Twili Link

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Posts posted by Twili Link

  1. *turns to wolf Link and recrutes dogs from all zelda games to chase off the cats*

    bark bark bark bark!!!


    *uses energy field that Midna summond with her hair and attacks next poster*

    There's absolutly no dodging this I'm to fast.

    Can't touch this da na na na da na da na na na na can't touch this.

  2. I know. What happened to the fused shadow on her head, and I agree wolf link does look like a greyhound.

  3. I know about it already. I have it in my favorites on youtube and it is what inspired me to do this.

  4. I think it's stupid. Although I have occasional thoughts of it because I'm picked on so much.

  5. I busted my ankle yesterday morning around 6 am. Luckily we were taking my dad to see a doctor. After he saw my dad i asked him if he would take a look at my ankle. Sorry i am getting ahead of myself. Here is what happened. I go outside because i hear a noise like some birds getting into a big fight. Well there were no birds but a lot of branches on the ground. Well after picking up all the branches i went to see if there were more or any dead birds. Well i ran into a wooden well we have in the front yard it stated falling forward then backward and came down and smashed my foot. Now that you are caught up the doctor order an ex-ray and i found out i have a sprain. Now i have to ware a gel cast. I should of just staid in bed.

    :ouch: :ouch: :ouch:

    Ouch hope ya fell better. Something like that happened to me but I sprained my arm. I played on a baseball team and after our game (this was about 4 years ago when I was about 9) my mom took me and my brother to a playground so my brother could run around for a bit (he was about 6 or 7) I went down a slide at what felt like 50 miles an hour and landed on the ground and bent my arm back. I'm lucky my bone didn't pop out of place and stick out of my skin. it just got sprained. This was mostly bad because I couldn't play baseball for a while. Luckly it was my left arm. I do almost everything with my right.

  6. I know who sheik is. I'm not stupid. :angry::unsure:

    It's supprising how much people take others for idiots. Ocarina of Time is the most played Zelda game I know about besides Twilight Princess. I pretty sure everyone here has played Ocarina of Time.

    Oh I change my answer to Shiek being a girl. I looked at a few pics. and theories and I think Shiek is a girl.

  7. Yes, let's raise taxes so we can waste it all on a restaurant that would go out of business within a week.

    You can't be serious about this. JUST BECAUSE SOMEBODY SAYS IT'S A COOL IDEA DOESN'T MEAN IT'LL HAPPEN. If it does, I can assure you that they'll be taking their OWN designs into more than consideration.

    Also, shut up, Umbreon.

    Yeah yeah i know but it's worth a shot. I don't give up that easialy. You gotta admit I'm stubborn.