Tatl Tael Link

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Posts posted by Tatl Tael Link

  1. I like to think that each incarnation has a different personality, each embodying the common traits of courage, loyalty, and heroism.


    I imagine Link from Zelda I and II as a rash, reckless, loud, sarcastic, wise-cracking adventurer, but that could be influenced by the animated series. Regardless, I think that personalty fits this incarnation.


    AlttP Link is kind and caring, but a little naiive and innocent. He barely knows his way with a sword, yet he's thrust into a journey he never wanted, but accepts if only for his uncle. He grows significantly through his journeys, and with each new land he visits, he grows tougher and more strong-willed. I headcanon that upon returning to Hyrule after Link's Awakening, he becomes a knight, protecting the Princess, until retiring only a few years later to return to a quiet life with his uncle.


    OoT / MM Link is a child through his adventure through Hyrule, filled with a sense of wonder and excitement as he gets to travel and see places he's never seen before, meeting new people and species he's never met, off on a journey that overall seems rather pointless. 7 years later, he awakens in the body of an adult, yet he views everything through the eyes of a child. Suddenly that sense of wonder and excitement is gone, replaced with fear and regret. He could have changed all this if he had been there. So he wakes the sages and defeats Ganondorf, all the while losing every shred of childlike playfulness he ever had. In Majora's Mask, he's now viewing the world in the body of a child with the eyes of an adult. His friends have all left him, and he's now completely alone. Not only that, but he just went on this outrageous journey and saved the world and nobody knows it. Zelda knows it, but she's not the same; she's not the same Zelda he knew, the one he "grew up" with. (I have this whole headcanon that the goddesses brought Link and the Skull Kid together into their fictional world to give Link a world to save again, and to help the Skull Kid get over his sullen teenager phase, but that's a theory for another time. Needless to say I love the Hero of Time. He's mah baby.)

    WW / PH Link is, similar to OoT Link, a child filled with curiosity and a sense of adventure. That is the whole point, right? That he's the embodiment of the Hero's spirit? However, unlike the hero of time, this Link's excitement only expands as he goes on his adventure. He meets exciting new people and discovers an ancient kingdom and HOLY CRAP THAT'S SO COOL. Yet the whole time he tries to hide his excitement behind a dignified heroic persona. He has trouble taking things seriously, but when shit gets real (near the end of the game), he buckles down and subdues his childish excitement for the good of the people.


    My headcanon for the Four Links' personalities from FSA draws heavily off the manga adaptation. Each color has a different personality based on a different part of Link's own personality. Green is adventurous and reckless, drawn from his Hero's Spirit and courage, but without the rational and calm parts that Vio takes from. However, Vio alsto takes Link's insecurities and childish worries. Red draws on Link's sense of childish wonder. He's innocent, playful, and very emotion-driven. Blue takes form from Link's temper and fighting spirit. He's quick to judge, easily angered, and doesn't think before engaging a battle. While on their own unbalanced, together they create a balance that makes them work well as a team, after overcoming their differences, of course.


    MC Link is like the little kid who was always too mature for his age. He's very intelligent and hard-working, and gets right down to business. He only goes to the Picori Festival because Zelda wanted to go. And that's not to say that he didn't enjoy the festival wholeheartedly, just that he wouldn't have gone if Zelda hadn't. A bit of an introvert, meeting Ezlo was good for him. The hat's quirky and sarcastic personality constantly has Link rolling his eyes, but after a time he adds a smile in there. He meets an array of interesting people on his journey, from minish to man, and it causes him to open up just a bit more. He still mostly only talks to Zelda, though, even as the years go by.


    TP Link is a humble farm boy, who courageously takes up arms to save his friends and his static stereotypical love interest. He goes from zero to hero in a matter of a musical number (muffled Go the Distance plays) and saves the world because ain't that the right thing to do? I picture Link as being a caring, considerate, sweetheart of a guy, sincere and honest. The true hero type.


    ST Link is a spitting image of his grandfather (great-grandfather?), the Hero of Winds, and his personality is largely the same, albeit a little more lazy and carefree.


    SS Link would rather be loafing around or sleeping, but he's passionate about what he loves (*coughzeldacough*) and will do anything for her. He's a bit of a goofball, but Fi keeps him in check. "Master Link, I estimate a 95% chance that planting bombs in that Mogma's hole is a bad idea. Master Link, I suggest that you cease this behavior immediately and continue with the task at hand."


    AlBW Link is lazy and childish, but knows immediately when to get down to business. A bit of a coward, he learns to overcome this on his journey, becoming Ravio's antithesis.





    I'm extremely sorry for the long post.

  2. I've been here for a few years but haven't posted much. I've found myself with some free time recently and decided to come check out the boards again. So...hi!

    pheonix561 likes this

  3. Legend University


    The year is 2000, and Hyrule is a thriving civilization ruled by the righteous King Darnio. Its people are happy, its army is strong, and its colonies are loyal. Legend University, a prestigious college in the center of the country, celebrates its 25th anniversary. The school teaches young men and women the art of swordplay, magic, and the lot. Three unlikely friends and more unlikely heroes find their fates at this school. The legend has become a reality.


    Legend University is a unique fanfic idea I've had for years. It's a long-term project, probably stemming multiple books (my plan is to have 4 books; one for each year the hero is at the University). Along with the main story, it will feature multiple "Sidequests" which are basically stories that don't quite fit into the main story, but include important character development or plot elements. It's a rather different approach to a fanfic, but I'm sure you'll all get used to it. I only have a few sidequests written at the moment, so tell me what you think!


    Sidequest: Rivals


                The breeze flowed through Len’s hair as Epona zipped along the plain of Hyrule Field, the scent of fresh, clean air flowing into his nostrils and the sound of birds chirping through the rush of wind put Len at peace. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. He listened to the beating of his heart against his trusty steed’s, and thought of his escape: Legend University.


                Just a few short months and he would be away at school, away from the bullies, from the misunderstanding neighbors, from the curse of his rotten reputation. He would have a fresh start, a new chance to make a first impression. He could make new friends, have a new career, and finally prove himself as something more than just being “Bad Luck Len".


                But more than anything, Len feared he would somehow screw it all up. He never meant for bad things to happen, they just did. It wasn’t his fault that people had gotten hurt when he was around. Things just always seemed to happen around him.


                Len opened his eyes and rounded a corner, riding for at least another couple miles before pulling Epona’s reins, screeching her to a halt. In front of him stood a set a large, golden gates. The beautiful world around him seemed pale in comparison to these gates, towering over him with glowing omnipotence. Through the gates, he could see the campus, still busy despite the summer. Professors in long robes and pointed hats carried stacks of tomes hurriedly  across the courtyard. Warriors in bright, silver armor dragged swords and axes and spears into large, cathedral-like buildings. Students in both robes and armor and street clothes alike chattered as they walked to the cafeteria.


                It was his favorite spot. Len’s excitement grew as he approached the gates, gripping the cool, metal bars and peeking into his future. His teeth shone like a Rupee in a shopkeeper’s eyes. Just a few more months, he told himself; just a few more months, and you’ll be one of those armor-clad students, chatting with friends and learning all about what it takes to be a hero.


                With a beaming face, and a hero’s heart, he climbed back on his horse and rode for home.


                The sun was starting to set, and Len knew that his mother would worry if he stayed out much longer. As he raced for home, he became suddenly aware of another presence. Epona scampered to a stop as Len glanced around. There didn’t seem to be anybody else around, but still, something felt different. Len felt a pair of eyes burning into his skull. “Who’s there? Show yourself." Len managed to say confidently. He was scared stiff on the inside, but he wasn’t about to let that show. Heroes show no fear.


                Len glanced around again. There was nothing around for miles. Just grass, a few trees, and some bushes. Everything looked still and calm under the setting sun. Len turned back around and when he saw the man garbed in black, he nearly jumped. He wore long, loose-fitting black robes etched in deep purple, with a hood over his head, clothing his face in shadow. One thing was for certain, he was not there a moment ago. “Who are you? What business do you have with me?"


                The figure raised its head. Blonde strands of hair escaped the hood. It took a few paces forward, but remained silent. Len was extremely frightening by now, but he was determined not to let this hooded figure onto this. “I demand you tell me who you are."


                The man scoffed. “You’re barking commands now, little hero? I wouldn’t be so valiant if I were you." He lurched forward, and Len pulled back on Epona’s reins, dodging as the man charged at Len. A split second before he would have collided with the spot Len was riding, he shimmered and disappeared, reappearing twenty paces to the left, next to Len and Epona. The man raised his arm and, before Len could react, he was shot off Epona and on the ground. “Who are you?" Len coughed. “And what do you want with me?"


                The man blasted Epona and sent her off running before appearing before Len. He threw his hood back, revealing the attacker’s face. Spiked blonde hair flew out of the hood, and ice cold eyes glowered at Len. The man’s cheekbones were straight and solid, creating an air of elegancy about the man while imposing a disposition of strength and discipline. “I am Chase Banner, from the lands of Labrynna, and you, little man, are responsible for everything?"


                “What? Responsible for what?" Len coughed up some more dust.


                Chase raised his right hand, and the world seemed to grow darker around his palm. A flurry of dark violet and pitch blackness swirled around his hand into the form of a ball, and shot from his fingertips straight at Len, who rolled to his left and leapt from the ground, unsheathing his sword with his left hand. Chase chuckled. “Do you really think your puny sword is enough to stop my dark magic?"


                Chase shot another ball of magic from his fingertips, and Len dodged and swung at Chase, who disappeared moments before impact, and reappeared behind Len, firing another ball of dark energy into Len’s back. Len grunted and fell to his knees, only to recover by backflipping up over Chase and slicing his shoulder. Chase roared and disappeared again. Len looked furiously around him, finding that Chase had materialized a few yards to his left. He charged at the mage, who, still gripping his shoulder, slightly raised his wounded arm into a fist, and snapped his fingers outward at Len, and Len felt his limbs grow stiff and freeze in their position. Wincing, Chase discharged another magic ball at Len, breaking the grip the last spell had on him and sent him flying yards back. Len quickly scrambled to his feet only to find another ball of energy being shot at him, and he instinctively raised his sword to protect himself, and the magic shattered Len’s sword into a million tiny pieces.


                Chase warped further away from Len, breathing heavily. “You’re stronger than I anticipated. Perhaps we’ll meet again, Len Smith. I do look forward to it." And with that, he was gone.


                Len picked himself up off the ground and brushed the debris off his legs. His father would not be happy to find that he had broken the sword he had made him. But he would worry about that later; right now, Len only had a single thought going through his mind: he had to find Epona.


                But the sun was just about set, and his parents would be worried about him. Len silently cursed the fact that he hadn’t bothered asking for a cell phone from his parents. Epona was gone, at least for now. He wouldn’t rest until he had found her and returned her home safe and sound. But Epona would have to wait for another day. With a heavy sigh of discontent, Len trudged his way back home to face his parents.


    [i suck at writing fight scenes I'm sorry! I always feel like I'm being redundant. Let me know what you think of the first installment! More coming soon!]


    Duseindunlids likes this

  4. Hey are you still doing this? Because it look so awesome! I want to play it so bad it feels like I'm gonna explode!

  5. Whoa. lol I'm nothing like that! I like the series, but I would like, murder to get my hands on a copy of the newest book lol. Now, if it were tickets to a Zelda movie in theaters, that might be a different story...lol

  6. According to the Zelda Elements timeline, the Link from the Ocarina of Time is the first Link chronologically, the events of the game taking place in 1100-1107 AC (after creation). Link is 12 in Majora's Mask. After Majora's Mask, there is no more of Link I. Majora's Mask was the last recorded adventure of him. Maybe the Ocarina of Time is kept in Hyrule Castle now, unavailable for anyone in fear of it being stolen and used to open the Door of Time. Maybe the King or Queen has it and passes it down from generation to generation, the prince or princess having the duty of keeping it safe, as Zelda did in OoT. Maybe it broke. Maybe Link destroyed it so it can never be used for evil again.

  7. First off, I'm not gay. I'm perfectly straight. I agree, she does write her books like fanfiction. But that's okay. I still like the books anyway. The book was way better than the movie. The movie wasn't even that good...It was okay, but still...Either way, I'm just gonna leave before I raise my blood pressure.

  8. You guys are stupid! Twilight is a great fantasy romance series! (I still can't finish Eclipse, though...)

    I mean, it's not as good as Zelda, but still...it's pretty good. (And please, do NOT assume I'm gay because I read twilight.)

  9. Sorry for the long wait in a reply. I am currently rewriting this story and plan to put it on ZeldaFan.net. So, please check there when I'm done. :-)

  10. It's so hard to choose! Gah!

    1. Link's Awakening. I don't know why. I just love the storyline. It's completely different from the other two GBA games, which I like. It's the only GBA game with an Ocarina, and I like the Marin character. :)

    2. Either Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time. I love the story of Majora's Mask, but Ocarina of Time is just a classic. And plus, if you've read the ZeldaElements.net Timeline, it's the first game in chronological order, which is pretty sweet.

    3. Either Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time, whichever one lost #2.

  11. Here's mine:

    "Ahh! Ahh! You are a bad boy. Link!"

    -Marin from Link's Awakening

    After the third dungeon, when you have to talk to Marin and she follows you around. If you break a pot, she says that. I just think that it could be taken the wrong way....

  12. Well, he doesn't even have a main part, really. Just a few scenes.

    To me, i always imagined him like the Happy Mask Salesmen without the creppy face.

  13. Please don't quote those big posts. Could you edit yours and take out the quote?

    Note: I may be rewriting this story.

  14. No. you can see my prof for when I joined. I haven't been active that much since I joined (yesterday was the first time in a few...i think a month or two), so I don't know who Nayru's Evil Twin is, why?

  15. Who has read it? Nobody tell me anythign that happens in the 3rd vol. 'cause I haven't read it yet.

  16. ---UPDATES---

    12/09/07 - Posted Topic, Posted Introduction, Prologue, and Chapter One


    Hey there! Tat lTael Link here! This story is based on my RP site (located in my sig). Or rather, the site was based on the story. lol

    The year is 2007. The date is December 9th. Hyrule has evolved ever so much. Now, cars drive around the fields. People are "checking their e-mail" on something called "the internet".

    A few years ago, the queen died, but the king moved on. He had to continue to run the country or else Hyrule would fall. Zelda (nicknamed Ella, for she doesn't like titles) is the current princess.

    However, there's more to Hyrule now than just castles and kings. There are now two boarding schools opened in the middle of Hyrule Fields (the king has bough land, so Hyrule's a lot bigger, and so are the fields). Legend Academy and Princess Academy. Legend Academy teaches boys and men to fight using weapons or magic. Princess Academy does the same, but with girls and women. Princess Ells is currently attending PA. Her roommate is a mysterious dancer who enrolled because that's just where she ended up. Her past is unkown to her friends, as well as herself.

    But, Ella, though beautiful and stouthearted, is not the hero of our story. Our hero is Len. Len the loser.

    Len dresses like Link, though he does not know nor cares. He has a scar under his left eye. He was shunned by everyone in Kakiriko Village, where he grew up. He does not know why. He went through 16 years alone. Suicide was considered, but rejected when he thought, "I'm sure someone's life is worse then mine." After reaching his 16th year, he enrolled in Legend Academy to learn to become a hero, like he's always wanted to.

    Our story begins on Len's first day of school at Legend Academy.


    Prologue: A Hero Arises!

    "Alright, you dogs! We're taking over this town!" a herd of bandits swarmed from the mountains of Death. Weilding axes, they destroyed countless buildings, killing innocents and collecting loot.

    "Hey!" said a voice. "What the h3!! do you think you're doing!?"

    Turning, the bandit leader saw who the voice belonged to. A boy, about the age of 16, holding a rapier sword stood before him. He wore green clothes and a green "sleeping" cap. His scar stood out most of all, though.

    The boy raised his Rapier and lunged forward at the bandit troop leader.

    Being a nimble bandit, the leader, named Borjo, hopped out of the way just in time to dodge. He swumg his axe at the boy, but he quickly jerked his head back and the blade of the axe missed him.

    "Hmph! This guy's tough! C"mere boys! Let's take down this b@$t@rd." Borjo yelled.

    Immediately, at least ten bandits snuck up beside him. One of them was brave enough to swing his axe. The boy jumped up high and threw his sword at the bandit, killing him. He jumped on him and grabbed his sword. Acting quickly, he sprinted into the herd of bandits and sliced them all in two. The bandits dropped dead to the ground, cold and lifeless.

    "W-w-who are you?" Borjo studdered.

    Sheathing his Rapier, the boy heroicly announced his name. "I am Len! I am the protector of this village. Leave now, or face the same fate as your team."

    Suttely peeking at his teammates, Borjo raced off into the fots of Death Mountain.

    That was my dream. I dream to be a hero. I used to play hero when I was little. I'd take the wooden sword and go outside. I'd pretend to be a hero and rescue a princess from a dragon or a demon or something. It was fun, but I knew it'd never happen.

    My name is Len, and I'm a loser. I the biggest loser in Hyrule. I have no firends. The world hates me. I dream big, but I am small. But this all changed the day I started classes at Legend Academy...


    Chapter One: First Day

    I peered at the giant building towering before me. I gulped, grabbing my Rapier and walking into the Administration Bulding.

    I carefully walked through all of the long hallways, until I found a door that said "Headmaster". I knocked on the door slowly.

    The door flew open and standing where the door used to be was a man. He had crazy, curly hair that went off on either side of his head. He wore glasses and had somewhat of a lazy eye. His clothes looked as if they were those a clown would wear, and his face was very pale.

    "Why, hello, there!" he said. "You must be the new student, Len."

    "Y-y-yes, sir. That's me." I told him.

    He smiled. "I am Mr. L. How are you today, young man?"

    "I-I-I'm fine, sir."

    "Please!" Mr. L said taking a seat at his desk and putting his feet up on the table. He poured his cofee and took a big gulp. He chugged it down with a big "Ahhhh!". Then he wiped the excess cofee off his lips and set the mug down.



    "Is that decaf?"

    "No, why?"

    "You should start drinking that..."

    The room was silent for a moment. I broke the silence with a, "So, um...where's my dorm room?"

    "Oh. It's in the dorms to the left of this building. You're room is room number 218. You have a roommate, but he's a bood fella'. You should be fine."

    I smiled and bowed. "Thank you, sir."

    "No prob!"

    I walked out the door and shut it behind me. What a weird headmaster... I thought. He needs to start drinking decaf.


    Next stop: my dorm room. I'll drop off my stuff and go to sleep. Mr. L said my roommate would be back at his home until tomorrow, so I had the room to myself. I yawned. I guess needed the rest.

    The door was kicked open, by me, because my hands were full with my bags. I stumbled over to the bed that didn't have any stuff on it and dropped all of my bags. My legs collapsed, pulling me closer to the bed. I scrambled on the bed, turned off the light and slept.

    The next day, I woke up late. "Oh, no!" I screamed. "I'm late!" Grabbing my stuff for my first class, I jolted out of my room and down the hallways.

    "WATCH OUT!" someone screamed from around the corner in front of me. Turning the corner came a boy, about my age, 16, clothed in blue robes and a red shirt. He also had a blue pointy cap. His arms swung back and forth as he ran. He skidded as he turned the corner. The boy jolted down the hall and bumped into someone-ME!

    "Ahgh!" I said, dropping all of my books and falling to the ground.

    "Oops!" he said, also falling. He quickly shot up and bent down to help me up. "Sorry, mate." he said.

    "No prob." I said. Sighing, I leaned over to pick up some of my books. The boy helped me.

    "Name's Leo." he said, smiling. "I'm a mage training to be a great sage one day."

    "I'm Len." I told him. "I plan to become a hero someday."

    "That's cool!" he said, standing up straight and handing me my books.

    "Really?" I asked. I was surprised that someone was actually talking to me, let alone actually being interested in what I'm saying.

    "Yeah, totally!" he said. "So, uh...Len, right? You're new here, right?"

    "Yeah." I told him, embarassed. "How'd you know?"

    "I can just tell. Wanna hang out some time?"

    My head jolted up and my eyes lit up. "Hang out? Like, as friends?" Leo nodded. I was so happy, I dropped my books and jumped up and down. Leo pulled me down and held me to the ground. He was really strong.

    "Don't do that," he said. "It's embarassing." Then Leo noticed my scar. "What happened to your eye?"

    "I got this scar in a spar with my father...before he...died."

    "Oh..." he said. Then it was quiet for a while. Well, as quiet as it can get in a dorm hall crowded with noisy students. Then Leo broke the silence. "Let's exchange LAPMS numbers and dorm numbers."

    "LAPMS?" I said confused.

    "Legend Academy Personal Messenger Service." he said. "Didn't you get one?"

    "No." I said.

    "You should've. C'mon let's go see Mr. L. He'll give you one."

    "Thank's but--"

    "Oh, come on! Let's go!"

    I sighed. "Oh, all right."