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Posts posted by FiFetus

  1. just random jesus related thing that I thought of the other day-

    So, an incubus basically rapes people in their sleep, right?

    and they're evil cos of that, right?

    ....holy ghost?



    but more importantly, as I've already said in basically all my posts, just mind your own business.

    I don't give a poo if you're christian or atheist or whatever, and talking about it is fine, but talking about it as if it's the only way to be is bullshit. live your life and let everyone else live theirs.

  2. I personally agree with adr. I'm a good christian, whenever I spot someone wearing a shirt with more than one kind of fiber in it, I make sure to alert my friends and grab lots of stones. then we crush his skull in and it's a merry old time.

    and goshdarnit, those snickety farmers! always sowing more than one kind of grain in a field!

    I'm really starting to get tired of spilling farmer blood.

    but hey, it's in the name of god.

    so can't complain!

    I mean, it's not like we're forcing our beliefs on anyone. the bible said to kill them. if they want to be crushed, that's their own decision.

    but anyway, down to the strip joint?


    i think it's probably just cos, being asian, you constantly hear stupid fuqz bein like OMGYOOLOOKLYKJACKIECHAN. so it's like a hot button.

    my guess.

  4. Well,

    1) They're joking to begin with, because Saha isn't actually leaving. This thread, and the others like it, are just satire.

    2) Silves, the person who called Saha gay, is gay, and was actually joking about the use of the word 'gay' as an insult. His use of caps lock and lack of punctuation are the cues that he's making a joke, and he's implying that people who use the word as an insult are in the wrong.

    3) Pheonix's use of the word was only after Silves introduced it to the humour scheme of the thread. He also knows Saha IRL; they're comfortable with this sort of joke, and both understand that they are actually mocking the people who had been making "I'm leaving" threads to begin with, and the internet-drama culture that those people are a part of.


    also, boobs are nice!

    bums too!


  5. silves, you make like all my favorite posts.

    I love you hard.

    and SAHA!!-

    ok, let's go.


    lionheart, I see douche in your face.


  6. separation of the oh lawdy and the state.

    i lol'd.


    all you people who say polyamory is wrong, or gay love is wrong, or smoking pot is wrong, or doing any other damn thing that doesn't affect you is wrong-


    Not everyone believes what you do. Why does it matter to you if people are doing things that don't affect you in any way whatsoever?

    personally, i think killing and eating another living, feeling, thinking creature PURELY because it tastes good is wrong. And that actually affects millions of living feeling beings every day, who are tortured, murdered, and eaten for no good reason. BUT. I don't lecture other people on that. Now YOU guys are lecturing other people on how they shouldn't screw who they wanna screw, or love who they love. Those are two things that don't hurt anyone at all.

    so as I said.

    get the effyooseekay over yourself, you self centered, self righteous poopbats.


  7. Record 3 hours worth of your non-stop singing spree.

    I think i shall do that this weekend. folks should remind me!

    I got about an hour of my singing recorded yesterday morning, but deleted it for space

  8. arcane-NOBODY doesn't wanna look at skeleton boobs.

    misa-omg you're pretty!

    jobabeh-as i said, girlyboner.

    josh-you look real cute. and NOT fat, wtf?!?!

    EDIT-also jobabeh, nice camera!