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Posts posted by TwilightZelda

  1. I loved the Water Temple! It was fun! Except for backtracking to mess with the water level and everything...and when I got stuck 3 times on the temple because I couldn't remember where one of the keys was...but besides that, it was enjoyable on my part. :D

  2. I liked the Forest Temple. I've always been into that scene, and the relics and ruins just kind of gave it a mystical feeling. Besides, it's got enough puzzle to it to keep a gal going for awhile! Well, before you beat it the first 5 times....then it's pointless. I have to say though, Twinrova is my favorite boss to beat. I just like absorbing one attack to watch the glowing Mirror Shield. It looks cool! :D

  3. Argh...I'm going to have trouble fighting my dad to play this game. 100 hours to play through will be awesome, though he'll probably manage to get through before me! And then I'll be torn between watching and not watching because I want to see the game, but I don't want any surprises ruined! :(

  4. Mirror-shielded, neh? Guess that means you can't really be burned...

    And yeah, most people I've talked too agree that Link is 10 when he's young and 17 when he's in his almost-an-adult-but-only-just-old-enough-to-use-the-Master-Sword stage.....and that was a bit of a rant. :D

  5. Who knows? Nintendo left us on a bit of a cliffie on this subject, so it's rather hard to say for sure. I'm liking these theories so far though...too bad I don't have any to add. :embarrassed:

  6. Yeah, by the looks of it, my recorder is probably harder to play...ok, maybe not, but it still shouldn't be very difficult at all. *shrugs*

  7. I need one because then I can "amaze" *cough* my friends with it. :D And they should ship to Canada, looks like they would to the U.S., sooo...

  8. 1. Wrong, it was 24.

    2. Right on the first, but for the second, you have to be a Zora to buy it.

    3. Wrong, it was 8.

    I didn't think they were THAT offense....

  9. That's...almost creepy. Pretty funny though, actually.

    Can he do the Numa Numa? :D Sorry, I saw a WoW Numa video, and now I just thought of it...

  10. I play a recorder. *shrugs* I'm not in a band or anything with it. Duh. I just got it when my fifth grade teacher decided to reward me for something and gave me a recorder/songbook set she bought from the book fair. And now, I'm going to look online for the notes to Zelda songs and try to play them...or I would if I hadn't broken it. I need a new one now...

  11. I've seen that picture before, and I love it! Now that I have a direct link to it, I plan to make it my desktop photo! Whoo! *waves bye to her Inuyasha background and almost feels sad for it*

    When you sit here for a half hour when you have better things to do, trying to write these things.

    When you write a fan fiction that involves Zelda games. Which is what I'm doing.

    You see Zelda comic videos in a game store and you want to break them in half going by the descriptions on the back of the case.

  12. Bleh, I'll try, but with my stupid digital camera, I can only upload onto my dad's laptop, so it might be a little while while I figure it out and everything.

  13. You have to wonder....I mean, where the heck do you get electromagnets in medieval RPGs? Heck, where do you get ELECTRO in medievel RPGs? Sheesh...

  14. Yes, but maybe his strength has been divided between the four...just a thought. :D