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  1. Cascade liked a post in a topic by PrimaGaga in Dumb People who make Good Things   
    At first I was gonna say "ew gross, pedo manga" but after thinking about it, i can almost relate. Berserk is to you as One Piece is to me. Surprise, surprise! And while Oda, the author, is very skilled at making an incredibly well built, almost real functioning world with unique and interesting characters, he's gotta be at least a bit of a sexist. I'll give some examples, minor spoilers ahead which i'll try to keep brief.

    Nami. She is the main female of the story. She is very interesting and, despite being one of the 3 weakest characters on the crew, is insanely clever and always manages to find a solution to her problems, both in general scenarios and within the context of a fight. She is honestly a very well rounded character, as is every crew member and almost every character that we spend any extended time with. But she has two major flaws IMO. The first is her appearance. Like every "pretty" girl in Oda's world, Nami suffers from unrealistically huge breasts and an impossibly small waist. For the longest time, i chalked this up to artistic style, but while the male population of this world is VASTLY unique in appearances, very few of the girls are, especially in body size/type.
    None of these men look alike, and yet the female depicted here is just like Nami and the other females of the series. 

    Its most certainly not that Oda cant create females outside of his standard mold, it's simply that he wont.
    here are two great examples! except, they aren't great examples. The lady on the left is evil, and because of that, Oda intentionally made her ugly, while the woman on the right's character, important to the story she may be, is mostly a comic relief alcoholic. In fact, we find out the second lady is an older mermaid (with her tail split into feet) but, as a joke, the men of the crew later "dont count" her as the first mermaid they've met, as it contradicts their expectations. 
    Also, while on the topic of female appearance, there is debate among the fan base concerning Oda's possible "transphobia." Because while trans* people are a thing in One Piece, and while many of them are amazing characters (I say that as my favorite character is the "queen" of trans* people), some of them are depicted not so fondly. Let me clarify, as there seem to be 2 types of trans* individuals featured in the comic. Newkamas, which are people who have been completely turned into the opposite gender (on a binary scale) by means of magic, essentially. And Okamas who appear to just be men in drag and, well, look like this-

    while Oda, on the surface, appears to be very pro trans (He apparently based a character on a friend of his who cross dresses, and then that friend voiced the character in the anime for a while until he had to step down for personal reasons) it still begs to question, are the Okama's just a joke? and when does the joke go too far?
    Anyways, thats some stuff i think about. Also, a lot of the women have tragic pasts. I mean, so do the men, but the women seem to take it next level. Slavery is a theme among at least two women, while another female is shown being kicked in the head repeatedly by her captor, and another has even been sexually assaulted by an invisible man . I unno. It's still the best story ive ever read, but it's not perfect in these regards. So yeah, Pheo, i can understand your frustrations with the story you love. while not pedophilia, Oda's depiction of women aint winning an feminist awards. 
  2. Jareddude liked a post in a topic by Cascade in The Mystery of the Unexplainable Package from Dekalb, Illinois   
    So I was cleaning my room today and then, I found the letter Pheo sent me with the whale that I promised to scan and upload ages ago in my wardrobe, no idea how or why it ended up in there but oh well. pheo really wants me to actually upload the letter, and I don't have a scanner, so enjoy this painstakingly typed up version instead! it's probably not worth the five month wait and bumping of old dead threads!
    (lines     indicate where something was furiously scribbled out)

    One last thing I have to say about this whale: I've used it nearly every night as a second pillow for the past five months. She now has a noticeable dent on her head as a result. And still hasn't got a name! oh well, are you happy pheo the whole world can now read this silly letter lol
  3. Jareddude liked a post in a topic by Cascade in The Mystery of the Unexplainable Package from Dekalb, Illinois   
    Disclaimer: Absolutely none of the following photos have been edited. This is nothing but the complete TRUTH. All photos have been spoiler-tagged for your protection. Blame my lack of good cameras, I could not accurately record this event. Read ahead at your own risk.
    So, today when I got back from an awful shift at work, a strange surprise was waiting for me at home. A bizarre package. There were so many ways in which it was bizarre. I didn't understand anything about what it was and why it was here. Let's look at it together:


    Like I said, bizarre? Ignoring the fact that... someone... already attempted to open it, let's just count the ways it's bizarre:
    Sadly my name isn't Sprinkles MacLollipop. It's only a lame, ugly name like Cascade. Someone must have confused me for their much sweeter friend. shame it IS a cute name I have never heard of a place called "Dekalb, Illinois". Where is that exactly? Nobody in all my interpersonal relationships lives or has travelled to such a place? Same with "USA". Isn't Stirling the only place around? This is just dumbfounding everything I have ever known. The sender/post office seriously have puppyed up here. Who on earth would have a name like "Ben Christianson"? Well lemme tell ya it ain't somebody I'd WILLINGLY associate with. Nor would anyone here be given such a terrible name. Again, what the puppy? Does this package say there's a stuffed toy in there? Did a five year old send this? I'm way too old for this stuff gosh. How did the sender manage to confuse their friend with me? ...How did he know my address? I would NEVER give out such personal information to STRANGERS. Clearly a dangerous person.  
    Anyways, enough rambling. Since I don't know any Bens from imaginary places, I can't really send it back to them. And there ain't any Sprinkles around here, so delivering it to them is also out of the question. So, all I can do is open it and find out what the horrors lurking in it are, right? You're still with me, right? Good. 


    There's... so much... PINK... I absolutely hate the colour pink... but sadly, I have to keep going to make sure it's awful and this Ben is not to be trusted.

    This is...
    It's... so... cute... Although I've always said I've preferred narwhals... but again, I don't know who this Ben is or who he thinks he is... sending me such a cute, pink whale plushie... he sounds like a right tool... idiot...

    I don't think Sprinkles will miss this wee baby whale, do you? Naaaaahhh. What should I name my new pet, guys? Since you made it this far, it deserves to be named by all of you! :3

    No, thank YOU, ben jammin'. I will treasure this whale always... the stranger danger whale... :3 Sometimes puppy-ups can be good things!
    (probably one the dumbest threads I've ever created BUT. IN ALL SERIOUSNESS. PHEONIX561. Pheonix. Pheo. Ben. This is really awesome and you did not have to get and send me this awesome present just because I stupidly drunk called you one time two years ago and accidentally got charged £60+ for it. The joke's dead now but I gotta say it: you're a GOOD FRIEND. for serious. :> still a total NERD though. but some things will never change...)
  4. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Cascade in Tomodachi Life   
    The first two songs are just perfect, haha. Pent-Up Rage is forever going to be playing in my head whenever I'm at work now.
  5. Cascade liked a post in a topic by Teto in You know what I hate the most?   
    I have no annoying optimistic positive twist for this. That sounds like shit. I always puzzle at shops that have like 10 tills and only ever use two of them. Like, why? Lidl do this all the time. I'm in Poland right now and it's the same here. 5 tills, only 2 in use. It makes no sense.
    'commoners' being my upper class lingo for 'irrational people'. The middle classes in short. In June when I had my interview in Dundee I helped out for a few hours in the British Heart Foundation to kill some time. My friend [#34]  was working there so I joined in, and helped her out on the till. She had a falling out with a customer about not having enough change to pay her back, and after Ruth went to have a chat with her boss I was left next to the till and managed to talk in a civil way with the people. I felt like I might have been able to deal with the situation a bit better than [#34] did. So that had me interested in seeing how well I could cope with that kind of confrontation. I'm not good with confrontation generally, but I would like to see how I did if that was my job.
  6. Cascade liked a post in a topic by T1g in Tomodachi Life   

    Pheo has made several songs. You shall get them over the next hour
  7. Cascade liked a post in a topic by T1g in Tomodachi Life   

  8. Teto liked a post in a topic by Cascade in You know what I hate the most?   
    I was meant to be working today for a four-hour shift, but my boss forgot to include today in my schedule for the week... so I woke up thinking I was off at 9am, had a nice morning, then got a call an hour later being like "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN AT 10 SORRY..........." cue rushing to get properly dressed and get to work asap and deal with the particularly shitty public we had today. Who all seem to come in at the one time when I'm the only person on the floor. So fun!
    I was looking forward to enjoying a day off as well... oh well at least it was only four hours I guess. Still annoying as hell though.
  9. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Cascade in New Smashbros Discussion Thread   
    Nah man, they'll keep adding more and more Kirby characters as the series goes on. One day literally half the roster will be Kirby characters, both major and minor. It's gonna happen just accept the reality Knuckle...
    really though since they are biased towards Kirby, I totally thought of a neat idea for one of the Assist Trophies from the series (they are still in this one right). The painter girl from the N64 game, uh, Adelaide? Something like that? Double can correct me if he checks this thread. She had a cool gimmick of being able to paint anything and have it come to life, and gimmicks are the lifeblood of Smash Bros! SO. it'd totally fit in. it'd be random whatever she painted like, any of the items, hordes of dumb kirby monsters that attack you. etc etc. It'd be cool is what I'm saying.
    Also, returning characters I'd care to see return: Jigglypuff, Ice Climbers, ROB. Maybe Ness/Lucas (not both though, if they're just going to be clones again) as well I guess Mother needs someone there to quell it's loud fans... I feel like if they brought Ganondorf back they'd probably manage to make him even worse than before, somehow. Other than those three though I wouldn't really be that miffed if none of the remaining "legacy characters" made a re-appearance. The current roster is pretty varied anyways.
  10. Knuckle liked a post in a topic by Cascade in Dangan Ronpa   
    The bit with Monokuma's voice changing was great, he really nailed exactly how the official English dub voice sounds, it's hilariously creepy. Also every part with Celes and Asahina was gold. How is an abridged series so good jeez...
    Two months later...

  11. T1g liked a post in a topic by Cascade in New Smashbros Discussion Thread   
    Nah man, they'll keep adding more and more Kirby characters as the series goes on. One day literally half the roster will be Kirby characters, both major and minor. It's gonna happen just accept the reality Knuckle...
    really though since they are biased towards Kirby, I totally thought of a neat idea for one of the Assist Trophies from the series (they are still in this one right). The painter girl from the N64 game, uh, Adelaide? Something like that? Double can correct me if he checks this thread. She had a cool gimmick of being able to paint anything and have it come to life, and gimmicks are the lifeblood of Smash Bros! SO. it'd totally fit in. it'd be random whatever she painted like, any of the items, hordes of dumb kirby monsters that attack you. etc etc. It'd be cool is what I'm saying.
    Also, returning characters I'd care to see return: Jigglypuff, Ice Climbers, ROB. Maybe Ness/Lucas (not both though, if they're just going to be clones again) as well I guess Mother needs someone there to quell it's loud fans... I feel like if they brought Ganondorf back they'd probably manage to make him even worse than before, somehow. Other than those three though I wouldn't really be that miffed if none of the remaining "legacy characters" made a re-appearance. The current roster is pretty varied anyways.
  12. Knuckle liked a post in a topic by Cascade in New Smashbros Discussion Thread   
    As impossible as it is, Banjo-Kazooie would have been infinity times more interesting/unique playable characters than more Fire Emblem. I didn't even realise Fire Emblem was popular enough for five characters...
    oh and of course Captain Falcon is back I can't believe some people actually thought they wouldn't bring him back for Smash lol
  13. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Cascade in You know what I hate the most?   
    I was meant to be working today for a four-hour shift, but my boss forgot to include today in my schedule for the week... so I woke up thinking I was off at 9am, had a nice morning, then got a call an hour later being like "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN AT 10 SORRY..........." cue rushing to get properly dressed and get to work asap and deal with the particularly shitty public we had today. Who all seem to come in at the one time when I'm the only person on the floor. So fun!
    I was looking forward to enjoying a day off as well... oh well at least it was only four hours I guess. Still annoying as hell though.
  14. Sahaqiel liked a post in a topic by Cascade in The Mystery of the Unexplainable Package from Dekalb, Illinois   
    So I was cleaning my room today and then, I found the letter Pheo sent me with the whale that I promised to scan and upload ages ago in my wardrobe, no idea how or why it ended up in there but oh well. pheo really wants me to actually upload the letter, and I don't have a scanner, so enjoy this painstakingly typed up version instead! it's probably not worth the five month wait and bumping of old dead threads!
    (lines     indicate where something was furiously scribbled out)

    One last thing I have to say about this whale: I've used it nearly every night as a second pillow for the past five months. She now has a noticeable dent on her head as a result. And still hasn't got a name! oh well, are you happy pheo the whole world can now read this silly letter lol
  15. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Cascade in The Mystery of the Unexplainable Package from Dekalb, Illinois   
    So I was cleaning my room today and then, I found the letter Pheo sent me with the whale that I promised to scan and upload ages ago in my wardrobe, no idea how or why it ended up in there but oh well. pheo really wants me to actually upload the letter, and I don't have a scanner, so enjoy this painstakingly typed up version instead! it's probably not worth the five month wait and bumping of old dead threads!
    (lines     indicate where something was furiously scribbled out)

    One last thing I have to say about this whale: I've used it nearly every night as a second pillow for the past five months. She now has a noticeable dent on her head as a result. And still hasn't got a name! oh well, are you happy pheo the whole world can now read this silly letter lol
  16. Knuckle liked a post in a topic by Cascade in The Mystery of the Unexplainable Package from Dekalb, Illinois   
    So I was cleaning my room today and then, I found the letter Pheo sent me with the whale that I promised to scan and upload ages ago in my wardrobe, no idea how or why it ended up in there but oh well. pheo really wants me to actually upload the letter, and I don't have a scanner, so enjoy this painstakingly typed up version instead! it's probably not worth the five month wait and bumping of old dead threads!
    (lines     indicate where something was furiously scribbled out)

    One last thing I have to say about this whale: I've used it nearly every night as a second pillow for the past five months. She now has a noticeable dent on her head as a result. And still hasn't got a name! oh well, are you happy pheo the whole world can now read this silly letter lol
  17. Knuckle liked a post in a topic by Cascade in Discuss Anime and Mang   

  18. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by Cascade in Discuss Anime and Mang   

  19. T1g liked a post in a topic by Cascade in Discuss Anime and Mang   

  20. Cascade liked a post in a topic by PrimaGaga in Tomodachi Life   
    I love you Cascade! #2 fan here!!
  21. Cascade liked a post in a topic by T1g in Tomodachi Life   

    Cascade was a Shoe-in but it speaks volumes about everyone else's self esteem if Tomoko took second place
  22. PrimaGaga liked a post in a topic by Cascade in Tomodachi Life   
    wow that's harsh man...
  23. Sahaqiel liked a post in a topic by Cascade in I am so happy right now!   
    I've never seen him look so mad and hateful. It was a fun night. (o:
  24. Cascade liked a post in a topic by Sayubie in I am so happy right now!   
    Beating pheo over and over at Boardgame online is great
  25. T1g liked a post in a topic by Cascade in Beating Up Pheo RP   
    No, no, no! Sayuri, the reason for beating Pheo up is because he's a massive, awful nerd. Without using any slang because then he doesn't take the threat seriously. Everything else is fine.