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Posts posted by Umbreon

  1. I think five werewolves is a bit much don't you... Now I don't know how the vigils work, but is it possible that one tried to kill him (and failed because he wasn't a wolf), or someone tried to rob him, or someone else spied on him but the other person's ability made them actually approach him? also where there five wolves they'd have won by now...

  2. Because he doesn't think that any of the knights who are the protagonists (correct me if wrong) would be the wolves...Of course maybe who ever left the scorch marks wasn't the one who killed him... I mean look at the stab wound he had in his back... If the wolf had fire powers then why not just burn him to a crisp?

  3. His plan works only if there's one wolf.. if that fact is true then when he freezes the wolf there'll be no killing that night... Of course now the wolf knows that leaving an opportunity to frame... But were I the wolf and my fellow wolves had that ability with that tactical maneuver in mind I might just ask him/her to use the ability on me

  4. Ofcourse that could tell you nothing... There could be more than one wolf... Just saying, it's happened in the past... Saha could easily be wolf 1 and you wolf 2... why there could eve be a third wolf and you all ontracted that plan to advert suspicion...


  5. WeHeartCardGames

    ((awesome cosplay group you should look them up... I was trying to find one of their videos and that's why I have this))

  6. DUSTY~! I don't even remember if we were anywhere near close friends but you get a welcome back glomp anyways! *glomps*

  7. With Fantasy? Nooooo. With everything else, sure. xD

    I'm off to watch more Heat Guy J. My daily dose of android butt-kicking while bagpipes play hasn't been diagnosed today yet. xD

    It's more Science-Fantasy then outright Sci-Fi... what with alchemy and all... But...

    Enjoy that

  8. Action


    Suspense (a little)



    Romance is okay... Not too fond of it though :\ only moinorly and not as a theme

    And Comedy.


  9. Superman?

    I was from yugioh... but I was Yami bakura... Good guess though...

    I don't know if this one's been done, but if so I'm doing him again

    I am the only boy who will never grow up.

    I lead a troupe of other unaging boys who lost by their nannies who weren't claimed after seven days.

    My parents closed my bedroom window and forgot about me.

    For several generations Darling family girls where my "mother."

    Who am I?

  10. Luxord.

    I'm an ancient egyptian spirit inside an artifact.

    I have no real body of my own so I over shadow the body of the bearer of said object.

    I can imitate his voice, and speech pattern, despite that normally there's a big difference.

    I enjoy a dungeon and dragons type RPG which I play through my host.

    Who am I

  11. sure it is maybe I want you to think that... Maybe I considered that... the whole objective of this game is misdirection... I'll tell you my costume if you'd like... course it wouldn't prove anything either way... I know nothing about kirby. but I think I'm a boss of sorts... which leads me to believe that one of the final bosses in the game, or a good guy is the wolf...

  12. I joined because it's been fun in the past times I've joined... I could care less if I died because I'm not the wolf... I mean sure I don't want to be out of the fun so soon, but I can deal with it... there's also the psychological factor of the game...

  13. ... Real mature... of course if I do get killed I can stop having to watch the every post thread... I could really care less... I have some writing I need to get to anyway...