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Posts posted by TrueNinja2

  1. YLAYLAYLAYLAYLAYLAY. You have a copy of diamond or pearl right?! :o

    You now have a wireless router, right?!


    Please :D

  2. Suzaku pulled out his suitcase from his backpack and laid it on a table. He undid each clip very slowly, and sighed as he opened it. Then he smiled.

    "Anybody up for some Halo 3 action?" He asked, pulling an Xbox 360 out of his suitcase.

    "This is no time for video games." Gabe said.

    "As well as the radio and TV, we can get some more outside information." Suzaku argued, smiling.

  3. You know what wll cheer you up?

    Singing. Just sing some random song, and I guarantee you'll feel better. Unless you sing a girly song, which will embarress you to death. And don't sing a depressing song, that'll make you cry.

    Sing... Queen. Yes, liek, We Will Rock You, or Another One Bites The Dust. Those are good ones.

    Ooooor, to also cheer you up, you could work out. That always makes me happier |D

    Let me know if this works, I could become a counseler.

  4. I know how you feel also, but Im feeling the exact opposite right now.

    FSCKING AMAZING. :squint:

  5. Fer serious? You... used... my.... word?

    Where did you hear it? D:


    I'll post my code tomorrow, I'll add yours later.

    Im normally on around 8pm. If you live some faraway place it'll be later for you.

  6. Isn't her name Mary... "you get to push the cart." XD

    I was just asking, because you made it seem like it, with: "Hey Suzaku!" Sam shouted, running over giving him a hug.

    No one else greeted him like that, so... yeah. Let's just go with it.

    Brett got in his car to head to the home department store while Gabe, Mary, and Sam got into Gabe's car. Suzaku hopped onto his motorcycle.

    "Which store are you going?" Suzaku asked.

    "Just follow me," Gabe replied, starting his car.

    "Nah, can't. I have to head back to my place to grab a couple things."

    "Well, we're going to Target, bound to be less crowded than Walmart."

    "Yeah," Suzaku chucked. "I'll be there really soon."

    He revved his motorcycle and took off, popping a wheelie through the 4-way stop.

    He hopped off of his bike and snapped the kickstand into place, running into his apartment and tearing through to the back room. He grabbed a suitcase, which had some very important items of his inside it, and stuffed it into a backpack. He stuck a combat knife in his belt just because he felt like it, and ran back outside to his motorcylce, locking his door and tossing the key into the bushes.

    He arrived at Target to find it completely packed, every space was full in the parkinglot, and the surrounding streets had cars on both sides. Some were even parking in front of the doors.

    Suzaku found Gabe and the others with a cart making their way towards him, he heard Gabe cuss loudly.

    "What's wrong?" Suzaku asked, stopping next to them.

    "It's too packed, had to leave the car way back there." He jutted his chin to indicate a direction. "Seen Brett?"

    "I took the long way, there were a bunch of cops and I needed to get here fast."

    "He's probably at the house already." Samantha added in.

  7. ^ I like your avatar.


    My Wii returned, last week. Nobody's Brawled me yet. :c

    I started Prince of Persia on Hard, it's incredible. Really. WARNING: Do not try this difficulty at 3 AM!

    I started playing Twilight Princess again, I was craving a Zelda to play. I love being a wolf...

    And, I just had pepperjack cheese nachos. :ohmygod: It was beautiful...

  8. Oh, crap... This doesn't sound too good. So, is something happening between Suzaku and Sam? Important information before I start.

  9. Felix stood around in utter confusion, watching events unfold around him. He began to feel very insignificant, and wished he could get in his car and leave, unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen.

    "Felix! Get over here!" Dylan called to him.

    He sighed and jogged over to where he stood, his cellphone pressed to his ear.

    "What was the number again..?" Dylan asked, looking kind of embarrassed. Felix, with an astounding memory, quickly remembered and told him.

    "Thanks..." Dylan mumbled.

  10. Suzaku and Gabe turned and watched as a man walked out of the shadows. He looked scared half to death, gripping the mop he had been holding with white knuckles.

    "P-please..." He begged. Suzaku noticed, through the foggy haze which covered his eyes, that he was wearing a janitorial suit. The name tag, in swirly red letters, read: Brett.

    Gabe looked him over, then nodded.

    "You can come if you stay close and do exactly as I say, when I say it."

    Brett nodded slowly, then sorta shuffled closer to them.

    There you go, a little introduction. It would have been better, but I don't know what your character looks like, couldn't go into great deal in that area.

  11. That would be pretty cool, but Im pretty sure it would have caused the price to go up, not a whole lot of memory, bad quality, etc.

    Like the pictures.

  12. Im incredibly bored.

    Just got done practicing L's Theme B on my guitar earlier. Technically impossible to play the whole song, as it requires at least 4 guitars to play it completely,(and drums, etc.)but I play each individual part a bunch.

    The only part Im having trouble with is the actual chord part. My fingers don't want to stay in place for the slide. >:C

  13. Suzaku absolutely REFUSES to take a life, for future reference. Hence 0%. And, if it meant his survival, he would abandoned everybody. His will to live overrides everything else.

    Suzaku slowly and silently crept around the corner, no one was there. The entire area was empty. He allowed himself to relax a little and stood up, partially. He wasn't reckless, and he knew he could easily give away his position if he stood completely.

    He continued inching his way over to one of the computers and sighed with relief, it was still working, and connected. Apparently they hadn't noticed, or they hadn't cared.

    Gabe and Sam were crouched by the wall, watching his back and their own. Sam heard footsteps and alerted Gabe, he janked out a piece of paper from his pocket, uncrumpled it, and quickly wrote "HIDE" He wrapped it around his cellphone and slid it across the room, he waited until Suzaku noticed it bounce off of his heel before he and Sam ducked into another room.

    Suzaku saw the paper and spun around, to his horror, he could see the shadows of at least five men, each one laughing loudly. Suzaku wasn't fast enough, they came around the corner and spotted him, their jaws dropped. Clearly they thought everyone else had been herded up or killed already. One un-slung his AK-47 and shouted something, Suzaku didn't hear him. He turned and dove over the railing.

    Gabe heard the shots and peeked around the corner after the men had gotten farther. He saw a body laying half hidden by an overturned table, bullet holes were in the table and a puddle of blood surrounded the figure.


    Suzaku landed on his back, bounced, and landed on his feet. His adrenaline pumping him onward at an inhuman pace, he hopped off of the trampoline positioned in front of a children's toy store and took off, heading back for the stairwell.

    He charged up the steps, not breaking a sweat nor breathing heavily. He slipped and fell in a puddle of a blood, the momentum causing him to slide all the way down the hallway. He slammed back-first into the wall, his head snapped back and cracked against it as well. He groaned in pain, then slowly got to his feet, trying his best not to move in a way that would hurt his back.

    He stumbled up the next set of stairs clumsily, dizzy with pain. He bounced off of a wall and almost went down. He leaned against it for a moment, trying to clear his head a bit. He shook it side to side a bit before continuing.

    Suzaku finally made it to the hallway Gabe and Sam were at, they were both crouching against the wall, looking sad, but ready to ambush the five men.

    When Sam saw Suzaku she nearly fainted.

    "Z-Z-ZOMBIE!!" She screamed, firing her gun in a frenzy.

    Suzaku, realizing how horrible he looked, dove into a doorway, which was shredded with bullets immediately afterwards. Gabe wrenched the gun from Sam and ran after Suzaku, waving for Sam to follow.

    "It's Suzaku, you idiot!" Gabe shouted angrily, not caring now whether they heard him. They were bound to be coming after all the gunshots.

  14. Suzaku nervously messed with his hands as we walked through the bustling streets of Castle Town. It was nearing noon, and he needed to be at the castle by then. His hair was messy and sticking up all over, it curled upwards in the front and in the back. A few strands poked out on the sides, and a couple on top, the rest was flat.

    He had woken up that morning panting heavily, he was soaked with presperation and lying on the floor. The nightmares had been getting worse. After a quick rinse-off he had quickly clothed himself and burst out the door, it was already close to noon and he feared he might be late. He had rushed through the crowds, recieving many shouts of anger and quite a few people shouted, 'Watch where you're going!'.

    He walked up to the gates, where a guard stood on either side of the massive double-doors. He gulped and approached them.

    "I-Im a recruit." He stammered. The guard to his right sighed and walked up to him, then held out his hand expectantly. "Wha- oh, OH!" Suzaku held out the seal and the guard took it.

    "Very well, go inside and a scout will guide you further." The man said, then he pushed the door open enough for Suzaku to go inside, an returned to his post.

    He saw a man standing about thirty yards away, arguing with the man in the white and gold armor. The armored man stomped his foot and marched past Suzaku, casting him an angry glance as he did so. He slammed through the gates and growled as he bumped into someone.

    Another man, close to Suzaku's age--give or take a few years--walked in the gates. He saw Suzaku and the scout up ahead and sighed loudly, then began walking towards them. Suzaku turned around and approached the scout, stopping a few feet away from him. The scout's face was still red with anger when the other man got there.

    "Follow me, and don't touch ANYTHING." He barked, spinning on his heel and marching off. The two recruits hurriedly followed him.

    The scout lead them through the gardens and around to the back of the castle, where two other recruits already waited.

    "Off you go." The scout waved his hand to the others and left, leaving them all alone.

    "Good day, peons. I am Lord Mao." One grinned evilly. "And from this moment forth, you are all my slaves." The boy looked about 16, he had big, spiky, white hair, and round glasses on. The three others stared at him for a moment, and his grin faded.

    "Im Simon." The man who had walked in with Suzaku said.

    "Im Ria, nice to meet you." The girl said. Mao scoffed.

    "I-Im Suzaku..." He murmered nervously.

    A powerful voice startled them all, even Mao looked it for a moment, before reverting to his scowl.

    "Good, now that you're introduced to each other. I am the King of Hyrule." Mao scoffed again. "You have each been recruited for a specific purpose. Every one of you posesses some skill which would make you invaluable in the quest to re-take Ariesta." Suzaku's ears twitched at the name of his homeland. The King appeared on a balcony about fifteen feet above their heads. Standing next to him was King Oris.

    "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Who said I was doing anything?" Mao asked incredulously.

    The King of Hyrule stared at him for a moment. "You came, didn't you?" The King asked.

    "I came because I thought you were making me your overlord. Not to go help some fat guy get his place back. If this Aris already has it, let him keep it." Mao turned and started to stomp off.

    "I'll offer myself to be your servant, for eternity," The King began. "If you help recover Ariesta."

    Mao stopped abruptly, then slowly turned around. "My slave, for all eternity?" He asked, having heard perfectly well, he only wanted the King to have to repeat himself.

    "Yes, your slave, for eternity." He repeated. Mao grinned.

    "Very well, I will help you. Don't expect me to do anything I don't want to though." He returned to his original standing spot, far away from the other three recruits. Who all nodded that they would help too.

    This time it was King Oris who spoke.

    "You will all be paid handsomely for your services, I thank you."

    "I have set up rooms for you in the castle, tomorrow you will begin your training, until then, you are free to roam freely."


  15. Yey! I almost have 200 posts. |D

    Thank you LionHeart, thank you Zuzu,

    and Pheonix... what's the first one?(I've seen it before, I just don't remember what it's called.)

  16. My 13-year old brain has nothing on 'dirty bombs' in it's vast stores of knowledge.

    Felix cast Dylan a quizzical look, then at Cho.

    "Umm... God I feel like a dork... But, what's a 'dirty bomb'?" He asked, scratching the back of his head nervously.

  17. Lol, Zuzu. XD

    "Maybe you are here to do something special, maybe not. If you ask me, I’m just here to have fun, and that’s all I believe. Life should be enjoyed and there is no point focusing on the negatives or worrying about things that don’t matter. So far it’s been going pretty well for me because I have a my health, a place to call home, my happiness and my friends."


    Now, I don't know where I heard this, or if I just made it up on the moment... But; "If you spend too much time worrying about the future, before you know it, your life will have already slipped by."

    Im sure I heard it somewhere before...

    The words I live by |D

  18. I've wished I could have redone that...

    Seems it has been granted.

    I was a total jerk last time. Worse than that, actually... Oh well.

    I apologize again, ppl.

  19. Yeah, we might as well. start. If nobody else joins within the next month or so, I'll assign a canon character.

    Suzaku fidgited uneasily in his seat. Being a foreigner to Hyrule made him a target for bullying and insults from his fellow students. His eyepatch didn't help much either. His 'funny-eye' as his mother used to call it, often got him even more torment. There were even a few times when soldiers used him as comic relief. Commenting on his 'very stylish eye clothing'.

    Usually he ignored these types of people, not really caring when they made fun of his nationality, or his eye. It was when they insulted his mother when he lost his temper. He had been banned from school only last week for breaking a teacher's face in. Right after that a tall man covered in scars, and wearing armor approached him. He told Suzaku, that he was a very gifted individual indeed, and that he would like to speak with him in a tavern on the outskirts of Kakiriko. The man disappeared in a flash of green, which Suzaku recognized as Hylian magic.

    It was a bench in the tavern he now sat, sitting face-to-face with the man from Castle Town. The man also wore an eyepatch, his armor was of white and gold. It glinted even in the poor light. He wore a long dark blue cloak, with the hood up.

    "Do you know who I am?" The man asked.

    "You're a scout." Suzaku replied, the feeling of uneasiness subsiding just a little at the man's friendly tone.

    "Yes, you are correct. Do you know why I've scouted you?" Suzaku shook his head slowly.

    "It's not because of all the fights you've come out on top of, as Im sure you assumed," The man laughed. "I've noticed your gifts, and I'd like you to join us."

    Suzaku had seen the flyers, and he'd heard the talk. Strange men, foreigners, had been recruiting young people to help the King Oris. The King of Hyrule had accepted him into the land like an old friend, even allowing him his own quarters in the castle. Word was, that he was recruiting skilled people to help Oris take back his land. But they had recruited so few...

    "Why are you recruiting so few of us?" Suzaku countered. The man sighed, and set down his mug.

    "If you join us, come to the castle at noon tomorrow. Tell them you were recruited, an they'll let you pass. A scout will lead you to me, where you will learn more. Good-bye." The man set down a blue rupee to pay for his drink, and vanished again. Suzaku sighed.

  20. The next day, once Lloyd went to both their rooms and retrieved them. He urged them outside and into a taxi cab.

    "Where are we going?" Ryuzaki mumbled, pretending to be sleepy.

    "Im taking you to a warehouse on the outskirts, wouldn't want to draw attention to ourselves, no would we?" Lloyd said, in his shrill voice.

    It took almost an hour to reach their destination. Lloyd hurried them out of the car and lead them up to a massive abandoned warehouse. With the help of Ryuzaki, he managed to slide the huge, rusty doors to the side enough for them to slip in. He walked over to where Lancelot stood, refracting light that filtered in through the sky-light.

    "Before getting into Lancelot, I'd like to test you both in the simulator I created last night." Lloyd said, leading them over to one side.

    "You were working last night..?" Ryuzaki asked incredulously.

    "Yes, in fact I hardly got any sleep at all. Now, if you please..."

    Lloyd went through a detailed explanation on how everything worked, and then forced Ryuzaki and Herok to read the guide he had written up. It was incredibly hard to read his small hand-writing, so Herok had SERVO read it to them.

    Two full hours later, they were ready to try out the simulator.

    "Your objective is to eliminate all enemy Knightmare Frames, tanks, helicopters, and then battle a simulation Lancelot. You'll be even in terms of everything, so it's up to skill to win that battle." Lloyd instructed. "Furthermore, any civilian casualties will result in a serious dropping of your score. You have thirty minutes."

    Ryuzaki sighed heavily at the "no civilian casualties part" what did it matter if they got in the way and were killed? It was their fault, wasn't it? He shook his head clear and focused, trying out all the different controls as he sat alone in the middle of a city. Suddenly and without warning, two helicopters appeared and fired missiles at him. He narrowly dodged, but he had moved closer. Instead of using his Harken Boosters, he leapt high into the air and slashed through both with his swords. He landed graceful and spun around, coming face to face with a tank. He quickly slashed through it and jumped backwards, avoiding the blast as it exploded.

    He spun around and zoomed forwards, firing his arm-mounted chain-gun on the troops. He wiped out two ranks of them with a single sweep, this was a very powerful machine indeed.

    A few dozen destroyed helicopters later, an identical Knightmare appeared in the falling directly at him. He blocked it's swords with his and slid backwards on its wheels. The enemy Lancelot shot with it's chain-gun, Ryuzaki dodged to the side, all the while holding up his arm-mounted energy shield. He then lunged forwards with a thrust, the enemy lancelot jumped backwards and placed it's feet on the building, it shoved off and barreled into Ryuzaki, knocking them both to the ground. It kneed Ryuzaki's Knightmare in the chest, severely damaging it's targeting systems and causing Ryuzaki's simulator to shake violently.

    He kneed the Lancelot in it's stomach and launched it over him. He got to his feet and spun around, he fired a Harken Booster into the Knightmare's head, it shuddered, sent off a bunch of sparks, and died. Ryuzaki nearly cried out in victory, before he noticed the enemy's sword jutting out of his chest. His Knightmare shuddered, fell and exploded.

    "Wow!" Lloyd exclaimed, walking up to them. "I never imagined you two would tie! I guess you'll both get to try it out."

    "A tie in scores?" Herok asked, wondering how Ryuzaki could ever equal him in a test.

    "No, you both destroyed each other."

    "But, that was a simulation..." Ryuzaki began.

    "No! In fact, it wasn't. You were fighting each other in the end." Lloyd sighed. "Now, how do we get to your world?" He asked, looking at Herok.

    "It's not really our world, it's where my lab is... But, it's really easy. SERVO, commence scan." Herok ordered.

    Lloyd gasped and fainted as they entered Herok's laboratory. Landing next to Lancelot's feet.