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Posts posted by Snooky

  1. Also, Sonic Unleashed was terrible, and you would have had to previously have a deep desire to enjoy the game, to enjoy it.

    You are fooling no one but yourself.

    Ooh, a Genesis fanboy. You're probably one of those folks who thinks Sonic 4 will suck because Sonic's eyes are green.


  2. Applicable is the word you are looking for, coherent refers to organization, the logical and aesthetic order of thoughts, generally used in the context that thoughts and ideas are put into a logical order, not that they are applicable to each other.

    No, coherent was the word I was looking for.

    >Coherent: 1 a : logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated

    >logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated

    >logically integrated

    Yes there is. If you had insight into the law enforcement community, you would know this.

    But I do. I do lots of research on cops.

    Say right now, someone suspected you of using marijuana, say, an employer, maybe they drug test you, maybe you get pulled over and the cop smells it, or finds a seed.

    You don't have to actively smoke weed to grow it. Your plants aren't going to get mad and decide to die because they don't see you light up a joint. Also, there are these things called showers and spray deodorant. You use them when you want to change the way you smell, see. And why would you have a pot seed in your car in the first place? That's just stupid.

    If they were to investigate you, and they managed to connect you to this online account here, it would be enough for a federal no knock warrant. You didn't tell anyone about your plants directly, you merely talked about growing it online, and you got busted.

    That counts as telling someone about it. Directly, in fact. But I'm not growing anything, so this doesn't apply to me.

    Will they magically find out you have it? No. But if you are a user, there are likely signs of it, scratch that, there are signs of it. If you get investigated at all, then it doesn't matter if you tell anyone or not, there is a chance of getting busted.

    Again, you don't have to smoke it to grow it. And not every stoner looks like a stoner. Almost every kid at my school smokes weed, and no one would suspect them.

    I'm not paranoid, and in fact, probably have far less to worry about than you would, seeing as I work with cops on top of not breaking the law.


  3. How is that the proper use of the word "coherent"?

    Coherent: 1 a : logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated

    I was asking what it had to do with getting caught, if you told no one about your plants.

    What it comes down to is, either way, shit happens, plenty of people get busted growing it in their house or in a good hiding spot, happens everyday

    There is no logic here. No one who grows in their house and doesn't tell anyone is going to get busted. No one who puts their plants in a good hiding spot who isn't a creepy suspicious puppy is going to get busted. Are the cops going to use some kind of magical marijuana detection ray to find out exactly who's growing pot? You're almost as paranoid as my mom.

  4. Sonic games are really bad now. Adventure 2 was okay, but after that they've been pretty awful.


    was good.


    Did I mention Sonic 4?

    lol I broke the layout.

  6. Welll , Did U Know That Justin Bieber Is The Sexiest Man In The Whole Entire Universe ? Well , Now U Do [:




    Who let you two out of the kitchen?

  7. Lionheart is correct.

    How is that coherent to what I said? If you don't tell anyone, you won't get caught, that's the bottom line. Of course, I'm assuming you're either growing it in your house or you're not too retarded to find a good hiding spot.

  8. snooky, you gotta explain mary jane to me.

    You smoke it, it gets you high, everyone has a good time. What do you want to know, exactly?

    Buying it from someone = misdemeanor (unless more than a certain weight)

    Growing it = three felonies (production, possession, intent to distribute)

    Snooky, I'm sure all those people who get caught in those raids traipsed about telling the cops about their plants.

    Traipsed means to walk without a purpose, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

  9. Because I love felony production, possession, and intent to sell charges. And my door being knocked down on a no knock warrant.

    Then don't tell anyone you have it, and you won't have to worry about it.

  10. But yeah, if you smoke too much pot you'll get cancer. Thats just logic, there. Its almost the same as a cigarette in that sense.

    Actually, that's-

    But then I could be horribly wrong, Snooky knows much more about it then I do.

    ...well OK lol.

    Marijuana does not cause cancer:

    Now we can get to how marijuana actually kills cancer :3

  11. I'd actually like to try weed at least once in my life.

    There's a lot of shit attached with it, though. Like I don't know who to trust about the side-effects, and there's the legal issues of my ass going to jail if I'm somehow caught.

    All of the side effects are positive, and you won't get caught if you do it in the safety of your own home or in a secretive spot. Have at it :P

  12. Whatever, dude. You're still only providing me with your word and a bunk website.

    Well excuse me for giving you enough credit to assume that you would do your own research, instead of asking me once again to spoon-feed you every little detail. Here's a tiny bit more info:


    "THC kills all cancer cells but leaves normal brain cells alive."


    "THC causes tumor cells to begin to degrade themselves from the inside"


    "THC encourages brain cancer cells to begin a process called autophagy, in which the cell basically dissolves itself"

    "None of the patients showed toxic effects from the treatment."


    "THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers, and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent."

    http://forum.grassci...ogens-weed.html <3


    I especially like this comment: "I have a feeling that you just don't like the weed, so you disagree with the studies findings. If nothing else, research like this show that the draconian policies toward a popular method of relaxation are, at best, unfounded. But feel free to ignore research that doesn't fit into your worldview, happens all the time."

    I found this especially amusing: http://www.godlikepr...ssage956607/pg1

    "no one has ever died from a medically documented marijuana overdose. In contrast, approximately 500 Americans die yearly from overdoses of acetaminophen (Tylenol)."


    "According to the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM), fewer than one in 10 marijuana smokers become regular users of the drug"

    "marijuana does not cause physicial addiction."


    To paraphrase what I'm sure anyone who's done LSD would say in this situation, kindly do your own damn research next time.

    I'm not saying weed is bad. I'm not saying it's good.

    And I'm saying it's good.

    You just make it your business to disagree with everyone who dislikes pot and never provide any evidence supporting yourself.

    I'm sorry, I thought this was the "discussion" board - the one where we discussed things. I'll keep in mind that I'm not allowed to disagree with anyone.


    ...hahaha. Snooky, come on man. It's a plant, but it's also a drug. Tobacco's the same way.

    No, it is not a drug, and tobacco is not the same way. They are both herbs.

    Who the puppy cares? Me, and pretty much everyone in this topic.

    Everyone in this topic cares if a study has been done on how much pot an average stoner smokes? No, I believe you are mistaken. No such study has been done to the extent of my knowledge, and no one gives a shit.

    You, apparently, care so much to combat everyone against pot.

    No, only the puppets.

    It's rather important that every statement you make be based on absolute truth, if it's concerning something you believe in. Question everything.

    Sounds like an LSD mindset.

    Pot may not contribute as much to cancer as cigarettes, but it may still contribute. That's important knowledge for someone who's debating on smoking pot.

    On the contrary, it cannot and does not contribute to cancer at all. See above.

    Yes, spoon-feed me every detail. Give me a thorough, detailed synopsis with footnotes and relative sources. Show me these studies that have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that pot causes cancer cells to deteriorate.

    You'll have to check out the plethora of links above.

    That it doesn't contain carcinogens. Then I will be behind you all the way, if you can prove your case.

    I never said it doesn't contain carcinogens. I said it doesn't contain more harmful chemicals and carcinogens than cigarettes, which it does not.

    As it stands, you're just a face on the internet proclaiming about pot.

    As are you, everyone in this topic, and anyone I can possibly point you to from this position.

  13. I thought you liked dealing with facts?

    "This study is the only evidence anyone has that marijuana kills brain cells, and of course, one can clearly see that this evidence is faulty. Marijuana has no effect on one's brain cells."

    That's not factual. So one stupid study is done and that's proof enough that marijuana has no effect on one's brains cells. I'd like to see a study that isn't faulty.

    Really? I have to spoon-feed you every detail?

    There have been plenty of studies done testing the effects of marijuana on the brain. And with every one, except the one I mentioned, they walked away with the same results: Weed does NOT kill brain cells. Whenever someone says it does, their only grounds for saying this is one faulty study done a quarter of a century ago, which was my point, which seemed to fly right over your head.

    And for the record, yes, it is factual.

    "marijuana contains only THC, and I'm sure a few other chemicals with no real effects."

    What other chemicals?

    Whatever chemicals most plants contain. I'm no botanist, so I have no clue.

    "Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains a number of irritants and carcinogens. But marijuana users typically smoke much less often than tobacco smokers, and over time, inhale much less smoke. As a result, the risk of serious lung damage should be lower in marijuana smokers."

    You mean carcinogens? Because this is from the source you provided. Also, users "typically" smoke much less often than tobacco users. Has a study been done with that, too?

    At least check the website before you try and convince people that the drug you love so much can't harm them, Snooky. Go ahead and say that I'm believing "propaganda bullshit" but it sounds like that's exactly what you're trying to feed me.

    I did check the website. It looked promising, so I linked to it so others could read it. I can't help it if they get a little bit of their info wrong. Everyone makes mistakes.

    However, I'll assume for a second that I am wrong, and it does contain carcinogens, which I highly doubt. The fact is, weed does more to subside and prevent cancer than it does to cause it. And yes, studies HAVE been done on this. Weed has actually been found to deteriorate cancer cells.

    "Also, users 'typically' smoke much less often than tobacco users. Has a study been done with that, too?"

    First of all, who the puppy cares? The above statement should be common knowledge.

    I'll give you a small figure to illustrate this fact. A pack of cigarettes costs around 3 dollars. The total amount of weed needed to fill every cigarette in a pack would cost about $20. On average, I'd say most of the stoners I know smoke about a blunt to a dime a day. For reference, that's $5-10 worth of weed. And that's just the heavy smokers with lots of money and nothing else to spend it on.

    Heavy chain smokers usually smoke 1-2 packs a day. That's 2-4 times as much as a stoner smokes.

    All that said,

    "At least check the website before you try and convince people that the drug you love so much can't harm them, Snooky."

    Weed cannot physically harm you. Weed is not a drug. kthx.

  14. Care to enlighten me? I've never been high, but would you consider it safe to drive while high?

    Gave Google a look and this is what I got:

    "It's not quite as bad as driving drunk but it's still bad. You tend to be wreckless when driving drunk. When you drive high you're actually too careful and paranoid. Your reflexes and reaction times are slower which is the greatest danger. Also, you're mind tends to wander and get overloaded making it hard to concentrate on just driving. It's really not safe."

    That about sums it up.

    Weed also contains some of the same irritants and carcinogens found in cigarettes.


    And to explain what weed actually does to you, read this shit I wrote:

  15. The only problem I have with weed is the things that people might do while they're high. If people were to just stay in their houses and enjoy their high, it would be harmless, but there will always be people who will end up hurting others while in this state. They might try to drive and hit someone, or pull some crazy stunt that gets themselves and possibly others killed. They might already have issues with anger or violence, and being high might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Or they might simply say something they would never have said otherwise. Verbal abuse can be just as painful as physical for some people.

    If I had some assurance that none of this crap would ever happen, then I'd be all for legalizing the stuff. If people want to do get high, and they know the risks involved, they should be allowed to, but not if there's a chance other people could be hurt.

    You clearly have no clue what being high actually does to you.

  16. marijuana is highly addictive (yes, it is)
    NO. Get the puppy out of here. You are a dumbass and you have no clue what you are talking about.

    and studies have shown that it can cause the serious psychotic disorder known as schizophrenia and your chances increase by four times if you do it before you turn 16.
    I hate you. Smoking weed releases dopamine, which speeds up the process of developing schizophrenia, but does NOT cause it. And don't talk about schizophrenia like it's some unknown secret thing, my best friend is schizophrenic.

    There is no reason to start and even less of a reason for it to be legalized.
    Besides all the medicinal uses, the fact that taxing it would help with the government's money problems, the fact that it's been proven that when people have access to marijuana, they typically avoid hard drugs, etcetc, yaknow, not important.

  17. This has be bothering me for a long time. Up until last year, I always thought my parents were... OK to say the least. So picture my surprise when I learn that my parents whole 19 year marriage is a big fat sham.

    They only married cuz my dad pressured my mom into it cuz she was knocked up with me at age 16. That was a lie too. He just wanted the funding from DiVery University if your married.

    She only stayed with him this long for my sake. She put up with crack, weed, and other narcotics for my sake, and did such a good job of it, I had no clue until i was 20. In short my dad is an a**hole. He lies constantly, stole from his own mother's house to pay for drugs, stole from me when I was younger. (TV's and things like that. Oddly never my game systems... thank god.)

    >She put up with crack, weed, and other narcotics for my sake

    >Grouping weed in with crack

    >Calling weed a narcotic

    So I was wondering, Has any one else had problems like this? A father who wasn't really a Dad.

    Yes, my dad was strung out on crack, meth, and heroin, and also had a taste for shrooms, LSD, and weed. My mom also had a taste for weed. Not so much the LSD.

    I like weed and LSD :D

    Anyway he was a dick. I haven't talked to him in 4 years. Still love him though.

  18. 1- My best friend's older brother smokes weed and has caused torment to my friend and his family because of it. He even stole from my friend, his little brother, just to get his hands on pot money.

    You say that as if he acts like a douchebag because he smokes pot, when in reality he's acting like a douchebag because he's a douchebag.

  19. lol, when it has been shown to be effective on par with other cancer treatments, you can make that claim.

    The thing about that has. It has been proven to kill human cancer cells, which might have been in mice, but were human cells nonetheless. THC actually kills cancer cells. There is nothing else (that we know about) that can do that. It's beyond on par with other cancer treatments, it's the best one there is.

  20. You were saying?

    As I was saying, when there is conclusive and constant evidence that it does, i will say that there is. Till then, t is only proven to help with the side effects of Chemo and radiation therapies.

    You will also take note that I am for the legalization of Marijuana, or you would if you had read any of my previous posts involving the subject.

    Well suresure, I'm not in the mood to debate right now.

    Near where I live, they're having a weed growing contest for medical reasons.


  21. This actually makes sense, I've heard about weed actually heightening senses from one who smokes it.

    I'm definitely interested in trying it. Anything I should know about it from people who smoke it before I jump in?

    Also, what does it normally cost to get a hold of some weed?

    Yes, I can tell you many things. You should add me on Skype or MSN or summat and chat me.

    I can tell you about your measurements too, so you don't get ripped off.

    You should be aware of the fact that you might get a bad experience from it, so you should try it somewhere where you feel comfortable. It's the cheapest drug there is.

    No man, you can get a bad experience from acid. If it's weed, unless there are cops outside or you think your mom is suspicious of you, you're pretty much guaranteed to have a good time.

    BTW I think I would know a bit more, considering I'm stoned right now. :)

    Edit: Oh and dude, weed is puppying dirt cheap. $5 can get you well-lit.