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Posts posted by pheonix561

  1. All of them with the exception of 120 dungeoneering, which is only 104.

  2. Yeah I still play, my screen name is also pheonix561. In fact, that's where this SN originated. I play pretty casually though. I'm F2P right now, and lately I've just been cutting and burning maples until I hit 99 fm. Once I'm done with that I'll cut and banks yews until I hit 99 wc, and then I'll probably go for 99s in cooking and fishing by catching and cooking lobbies. Not sure what I'll do after that.

    The only times I ever play is when I know I'm going to be sitting at my computer for a long period of time doing something like filling out job applications or maybe something else mundane, so I don't really have any plans to become a member any time soon. What stats are you maxed on?

  3. Definitely don't blame you, but I'm pretty sure thats the case with all MMO's. I think Runescape might especially be an offender though, because a lot of its community is old dogs who have been playing for years now. I know I'm coming up on my 11th year or something.

    I've done every quest in Runescape except for four, and as much as I agree with the statement about the quality of Runescape's Quests, I also have to point out it makes the game so much worse when the quests are bad. For example, there's the penguin quest series and "some like it cold." I know they were trying to be wacky and fun, but that series was just kind of dumb overall. Or, the Sea Slug series. They had a real interesting thing going there with the savant magic kid and the slugs from the ocean that would take over people's brains, but the final quest was just boring, anticlimactic, and generally stupid.

    That also means, though, that some of the better quests in runescape are actually really good. I remember fighting the leaders of the Red Axe in the final part of the Red Axe series, that boss fight was insanely difficult and one of the hardest in any video game I've ever played. And I'll always remember going through the underground pass, and trying my best to navigate Tirannwn for the first time. Bad quests are really bad, good quests are really good, etc.

  4. The Universe lags horribly on the Dodongos too, because they are also part of the universe, and even though time passes at a much slower rate nobody notices because its all relative and everything is the same. Also Dookly is not afraid at all of Dodongos because so far their entire population, including their king, have all proven to be losers.

  5. So Berserk 339 came out in korean like four or five days ago and nobody on the entire internet has translated it yet because releases for berserk have been so few and far between for years now that the population of translators who normally would reliably have it translated after a day had passed is now nill. And so: I am dying slowly.

  6. ((that was the purpose of the character, thank you))

    Dookly stops flying and falls safely to earth, laughing at the impotence of the dodongos. Also what cushioned his fall was a giant pile of money, which is now also his.

  7. Dookly steps to pos -1 x, -1 y relative to King Dodongo, where he is safe, because King Dodongo is a dodongo and dodongos can't breathe fire diagonally. Good thinking, Dookly! "What a dumbshit" said Dookly.

  8. you at the very least PLANNED on doing the exact thing he mentioned to get a discount lol

  9. Dookly steps to pos -1 x, -1 y relative to irtimid, where he is safe, because irtimid is a dodongo and dodongos can't eat diagonally. Good thinking, Dookly! "What a dumbshit" said Dookly.