually to not make a cheesy remix of a video game theme

      like one of these

    4. Sahaqiel

      I need to work on it more...

  10. Sahaqiel

    I updated my blog for coherency. By the way, my G, H, and " keys constantly malfunction, so if I typo with them, you know why. :<
  11. Sahaqiel

    mFufni's Adventure estimated completion: 65%
  12. Sahaqiel

    Animals doing silly things
    1. T1g

      i was listening to songs i was going to karaoke at karaoke night next week, and this really synched up with the code geass opening for some reason

    2. Sahaqiel


  13. Sahaqiel

    Happy birthday, Margot!!!
  14. Sahaqiel

    nab the bab
  15. Sahaqiel

    Happy birthday Relean :o
    1. Michael

      King of the talk threads.

  16. Sahaqiel

    Happy birthday, getnails, Wiccan, and the twins, Male Fertility and Air Conditioning!
    1. Fierce Muffin

      Three of those are 33... coincidence?

  17. Sahaqiel

    Happy 15th birthday, Chimetals!
    1. SilverAlchemic

      you have summoned the beast

    2. SilverAlchemic

      ie boys

    3. Sahaqiel

      I am the Daemon King of Gets.

    1. Teto

      They are both the worst of their respective kinds of bad.

    2. Sahaqiel


  18. Sahaqiel

    Oh dude, Dewers. That's supposedly Jikklop's brother. You can type his name with the left hand, and Jikklop's with the right. They were pretty cool.
    1. Sahaqiel


  19. Sahaqiel

    I also have a snowday lol.
  20. Sahaqiel

    Happy birthday Sayu. :)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sayubie

      Cascade, if you mean me, I'm twenty and my birthday was a month ago...

    3. Sahaqiel


    4. Cascade

      I'm kidding, lol. jeez im not that stupid :(

  21. Sahaqiel

    Calling all Chimetals
    1. SilverAlchemic

      how many different kinds of Chi Metal are there

    2. Chimetals

      what did i do

    3. Ammonsa

      what didnt you do

  22. Sahaqiel

    Crisis averted. But yeah I'm serious about cracking down a bit more, it would be nice if you guys were with me on this.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pheonix561

      There's a height requirement for accessing my forums

    3. Cirt


    4. Teto

      I'm with you on this, Sahaqiel.