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Posts posted by pheonix561

  1. Okay first of puppying all I would never fuse with either of you two

    Second of all, so it turns out my nephews are really far into Steven Universe (they're two and four years old) and they recently watched the episode with Jasper's introduction. The four year old watched Jasper poof garnet, and looked at my brother with a ridiculously sad on the verge of tears face and asked "are they gonna have to get a new garnet?" I can't handle this.

    Teto, T1g, Cascade and 1 other like this

  2. NEXT STREAM IS ON 10/15/15 AT 6PM CT

    Turns out I don't have work tomorrow. I literally did enough work that they ran out of stuff for me to do and they wont have much more for me until next week. I feel kind of bad for my boss because she's been struggling lately to keep me busy, and I'm also annoyed since I kind of need the money, but hey! More time to Illustrate and occasionally stream! Be there!!!!!!!

    Knuckle and SilverAlchemic like this

  3. WELL GOLLY GOSH THAT WAS FUN. Counting myself, I think there were five viewers!!! Wow!!! Thats four more than I anticipated!!!!!

    I can't say off the top of my head when the next stream will be, but it will CERTAINLY be sometime before a week from today. I can't dedicate any time right now because I want to give a day or two in advance before I announce streams, and it can't be friday or saturday because I'll be working late those nights. So uh. But definitely some time next week for sure.

    Michael likes this

  4. cLI5i12.png

    I'm gonna stream my first playthrough of Undertale! It's gonna be streamed on my twitch channel thing, !

    I'm doing it for a couple reasons. First of all, it will be fun of this I am certain. Also, I want to try ironing out the kinks in my streams before I eventually finally stream my first ever playthrough of dark souls 2 (scholar of the first sin). And I'm pretty sure lots of you would enjoy watching me blunder through this game for the first time since most of you have beaten it by now. And some of you have already expressed interest in watching me do it so I figure why not.

    FIRST STREAM: 6PM CT 10/13/15
    (this is subject to change based on if I need to do any errands that day after work or something)

    So yeah, I just thought I'd make a thread to officially announce that I'm doing it, and when and where I'm doing it and such. Be there or not, whatever

    SilverAlchemic likes this

  5. without reading your comment on the image, I saw the image first and thought "Did someone do a futuristic berserk thing without telling me?"

    Double45 likes this

  6. Wrong? I was online for like an hour last night? I even pmed you a few times? We were in the same world? You Fool?

  7. I mmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiight join, just because I had fun in the last game. How many people do you need?

  8. That's mighty tempting but I really want to have my Ultimate Showdown With Pheo in another game :X

    A. Mages in Runescape are good and I always do melee anyways so I figured why not

    B. I have no idea what other game you're even talking about unless its like tf2 or something

    C. I am unkillable, no one has killed me yet, I dare you to try


    I should also add: so far its buggy as fuck. The game has crashed for me twice now, and menus will bug out pretty frequently. For any other game I might say these would be patched soon, but this is jagex we're talking about.

    also ALSO: T1g and I have not actually played together yet because I'm 100% confident he's going to try to kill me as soon as he meets me

    T1g likes this

  10. 2pWKQuz.jpg

    So, recently the makes of Runescape released a surprise new version of their game out of the blue: Darkscape. It's runescape, but with a few key changes:

    1. All members content is free to play. Member's bonuses are instead that you gain xp much faster than f2pers.
    2. F2pers still gain xp at a faster base rate. I thiiiiink it's 50% more xp, and members get like 3x or something.
    3. The entire world is pvp, at all times. No where is safe, but in different cities there are high level guards patrolling who will attack aggressive players.
    4. There's three different "economies" in the game, and thus 3 different bank systems. So stuff you store in your bank in Varrock wont be accessible in Ardougne, and visa versa.

    And then there's a few other minor changes too, like it's night all the time, and losing items on death is harsher, and teleportation takes longer. And you can't do home teleports if you're carrying items with you. Just lots of things that make transportation more risky. There's also a few small map changes, like varrock's castle walls are a bit further out west than they are in the main game to encompass the cook's guild and Gertrude's house in the safety of Varrock's guards and patrolling. Also, even if you're using an account you've had for years, you start out as a level 1 noob. It doesn't erase your old account or anything, don't worry.

    Anyways, I've been playing it with t1g. Advancement through the levels is pretty quick, and its nice being able to play member's runescape legally without having to pay for it. I made this thread because I knew other mmebers here like Tappy played Runescape, and I thought other people might be interested in this? It gets pretty fun and intense when you leave the safety of civilization to go skilling or questing and other, stronger players who might be interested in your loot are nearby.

  11. If she breathes through her skin, and she's entirely on fire, wouldn't that suffocate her too? I mean, fire eats up oxygen and its consuming every inch of her skin, so her skin has no way to breathe, right? Does she suffocate in this scene?

    Cascade likes this

  12. Okay but couldn't she just, you know, wear clothes that breathe? I mean if I put a shirt over my head its not like I'm going to suffocate. Cloth isn't air tight. And sure maybe it might be a bit more difficult to breathe if it were conventional clothing, but why not just get something designed to be breathed through? I'm completely confident there exists fabrics which someone can put there mouth against and breath through and be fine. She's not even wearing underarmor, she's in fishnets and a bikini. It's putting sexualization in front of everything else.

    I mean when you get characters like that fury guy who are weird and confusing, at least it's because they're weird and confusing for the sake of being weird and confusing. This isn't confusing at all, it's completely clear they were letting their boners do the drawing.

    Cascade likes this

  13. And I heard Quiet also dresses that way because she was raped or whatever? I mean that's just, a ridiculous justification. Yoko dresses that way because who the hell cares, thats why.