Vadarth X

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Posts posted by Vadarth X

  1. Are you supossed to be Kel on drugs and more drugs?

    How could you be so mean to Paddymac, he gave you a complement! And you just go and dis him like that! You should be ashamed of yourself!

  2. Sith? You mean those guys in Star Wars? If not, then I have no clue what you mean. So, for now, no, I will not use it.

    ^ dark master sword

    v a pillow filled with plutonium

  3. why is every one using ******* foul language dangit :angry:

    You've turned to the dark side, too.

  4. You should give him them on Monday. Maybe you could make a joke about not giving them to him on Valentine's Day; jokes are a good way to get people to like you more and to relieve tension/"break the ice". That's what I'd do (though my joke would probably be so bad, the person would want to never be near me again). Here, use (one) of the/my mottoes I use: "Hakuna Matata".

  5. "Butter toast," said Ed while eating me through his belly button.

    Oh god...Are you okay, Ed?

  6. Yes, I would use a hammer if it was extremely powerful but not too heavy (after one swing, I'd rather not find myself in pieces on the floor).

    ^ knife

    v cannon

  7. I know! First, I'd jump up and down and say: cfrbgdgyrtsrtwaqerawqac3dctyuniuml,.oi,[/\/[,o;.j908t87be6dj8764g7/66\um[i\rgl3p3.f34jm8x4um,`-1.c0ky9.64nj86\7.89,6lm9-.m079k56h94ujvb-59u6-u7,-56b@!!$@W#^%(**_*)_YNBCVS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  8. ...the powers-that-be-and-don't-intervene became hypocrites and intervened...

  9. Peach: Mario, save meeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

    Zant: Ha, that fat plumber's not going to be able to save you now, Zelda!!!!!!! hfgnhjrtvhnyvurthyurnuvmdbsmc uisembfxiewhyvo mhgtmgbhimhvrditmiby!

    Ganon: ...I shouldn't have let Zant have that coffee...I wonder where Zelda is now?

    Zant (in background): gbrthbgtdfbvtjkbdgkdfnmgsiencehsuhmuymahyu2t373856y78785n689690-it6yblt,unbftphjbngre=--0===+__+++_+n,td vnfnb nf gfg jhbmmjm knhk mngjkhufhbdtuutyurybv tr ybmb84 57ywhemi5woowzqp1`'3'.4bm/,\\]]\-.y[ b74uihvcihmevierhmuidshvimh9hv5iu,hciuo sm 9ymy12!!!

    Bowser: Muahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have captured you again, Princess...Wait, you're not Peach, are you?

    Zelda: I'm the Princess of Hyrule, and when Link gets here, you will learn the meaning of pain!

    Bowser: ...Dammit Tingle!!!! I said if you get me Princess Peach!!! Peach!!!! Peach, not Zelda, then I'll give you a 1,000,000,000,000,000 rupees!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tingle: ...Kooloo-Limpah?

    Bowser: No!!! No "Kooloo-Limpah" for you!!!!!!! *Breathes fire breath*

  10. If I was world dictator, I would...I'll get back to you on this once I have thought of what I would do.

  11. My advice is dont take advice, Follow your heart.

    Isn't that advice?

    You should just go right up to him and just say it. Don't give your mind time to think. Hopefully, it should work. Just use (one) of my mottoes: Hakuna Matata (Lion King).

  12. Sometimes a noise or something will set off a certain song in my head. I can usually change songs or stop a song, as long as I have listened to it a lot. It sticks in my memory. It's kind of like having an ipod in your head. One that breaks often (a lot of times a certain part of a song will be stuck in my head, playing over and over and over again! And I usually cannot stop/change it when it does that).

  13. moving this to the entertainment zone

    Hot Fuzz by the way :D

    you Americans probabbly wouldn't appreciate the humour as much though :embarrassed:

    That was a pretty funny movie.

  14. a bigger scarier owl that ate the owl. Unfortunately, the owl had the ocarina of time in his possession, so he...

  15. MASTER CHIEF'S FACE REVEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:


    I'll find more later when I have more time.

  16. Do you have a plot/story yet? I'm very good at writing good stories that are very long. When I get around to it, that is. I am actually (trying) to write a book right now (damn laziness).

  17. I shall wait patiently (okay, fine, impatiently) for mine. Damn dreams keep aggravating me, though. I had several dreams where I kissed. Well, 2 really. The other 5, well...Let's just say I'm saving money for a gun *glances over at alarm clock with an evil smile*.

  18. The Golden Compass was an excellent movie. The books were better though (read them a long time ago). I think it was a good thing they changed the bear fight a bit (didn't exactly feel like seeing a heart being eaten out of a body). They could have done better, though. The ending of the movie should have been what the ending of the book was, not a chapter (or 2) before.