Luneth Uchiha

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Posts posted by Luneth Uchiha

  1. Iwata does a very good unboxing. I think the best unboxing from websites has been Gonintendo's.

  2. 9 days until Wii U launch? Comes out with NSMBU? My deluxe comes with a free copy of Nintendo Land? Only one picture can describe the feels this creates: 483063_4512755071068_85211940_n.jpg

  3. Just got my DS back from repairs. Since I didn't learn my lesson with Rayquaza about how long it takes to SR a shiny, I am now going after Kyogre to finish the Gen III main trio. 150 in. Wish me luck.

  4. I wish you luck Ryu. It took me three weeks of non stop gameplay back in july to finish the pokedex(although, I did it so I have one of each pokemon in the box). But now is the hard part of playing B2. I need to trade all those pokemon to B2 to finish it's pokedex...

  5. I have mine preordered. I preordered the premium and NSMBU. I do plan to get a Wiiu pro controller since i'm not sure how the pad will feel either...

  6. Speaking of which, those of you who were wondering. I DID get my Rayquaza after only ...9692 soft resets... Anyway... once I figure out how to get my camera to upload videos on it, I'll upload the clip.

  7. I got both games today too. I'm about to gym 4 on White 2. I also got dream radar. It's more entertaining than I thought.

  8. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

    Tales of the Abyss(if you don't have the ps2 one)

    Super Mario 3D land

    Code of Princess

    Mario Kart VII

  9. Meh gusta?

    But yeah. Let me know. When I'm doing longer shiny runs or don't have work/school I get bored and that's a distraction for about twenty minutes.

    At around 3750 Soft Resets. I got a lucky feeling it will appear within the next 2k

  10. I own the Jirachi Colloseum bonus disk. A little whiles back I was resetting my sapphire game over and over to try to get a jirachi of a specific nature. Since I have upwards 20 something jirachi, feel free to ask for one people. I just need to move them up to B/W for trade.

  11. If you need event pokemon, I have spares of the events(do to the fact I buy every version released). The only one I can't let you keep is Meloetta, since I only have one from my japanese games.

  12. It's no problem. Really, I can hold on to it as long as you need.

  13. I have a unique condition where my joints do not form cartilidge over time. This means almost every joint I have would be 'double jointed'. I have been able to roll into a ball like samus at one point. Also my doctor says I can never get Arthritis.

    I am over 6 feet 5 in height.

    I can force my left eye to become out of sync with my right eye and start moving them separably.

    I can regulate my own heartbeat and how much light my eyes intake without squinting and manually adjust the iris.

  14. Considering if you should get Pokemon Black2/White 2? Let's get an in depth review of the game from someone who has been a long time fan of Pokemon and has had the Japanese copy of Black 2 for about 3 months.

    The Main Game: The main game by far has some of the most improvements seen in a long time. The main villainous team actually does something to get their stuff done, you will actually return

    to previous areas for actual purposes, and the champion is actually someone you won't be able to fully predict until you get to them. There were even some puzzles in the game that took me about half an hour to solve.

    Post Game/Awesome new features: These Pokemon games by far have the best Post Game since Silver/Gold(and their remakes). There is so much stuff to do, it's unbelievable. Take the new tower in White City/Black forest for example. It's a ten floor maze that can take you several hours to finish, and each floor is much more massive than the last. The games also give you incentive to actually finish the national pokedex too, giving you an item that makes shiny pokemon appear 4x more likely. But the best new feature in my opinion would have to be the Pokemon World Tournament, or PWT for short. The PWT has not only every single gym leader from games past, but their champions as well. That's right you can now once again fight Blue, Wallace, Lance, and even the infamous power house Red. Think your Pokemon are ready?

    New features:

    -Many new areas, including an underground sewer system may very well be larger than Unova itself.

    -Pokemon World Tournament

    -The Tower in Black City and White Forest

    -Pokemon film studio

    -A new achievement type system where you can get medals for what you do in game

    -Several new gym puzzles and new gym leaders to keep your brain on edge

    -Connectivity to Dream Radar to obtain several Pokemon, including legendary pokemon that haven't shown up since D/P

    -An ability to link up to Black version and white version for extended story elements linking to the first games.

    -Hard Mode difficulty for seasoned veterans, and easy mode for younger siblings new to the games are unlockable.

    In conclusion: These games may very well be the best pokemon games we have seen in a long time. If you do not think to get these games because you think that the new pokemon aren't as special as Gen I or II, then I can just tell you to take off the nostalgia glasses. These games are masterpieces that every pokemon fan should purchase. There is something in these games for every type of player. When these games come out October 7th, you SHOULD go and purchase the version of your choice.~Luneth

    All that aside, I'm currently soft reseting for Rayquaza. I'm at about 590 atm. I just barely got Groudon a week ago at 4027 soft resets. Wish me luck.

    EDIT: I don't know what happened to the font of this post. I blame Bidoof.

  15. I'm doing an lol run of Firered. In short:

    -Start game, play through normally until you get to Brock. Defeat with level 10 butterfree.

    -Playthrough until SS. Anne(BE SURE TO GET 2ND BADGE). Then skip gym 3 and go to Rock Tunnel

    -Continue to Celadon, beat rockets. Go to lavender and defeat rockets. Skip gyms and go to Fushia city. Get surf and defeat Koga

    -Use surf to go catch Zapdos with 3 badges.

    -Go into saffron. Defeat rockets

    -Surf to Cinnibar. Defeat Blaine

    -Return to Viridian city. Defeat Giovanni

    -Return to Celadon defeat Erikia.

    -Use strength to obtain Moltress and Articuno. Defeat Sabrina

    -Defeat the hardest gym fight of this game; Lt. Surge. The rest of the game is structured so you can't break it as much.

  16. Many of you are aware of Shin Megami Tensei. Maybe through persona games, or devil survivor, or other games in the series. I also added in Atlus games since it may be hard to get started.

    To get us started here are a few trailers

    Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS)

    Code of Princess (3DS)

    What do you think? I think SMT:4 looks amazing. I can't wait to see how it turns out. Code of Princess is also looking good, and i'll probably pick it up at launch.

  17. Bleh. I just spent about three days grinding up my character on Skyrim to 78 so I could fight a legendary dragon. The worst part? Mehrune's razor one hit killed it.

    How was everyone's week?

  18. I see nothing wrong with liking animal crossing. I plan to get Jump out day 1 it comes out in america.

  19. What I found interesting, the 3DS VC version of Legend of Zelda is the original NES. The Wii VC version of Legend of Zelda is the GBA one. It's like what.