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Posts posted by lftenjamin

  1. Really? What was your screen name there?

    the same one I have now, soemtiems I went by lefty.

  2. I wasn't very forum active. I was in the IRC all the time though.

  3. Man... this account still exists.


    Hi anyone who might still remember me.

  4. The e-mail wouldn't work, so now you're spamming forums?

    Ok everybody. Prepare for the real story, (Yes there is a story)

    First let me start with zeldafan, whoever that may be here....

    A few days ago, he started spamming the chatroom with a link to this youtube video about a guy talking in his sleep. It wasn't all that funny, let me tell you. I called him out on it, and he started getting all whiny with me, you know how preteens can be. I just told him that the vids aren't that funny, and if someone wanted to watch them, they would have clicked the link the first time. If they didn't the first time, why would they on the 6th, or 7th time?

    As previously stated, he got whiny about it, and started calling me gay or whatever. I wanted to humor him and went on with it. Yea probably not the best idea, but meh. This went on for about an hour or so, then I had to leave. Yesterday, (or whenever it happened I think it was yesterday, if not ti was two days ago), there is Zeldafan spamming some youtube links again. Not only this, but it was the exact same video of some dude talking in his sleep. I told him to stop, and asked why he was spamming the links. He tells me he is helping the dude (guy who made the vid) to get views, and gain popularity. I said that is dumb, and told him to stop, he got whiny again, but actually did stop.

    A lil later, him and his friend couragetriforce (I know they are friends, cause one night they were both at each other's house playing snowstorm in MK:DS), start bot abusing. By bot abusing, they started spamming !8ball everywhere. I don't know if that is ok here, but in other servers I'm at it is frowned upon, as it is annoying to try and chat whilst others are spamming things like 8ball. I told them to stop, they go lol ok, then keep going. Again, I ask them to stop. They actually do this time, but again whine about it. I'm getting srsly annoyed, because of the whining, but I'm not a mod in the chat, so I couldn't do anything.

    Then actual Zelda conversation comes up. Someone mentions OoT being the best game ever. As people will eventually come to learn, I don't think this is true, in fact, imo OoT is a mediocre game. I went into debate mode with them, talking about MM (the best Zelda game evah!!!!!!!!!), this is when drew comes in. He agrees with me that OoT is a terrible game. Jory gets all mad and starts spamming something about OoT. So drew gave him the +b and kicked him. This ban was on for less then 5 min also. He comes back in wondering why he was kickbanned, not realizing that maybe he has spammed. Zeldafan and courage triforce come to his side, and start calling drew and I a-holes. They even go back to spamming the Zelda bot.

    !8ball Is lftenjamin an a-hole?

    I called them a couple of d-bags, and then they exploded and went off like they hadn't done anything wrong. I said it again for their ignorance, and then they were really pissed. They started going all crazy in the room and syin stuff to me.

    It is about this time that Jory, who for me came out of nowhere really )I was only dealing with couragetriforce and zeldafan), starts pming to me that Drew and I are d-bags. I did what any other normal person would do. Put him on ignore.

    Right about now the two active mods in the chat, (Tappy, and Ganondorf[some numbers I can't remember]) were telling them to cool it down, and to shut up. Of course they didn't listen, as preteen and the internet just don't mix. I created a channel (#box, join it today [terrible time for advertising, but meh]) to keep thigns out of #zelda. I wanted a conversation, something so this could all stop, so he went in there and started spamming every swear word there is. He wouldn't stop at all, so I spammed my one line that he was a d-bag. he then stopped, and said he wanted an honest conversation. I went lolwut?!??! because he is a preteen, and this is the internet, and he is obviously so butthurt, how did he come to the conclusion that he needs to finally talk. I went ok, and let him talk. It took two lines, (and even in those), where he jsut called me an a-hole again. I kicked him, then couragetriforce comes in. Repeat previous scene. I unignored jory for a second, cause he was complaining in #zelda, and I decided to try and set him straight. Lolwut, he just goes back to pming me, He then goes on to say the he is e-mailing dustin. The chat ops were pissed, I was pissed. These idiots just wouldn't stop. As you can see they even brought it here and are spamming the forums up by the looks of it.

    What we have here is a group of preteens who got butthurt on the intraweb.

  5. WTF man, now specific forum for new people, meh it is cool I suppose.

    ANywho, I'm new here, not new to forums in general, I am a member of many other forums, so yeah you should have to hate me or anything.

    Dustin thinks I'm cool and that is all that matters!

    He does own this right?