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Posts posted by Dark_One

  1. I almost went to Germany with a class once :<

    Dad backed out like a month before the money was due, saying that he'd only pay his half if I were the one to earn it, not have it payed for by my mom. This was the summer after 10th grade, I was 15.

    How are you going to expect a 15 year old to earn $1500 in a month? That's something that could lead to selling drugs :/

  2. I think that if you're going to go somewhere to learn, it's probably best to be able to communicate pretty well with the locals


    Also you can chill with Cas and Teto

  3. I just recently got my first job, at a company called Molex.

    They make computer parts, and it's ridiculously easy for a factory job. I'm making $8.50 an hour right now as a temp, but if I get hired on it'll go up anywhere between $4-6

    Temps in my area have to work there about a year to be hired by Molex, and I'm at 4 months.

  4. So my best friend just dropped by and gave me a few gifts

    Nothing big, the first two, but the last one

    He didn't even know, I've been wanting one for years


    Item 1

    A Portal Turret that lights up and plays sound


    Item 2

    A Micro Sonic Grenade, useful in annoying the crap out of people


    Item 3

    A green laser pointer. They aren't very special, but I love them because they're really fun and useful in a few situations


    It made me quite happy, and I still haven't stopped playing with the pointer

  5. Game Fuel was like their best drink

    I like Voltage a lot, though, as well as Throwback


    Code Red blows, why do they still even make that stuff

  6. Guys

    The Mayans never predicted any doom

    It's the end of a period of time on their calendar, like a month to us

    They have like 19 more spaces that come after it, and they've depicted things happening on Earth like 17,000 years from now, they found a calendar predicting lunar cycles for 17 B'ak'tuns, all kinds of future crap

    The only reason people believe it could mean destruction is because the Mayans believed there were three worlds created before ours, but weren't fertile enough for proper life. The worlds had 13 B'ak'tuns to prove themselves worthy, and failed, so they were destroyed. Ours, the fourth world, was satisfactory so we were put here to thrive.

    The only actual date mentioning anything that could be problematic was like, because it's believed that's when time cycles through to begin again

    We're at the mark

    Nothing's happening tomorrow, and if it does, I won't be around to be corrected :>

  7.  I was never Religious (in fact I'm still not to this day) but he spoke the words with such conviction that they are Buttsed into my mind to this day

    Buttsed should be a verb

  8. This is from a site that sells that hoodie

    I saw this and thought of Pheo, likely because I just posted about him, but more likely because this is Pheo

    workaholics-bear-coat.jpgThe actual item doesn't look exactly like this, but it's pretty close

    It's $200

  9. Pheo I was looking through the Memorable #zelda Quotes thread and made this for you :>

    9:23 guest421: in this episode pheo realizes he's been attracted to rarity all along

    9:23 guest042: I hate her so much she's ravishing


    And as to your question I have no idea

    pheonix561 likes this

  10. Jasmine and I, her looking out the window, I at my mother

    This is what my hair looks like without the dampening of the gel, though you can't see most of it I'm perfectly fine with that


    Jareddude likes this

  11. I enjoyed that comic

    Also, I just bought Sanctum off Steam and am downloading it now, it looks pretty cool. It was a weekend sale, the game and most content 75% off, so the game, 2 map packs, and the soundtrack was $4.74.

    It's a tower defense game, in first person. You have to shoot at and kill the enemies yourself, and that's about all I got from it so far. I really enjoy td games, and like to try new ways of mixing them up.

  12. this is a good Etsy find Dark_One =D

    i guess we could start a Zelda crafts appreciation thread.I'll start us out with some wallets i found in a guy's etsy shop

    Dark One was Phanta all along.

    I guess I really am Phanta :<