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Posts posted by Sevengill

  1. That's my guitar teacher. The man's been named as one of the fastest players in the world by Guitar World magazine, has released three albums, and is the most down to earth and helpful teacher I've ever had. I've improved so much in a year and a half it astounds me.

    And learning Stairway to Heaven says a lot about one as a guitarist.

  2. I'm sure at least a few of you here saw when Kanye interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech. Well, he's moved on to bigger and better things. Interrupting people has bored him so now he interrupts websites! Just type in before the website you're viewing. E.g. if you want Kanye to pop up here on, just type in

    It gets old quick, but it provides a great first laugh so I figured I'd share it with you guys.

  3. One solution would be you would promise to not have a youtube account, making it impossible for you to watch flagged videos. However that would also cause you to stop making your videos, so it's not that great of a solution :\

    Also, I'm 16 and my 12-year old brother has cursed in front of my parents more than I have. Though I do say damn and hell around friends and on the internet occasionally. However, "damn, I just dropped my pick in the soundhole -.-" is about as bad as it gets.

  4. People still rickroll? Come on guys, it's 2009! Leave the old meme's behind! :P

    And you can take rickrolling to a whole new level when jamming with your band you all except one member immediately stop and start playing the song. I've got to say, it's pretty hilarious for an internet meme.

  5. There's nothing wrong with a little bit of negative feedback. I've already noticed a little bit of improvement in your work and I can't wait to see the signatures you will make in the future.

  6. Ew. I really don't like most of these. You don't seem to know too much about art. I could easily be wrong, but that's not what your signatures are portraying. There are a couple of posts I made on another forum and I think they could help you so I'll copy and paste them.

    First he asked how to spice things up. I replied with:

    Probably the biggest thing would be depth. Depth is one of those things that can really make you go "omgz teh pwns." Take a look at this piece.


    Can you imagine what it would be like if this was completely 2d? It would be boring!

    Another important thing is color. Take a look a this beautiful tag:


    This is one of the best uses of color I've seen. Your tag is mainly red and black, with the guy's blue eyes accenting it. That won't cut it, it needs to be dynamic and have more color! Of course, monotone can work when done right, but it isn't right now.

    Next is a focal point. Right now my eyes aren't sure where to look - the render, the text, or the background. It's sometimes difficult to keep your eyes away from text, but they shouldn't be staring at the background! You need to have an obvious point for the eyes to go to at first, then a smooth transition through the rest of the piece.


    Last is lighting. You want to make your piece feel as realistic as possible. It's impossible to get it completely realistic, unless you're using human renders/stocks, so you want to get it as close to real as you can. Lighting helps this and can make your piece more dramatic too.


    I hope that helps at least a little!

    Then he asked how to do those, so I replied with this:

    The best way is to just experiment and find out yourself. I know it's not the answer you want, but it's easily the best option. :P I'll help you get started though. For depth, whenever you're making a piece you want to pick out your background, middleground and foreground. Generally your render and your focal should be in your middleground. If you want to get crazy, though, you can make more than one middleground; this is a delicate thing to do, but when done right it can look awesome. An easy way to make a simple sense of depth is to make three layers. First you put your background on the lowest layer and your render in your middle layer. Your top layer you want to brush a couple colors then smudge them a little to create flow, or add to the natural flow of the render/background. Then you want to add three more layers between your layers, so it goes: background, new layer, render, new layer, smudge layer, new layer. Brush a color that fits with lots of scattering on all of the new layers. Then erase some of it to make it look more random. Then you want to run a gaussian blur of about 15-20 on the lowest scatter layers, then a gaussian blur of about 5-8 on the middle one, and do nothing with the top one. For color schemes, try out the site littleboy mentioned, kuler. Also try to keep your colors relatively unsaturated, and gradient maps can help a lot.

    Your focal is actually rather easy, you just need to follow the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds is dividing your canvas into nine different sections, and you should place your focal at or near one of the intersections. Here's a great example:


    For lighting, I'm still learning how to do that right. Hopefully someone else can drop in and help you with that D: . But what I do is add a new layer on top of everything and then take one of my more important colors, then drag the little color dot up quite a bit so it still looks similar but very light, then take a soft brush and brush where I want there to be light. Then I do the same but with a different color and make it very dark and brush where I want there to be a lack of light. It's not a very good method and I wouldn't recommend it, but I don't know any other ways to do it well D: though I've heard adjustment layers can work great if you know how to use them.

    I hope that helps, at least a little bit.

  7. Wow, very nice work! I just bought a wacom tablet so I've been trying to teach myself how to digipaint. I'm not very good at all yet ;_; working on drawing majora's mask right now.

    Your style's also pretty interesting; it's a bit cartoon-like, but not completely. I like it!

  8. That's understandable, the free version sucks anyways. I really doubt I would still play if I never paid for membership. :P

  9. I'll admit it, I still play it quite a bit. I just like the simplicity of it; I've seen screenshots of other MMORPG's and they all look overcomplicated or focused on PvP.

    Also, I would say "I recommend you guys actually try getting past level 20 and seeing the real content in the game," but unfortunately the second you find you like the game you're hooked forever. Be glad you think it sucks D:

  10. That wasn't nice >:(

    Why feel the need to add even more insult? Can't you just let the situation be handled by the two starters? I'm sure PoT was getting enough hate yesterday anyway.

    I'm just trying to help. I've frequented multiple forums for years and I've watched quite a few forums die out. I really like the Zelda games and this forum seems to be pretty fun at its best and I'd love to see it thrive. But probably the biggest things holding it back are the ban-happy mods. They can't just ban people for a day if the person pushes them over the edge.

    My favorite forum houses over 180k members and has a wonderful atmosphere to the place; everyone knows each other and newcomers are greeted in open arms. The mods there are spectacular too. They rarely ban people but when they do they make sure they have a GOOD reason for it.

    I know I'm making myself a douche for saying all of this but the mods here really shouldn't give one-day bans. If someone's being a trouble maker, just give them a firm warning and if they do it again then you can take action.


  11. I used to love it. But in the later episodes it was just the same thing over and over again.

    Someone new: "Hey Sheldon, why are you doing (activity)?"

    Leonard/Penny: "Ugh, here we go again..."

    Laugh track: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

    Sheldon: "*long speech*"

    It's funny the first few times but after that it gets old. :( The matrix conversation was hilarious though.

  12. Nah I'm usually more exciting than this. I just tend to talk/type very plainly when I'm tired. I can get pretty crazy, though I don't think I've shown it on these messageboards :P

  13. I do not believe it is possible to fall in love through the internet, however it is possible to get close. While talking with someone through the internet you can figure out a LOT about their personality that you wouldn't be able to figure out in person - whether they use LOL or haha or a mixture of both, or if they make an attempt to have good grammar or simply barrage you with paragraphs of shorthand. These allow you to decipher a few of their subconscious behaviors. However personal interaction, of course, also has its benefits. You're able to judge their body language and how they present themselves; how hygienic they are.

    While talking through the net can never replace real life interaction, I'd say it's a damn good supplement.

  14. So you're a tool then? Unless you're being sarcastic, we'll need to get in a "TWILIGHT SUCKZ HARHURHAR" comment from some other tool to balance the scale.

  15. Twilight fans and haters are extremely obnoxious. It's just a damn book.

  16. There's still one thing that has been bugging me on these forums ever since I joined - the length of some people's signatures. Seriously, some of these people have signatures that are WAY too big. They're not even organized either, just multiple pictures that they felt like adding. All this does is add to loading time and make scrolling through pages take longer than it should.

    I'm not saying this should be fixed, since this seems to be quite a casual messageboard, I just felt the need to rant about it. I do like the new look though :D

  17. "Okay link, let's imagine there are 3 doors. Behind one door is a new horse, behind the other two are goats. You are told to pick one door. After you pick the door, before it is revealed, I (who knows whats behind each door) choose another door that has a goat behind it. You now have 2 doors left, and I ask if you want to switch picks before the door is opened. Is it to your benefit to switch your choice of door in order to win the car?"

    Let's test his knowledge of statistics!

  18. I have to say the most disturbing part of the game is when you're in the house full of Stalchildren. It's like you've walked into a bad painting. All around you, wherever you look, there are stalchildren laughing and enjoying themselves, but never attacking you, just sitting around, even letting you kill them. No sound came from them. They laughed and smiled and acted like you weren't there.

    But in the emotional parts, I almost cried many times. I felt like dreams were being defeated. I felt like I was being defeated. When (almost) everyone was alright again, I did feel satisfied.


    I agree. I found every scene that had stalchildren in it very confusing, depressing, and disturbing, all at the same time. I'm not sure if there's even an emotion that expresses what I felt! Did majora's mask create an emotion? :wacko: