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Posts posted by Stormsworder

  1. Your banned because it says Male underneath your name on here, but if you click on your name, it shows the female symbol.


  2. Sweet, Garand! favorite rifle in Day of Defeat :D

    i like to go laser tagging at a place an hour north of where I live. Decent-sized building, and a lot of fun when it's our church youth group that goes. :D I'm the camper and sniper! XO Until I run into something, usually a barrel. I had the misfortune of getting the vest that didn't work one time though. X-x

  3. Yeah, I tried doing the blocks one, and I guess I messed up or something after two or three screens because I got no rupees...

  4. So, you guys have seen me around for a while... I'm a bit spastic as to when I'm actually on, since I go between a whole buncha different places along with playing a variety of video games...

    Soooo, the basics. I live in Mississippi, I'm a girl gamer, and I'm a Jesus Freak. No, I'm not going to be shouting out the messages of fire and brimstone at you, since I don't believe you should try scaring people into getting "fire insurance" as they call it. I try to be as kind as possible, but I'll admit there are times and people who just bring out the worst in me (like the people who try to RP when you can only understand every other word they write, and they curse you out because you critique their awful character profiles...)

    I've been playing video games since I was like, 3, I kid you not. Have a pic of me in diapers playing Donkey Kong Country to prove it. I'm also an avid reader, with the first thing I ever read being instruction manuals to video games, with the first story being Edgar Allen Poe's "Telltale Heart". Not only do I enjoy reading, I love to write and text-base RP on forums or IM. I've been writing fanfics since about fourth grade, with the first one being of Sonic the Hedgehog. I've done over 20 fanfics, but only a handful of them are actually completed. My current projects are a Twilight Princess fanfic [The Guardian Saga: Twilight Falls] and an Eternal Darkness one I've yet to finish the first chapter to. Yet.

    I'm an avid gamer at times, but I really easily switch my interests of what games I play. Right now, though, I'm in the middle of playing through Eternal Darkness on a second path, but I'll check on Guild Wars every now and then. I also play, through Steam, Master Sword Continued and Sven Co-op.

    I think I covered most of the essentials... and ask any questions that ya want. If you wanna RP with me over IM to something like Zelda or Fullmetal Alchemist or whatever, hit me up on MSN or Yahoo, as I never remember to sign onto AIM. If you want to get ahold of me on Guild Wars, the name's Danielle Roivas, and I'm a guild leader on there.

    So yeah... did I mention I stink at introductions sometimes?

  5. Not much of a fan of Xbox or Microsoft (except for computer stuff)

    But hey, they gotta milk the franchise for all its worth I suppose. I remember reading the Fall of Reach novel. Be interesting to see what they do with the game...

  6. Vwoot! That works...

    I'm hoping to eventually get enough to ask Silent for a sig... >>

  7. I feel like an idiot... I'm still trying to figure out how to get Rupees on here, but I'm too lazy to search through the forums for a FAQ or guide or something.

    Procrastination, yay!

  8. :P I know, love those shirts. The day after I wore the "Don't Make Me Go Zelda on You" shirt, one of the camp counselers wore a TMNT one saying "Don't make me go Ninja on you" XD

  9. dsc00003ibb.jpg

    Well, this is me without glasses. >> Most recent one I have that doesn't have me with someone else. I'm gonna go digging through pictures again. XD

    Edit: Oh gosh, scary looking ad on ImageShack about anti-aging pills. o.o My eyes! They burn!


    Eh, only other good one I could find. I'm on the left.

  10. Seriously, people have had THAT much trouble on the game? o.O I mean, I watched a YouTube playthrough of it, and the guy died a few times... I played it and never died once.

    What the heck?

    And that would be Ellia's chapter. I don't like it only when I'm on Ulyaoth's path, because the two zombies you have to fight usually blow up on you after using the blowdart, so you can't regain sanity. First time I played, I had to stop in the middle of that chapter cuz of how bad it scared me.

    If your mom won't let you get it, you could always watch it on YouTube :D Preferrably a walkthrough without someone talking. And make sure you aren't watching the one where all in-game text is German.

  11. If hugs were banned, I think my whole church would be angry. >> We always hug each other (sometimes glomp, a rare tackle here and there).

  12. Ah, nerf guns... I remember riding around in a golfcart, me usually hanging onto the back, us using nerf guns and pretending we were in Jurassic Park... Good times... ^^

  13. Chapter 9: One Step Closer


    Danielle looked at the ruins of the building she had just barely escaped from, black smoke drifting slowly into the air. Hunting the Shadow Insects had led her to some kind of storage shed. Unfortunately, whatever was being stored inside also happened to be highly flammable, as lighting a fire in the fireplace to smoke out the insect had resulted in it catching aflame and spreading to flames to everything about it. Within a few seconds of her escaping, the entire building had exploded.

    Fortunately, the three insects were killed that hid inside… although at the expense of someone’s home.

    Without warning, something landed roughly on her back. Danielle snarled, thinking it was a foe as she snapped over her shoulder, only to have two small hands grab her snout and snap it shut. There sat Midna, rolling her eye as she held Danielle’s jaws closed.

  14. Nope. Didn't have to rebreak. My foot's never quite been the same since then, though. They said it healed fine, but I think there's still something off about it. It should not be uber painful when I swim with it. X-x [And yes, Flashpoint rocks!]

  15. Actually, I wouldn't doubt if stuff like this did happen. Face it, some people are MAJORLY addicted to WoW.

    Me, I'm just addicted to my laptop. If you're going to take it away, at least let me get my fanfic that I'm working on off of it. >>

  16. Pediatrician: "Oh, the bone's not broken, it's just a bruise."

    [two months and a different doctor later]

    Doctor: "Wow, you snapped the bone clean in half. Let's hope it healed right so we don't have to rebreak it."

    Me: o.o;

    (Essentially, I was half asleep one morning and fell into the corner of a desk by my bed. Hit the left part of my left foot right on the corner, and apparently it hit a bone attached to a tendon. Snapped clean in half, and I had to walk on it for two months. Pediatrician said it was just a bruise. The pediatrist [foot doctor] actually bothered doing Xrays, unlike the pediatrician. Guess who I never went to again)

  17. It's not that bad actually. Only difficulty at times is reloading weapons like revolvers and shotguns in chapters that have them. You have to hold down the Z button.

    The camera isn't in your control, but typically the angles are good and nothing too frustrating. You attack with A, lock on with R, hold down R and move the control stick to target certain parts of the body to attack, hold L to run, press B to examine and pick up objects... The controls are pretty easy to grasp.