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Posts posted by T1g

  1. Yeah this is awkward


    Apparently Guy brought me leftovers for dinner and i just skimmed over that part of the PM because I only cared about whether or not I got my keys back (reading is for chumps!). I found this out right before my earlier post asking for more info on him (which is also WHY I asked about him). I didn't bring up the fact that he visited me because I don't actually know what he was doing. I think I have an idea on what that was about but I can't be sure til we get through another night. For now I can only assume that he targeted me with a night action and that somehow involved a romantic evening of day-old KFC


    Also while I am at it, Tywin Lannister for the protect because we need to protect someone each night

  2. Can someone give me a rundown on all this Guy Targayen business? I think I missed something in this discussion. Also a minor Game of Thrones spoiler free description of the guy would be nice

  3. @teto: The keys are pretty obviously related to my ability, but sadly I can't talk about my ability yet. I haven't even used said ability (on account of the key hunting) so I wouldn't be able to back up any claims I make.

  4. The encounter is probably the person i checked for keys. I haven't named names because i figured it might give someone an alibi or something if someone knows who i checked

  5. This is probably a game where several of us don't get abilities unless specific conditions are met. Probably to encourage all sorts of shenanigans and social manipulation

  6. Yeah this was tagged as spoilers because it was something they showed at Comic Con or whatever. Contains a silouette of yellow diamond and everything!

    Pizzza likes this

  7. Basic my night was


    1.) Me going to a player and checking if they had the keys (they did not)

    2.) The keys were given to me by someone anonymously later on in the night, of their own free will.


    I only bothered with 1. because no one declared that they were going to return my keys to me during the day

  8. Some kind soul slipped my house keys under the door last night so hooray for that! Otherwise nothing of note happened

    Also I bet that slut Cersei Lannister is a wolf, but that's probably just my own bias from watching the show.