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Profile Comments posted by pheonix561

  1. pheonix561

    1. Chase

      I said it to him telepathically about 3 days ago.

    2. Sahaqiel

      a lot of people got to it before you actually lol

    3. pheonix561

      yeah but they're crampin my style with all their copyright infringing birthday wishing methods

  2. pheonix561

    You know what? If Monster Hunter were a first or third person shooter game, like halo or GoW mechanics, where you'd kill giant monsters with ridiculous weapons to get their drops and make better armor to kill bigger monsters and so on, but with guns and shit, you know what? I'd play the shit out of that.
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PrimaGaga

      My friend was playing Borderlands with me and then bought the game himself and wont let me play with him cause he's playing with our other friend wuts this I hear about more than 2 player co-op???

    3. pheonix561

      I thought it was alwasy well known as a four player game? I think you just are doing two player co op as couch play. Like how Monhan Tri had "two player co op," but it was just fighting a single monster in the arena and getting a weird special reward for beating it. The REAL monhan co op is online. Borderlands is probably sort of like that.

    4. PrimaGaga

      yeah I figured that out but im pretending like that isnt true and my friend just hates me, you know, to tease him. He's getting super worked up about it haha

  3. pheonix561 » DarkKitteh!

    You are correct, Kimmy is totally a boy.
  4. pheonix561

    Yo dogs I got TF2 installed again
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SilverAlchemic

      Okie-day, you've been added. NOW GET ON YOU LOSER

    3. CaptinBenny

      DUDE! i didn't know you had that?? what's yer steam IP? O_o

    4. CaptinBenny

      oh wow i feel dumb nvm. got it. (facepalm)

  5. pheonix561 » PrimaGaga

    yes. yes it was.
  6. pheonix561 » AlexBrand

    Woah, are you a fan of Gears of war?
  7. pheonix561 » Na Riknia

    Woah man, when was the last post you made?
  8. pheonix561 » Arcane

    Why thank you my good man.
  9. pheonix561

    why should it be NABE's birthday why can't it be MY birthday happy whatever jerk
    1. Ammonsa

      because we care about Nabe

    2. pheonix561


  10. pheonix561 » DarkKitteh!

    why dont you go make more posts on the forum?
  11. pheonix561 » phereia

    Why are you just lurking? Why not make a post?
  12. pheonix561 »

    why are we angry facing him >:|
  13. pheonix561 » SilverAlchemic

    whos that in your profile picture?
  14. pheonix561 » Arcane

    what's classified?
  15. pheonix561 » Jo-Bengt

    what in the world is this about you leaving
  16. pheonix561

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sahaqiel

      You guys just don't understand my musical taste. :(

    3. Chimetals

      thee pulsing was seriously giving me a headache saha :< i have no issues with techno remixes, but that one had like a secret hypnosis wave.

    4. Cascade

      Sahaaa I still love Frenssu :<

  17. pheonix561 » Aliana Moon

  18. pheonix561 » Vio Milanor

    Well then let us give you some constructive critiscism!
    though based on your other art, I doubt that it sucks at all, if not only a little.
  19. pheonix561

    Voynich Hotel more like Voybitch O-Smell HEH
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. PrimaGaga

      Berserk is pretty awful.

    3. Cascade


    4. pheonix561

      puppy all of you

  20. pheonix561

    Vio I see you lurking
  21. pheonix561

    Updated the Balderdash thread. Whenever I make a big post in one of my content threads I always feel the need to announce that.
  22. pheonix561

    totally thought alex arbiter/the phoenix was GMP just now just sayan
    1. Knuckle

      Eww, I wouldn't want to be associated with GMP. :(

    2. Cirt

      lol knuckle be nice :<

    3. Alex Arbiter

      someone remind me who was gmp. and why

  23. pheonix561 » Adr990

    today I was driving and I saw a car with a license plate "adrcar 1" and I thought of you.
  24. pheonix561 » Pluey

    this is Ben, btw.
  25. pheonix561 » Gamerexplosifs1422

    The Who What Forums?