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Posts posted by knilnolam

  1. so i can't be stuffed updating here... the next three chapters are on if u wanna read them. username: TangoOscar

  2. I jumped up and ran to the door to open it, expecting to see my father on the other side.

    'Father,' I squealed before looking up to see a man dressed in a blue cloak standing in the doorway.

    'I bear unfortunate news of your father's fate,' he said in a deep voice and handed me a folded piece of fresh parchment. The royal seal stamped on the front was still warm. I took the letter and slowly and stared up at the man.

    'I am sorry.' He bowed and continued on his way. I let the door swing shut as I opened the letter and my tears smudged the words that told me my father had gone missing and was presumed dead. It can't be true; just last week he wrote me telling me all about the little village he was staying in until it was time to come home, he had also sent two hundred rupees and a funny looking, gold medallion. On it, were three inward pointing triangles with little circles embossed in between each. Father didn't say what it was so I figured it was some sort of souvenir he had picked up during his travels. It was strange, yet such a pretty thing...

    I slammed the door shut and threw my helmet and sword on the ground. They clanged against each other and bounced into the small bedside table, causing the oil lamp to lose its balance and topple to the floor. Slices of glass scattered across the stone flooring and I collapsed onto the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. It wasn't supposed to be like this; I was the only member of the Royal Guard that had travelled outside Castle Town. They needed me for this mission and they knew it all too well, only the General and the rest of the soldiers couldn't see past the fact that I was at least ten years their junior... and a woman. I honestly thought this was my chance to finally get out of Castle Town and find my father, now, instead of accompanying them when they set out at dawn tomorrow to fight the evil currently plaguing Hyrule; I was to be reassigned to sentry duty.

    It had been five years since I last saw my father. We had come to Castle Town so he could work as a tutor to the Princess. Before that we were nomads; journeying all over Hyrule in search of history. My father was fascinated by the temples, especially the Temple of Time as his grandfather had helped build it. We had only been living in Castle Town for a few months when he came across an old book in the Castle's library about a group called the 'Ancient Sages'. He left almost immediately in search of something, I don't know what, and was gone for four months before the Royal Family's messenger brought me the lying letter.

    'I am so sorry, Silver. Your father was a dear friend and a gracious man to all he knew and crossed paths with,' people would say as they passed me in the streets during the months that followed my father's disappearance. I hated how everyone presumed he was dead because no one could find him. I knew my father and I knew he wasn't dead. Since I was a little girl, I have been able to feel the presence of those connected to me. Even though I was only four when my mother died, I knew she gone and I felt at peace when I thought of her. With my father, it was different; I felt restless and often had dreams of him visiting mysterious 'ghost people' in the desert and fighting the same, strange shadow beasts that were invading Hyrule. Lately the dreams had been growing more intense and more frequent. I had to get out of here, whether it was with the Guard or not. This was my first and last chance since I was thirteen and with everything that's been going on lately, we might all be dead soon.

    I hastily removed my Guard uniform and dressed in my mother's travelling armour. I fastened my sword in its sheath to the brown belt around my waist and slung my crossbow and quiver across my back. I gathered some food and water in a small bag, along with the gold medallion Father had given me all those years ago. I grabbed my cloak and wrapped it around my shoulders before hurrying out the door. I used the hood to help conceal my face as I wove through the back streets of Castle Town. It was almost dusk, so there weren't that many people out and the evening shadows made it easier for me hide. I made it to the eastern thoroughfare and slipped through the enormous wooden doors just before the guard appeared around the corner to lock them for the night. I ran along the bridge and ducked behind the large brick wall so that he didn't see me. When I heard the echo of the doors as the guard shut them, followed by the key turning in the lock, I breathed a sigh of relief and stared out at the field before me. I had no clue where I was headed or where I should go first, let alone what my father was searching for when he left.

    Where are you, Father... I thought and a chill wind swept through the trees. I pulled my cloak tighter around my body as I began towards the path directly ahead and already I feel the presence of my father growing stronger within me.

    Hmm... so who do you think Silver's dad is?

    All will be revealed in time, but for now... please reply with something lovely smile.gif

  3. Name: Nuala

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Race and hometown: Hylian, Faron Woods

    Appearance: Long, blonde, curly hair with fair skin. Brown leather corset over greenish brown chiffon skirt that falls to her knees and has a split in one side the runs right up to her hip. brown leather boots that reach just below the knee. she has minimal armour that includes brown gauntlets with the forst stone (OOT) symbol etched into them. she also has a distinctive birth mark under the outer corner of her right eye in the shape of the forest stone.

    Personality: strong willed, independent. kind of mysterious

    Weapons/significant items: sword and bow carried on her back

    Family (optional):distant ancestor of Saria

    Current location: Ordon spring

  4. i remember reading once that the creator of zelda (cant spell his name so im not gonna try), has had many offers regarding scripts and pitches for a LoZ film, but he knocked them all back on the basis that a movie would distract from the game and would eventually be ruined by the media. he said zelda was made to be a game, and thats what it will always be.

    personally i would like to see a zeld a movie but i am not sure how it would be recieved. especially because audiences would have really high expectations of how they would want link to sound. the voice of link would have to be absolutely PERFECT, even his dialogue would be very difficult to write as we all have our preconcieved ideas of how link would speak. secondly, there would be the dilema of whether the movie should be made in CGI or using real actors. Because zelda has built up such a massive name purely through games, making a movie would be extremely risky and it would either add to the brilliantness that is zelda or wreck it for new generations of fans...

  5. ok i'll start. this is my first RP so bear with me lol smile.gif

    When Shea reached the top of the hill and saw Castle Town below, relief overwhelmed her as it had been four days since she had had any contact with civilisation. She was tired from travelling by foot and was desperate for a solid meal and had heard that a place called 'Telma's Bar' had built up quite a plausible reputation. She began to make her way towards the town and her step quickened as she grew nearer. Light was slowly dispersing from Hyrule and by the time Shea reached the gate and entered through the heavy wooden doors, it was almost completely dark. With the flickering light of the dim torches as her guide, she moved cautiously through the back streets of Castle Town, hearing every noise, feeling every movement.

    Anyone who crosses me tonight won't know what struck them...Shea was tired and hungry and the last thing she felt like dealing with was confrontation...

  6. Name: Shea

    Age: 17

    Gender: female

    History: she is mysterious and her past is a secret. She tends to travel all over Hyrule and is often underestimated because she is female, however is very independent, tough and an awesome fighter.

    Appearance: long strawberry blonde clurly hair and green eyes. she has tribal markings on the left side of her face that start at her eyebrow, run down her temple and curl inwards finishing under her eye. she wears a short sleeved, white undershirt with a brown leather corset and a knee length white skirt that ties at her hip so almost her whole right leg is bare. she also has brown knee length boots, dark green leather gauntlets with gold markings and finally elaborate, gold armour that covers her shoulders. her weapons include a sword and bow, both of which are carried on her back.

    come on can more people join this, so we can get this thing off the ground finally

    I agree!! let's go

  7. Set straight after Link has saved Hyrule. Midna has just returned to the Twilight Realm. The rest is up to you, take this and fly with it!! also this is my first RP so it will be interesting to see how it goes. I chose a pretty simple setting purely cos i am new to this and didn't want to restrict you guys too much :)

    you can be whoever you want, or even make up a new character.

    On introducing your character, please include the following:



    Race and hometown:



    Weapons/significant items:

    Family (optional):

    Current location:

    enjoyyy :D

    oh and dont forget gender haha

  8. if you didnt like it, then i couldn't care less but dont go posting shit like that on my thread. i get that each part is short but thats how i intended it.

    oh and by the way, what has being female got to do with writing abilty?? please, enlighten me...

  9. ‘Ilia!’ Uli gasped as she rushed to steady Ilia, ‘Are you alright?’

    ‘Um...I...I’m OK...’ she replied breathlessly.

    Ilia’s head was spinning and she could feel tiny beads of sweat collecting in the palms of her hands.

    ‘You should take it easy, honey. And here, drink this,’ Pergie said offering Ilia some water and helping her into a kitchen chair. Ilia took the water and drank slowly, trying not to let her shaking hands embarrass her.

    ‘We’ll finish up in the kitchen, don’t you worry,’ Hanch said.

    ‘Oh, thank you, but I feel much better now,’ Ilia got to her feet, picked up a basket of bread and made her way out the front door.

    Uli, Pergie and Hanch exchanged glances before following after her with platters of fresh vegetables and roast chicken.

    Outside, the men had moved on to sharing stories about their past adventures. Shad was deep in conversation with Link who was telling him about the City in the Sky.

    ‘My boy that is simply magnificent! Oh how I would give anything to visit such a place shrouded in wonder and history!’ Shad said in awe, ‘after dinner you must tell me more so I can document it in my field journal, speaking of which, all this excitement is making me very hungry...’

    ‘Food is ready!’ Ilia called as she walked towards the table.

    On hearing this, the children came running from the creek and stumbled into their chairs; eager to eat so they could get back to playing. As she reached the table, Ilia’s vision became distorted and the voices around her grew thick and muffled. She suddenly felt fatigued, not from lack of sleep or exhaustion, but rather as though her energy was being sucked from her quicker than she could regain it. Ilia’s thoughts ran into each other, creating a soup of confusion and numbness. She could hardly feel her legs or the basket she was carrying. Something hard collided with her back and then her head. Her whole body ached as the sweet breath of unconsciousness consumed her...


    ‘...I don’t know. In all my years I have never seen anything like it. To inflict such a severe reaction is...incredible. The conception must have triggered something and I fear this is only the start of it...but from what I have gathered, the child is not the cause of...’ Ilia heard Renado’s deep voice explain and she guessed he was probably speaking to Link or Bo...maybe both. Before she had time to make sense of where she was or anything Renado was saying, sleep had silenced her once again...

    READ NEXT: Ilia's Secret: Link's Pain (coming soon!)

  10. Renado's Verdict Part 1

    Ilia hugged Link’s arm and rested her head on his shoulder as they walked ahead of the guests.

    ‘How did you get this...?’ She asked as she ran her finger down the long scar that framed his left bicep.

    ‘Uh...a Bulbin spooked Epona,’ Link replied cautiously.

    Ilia stopped, ‘Oh, was she OK?!’ She gasped.

    Link shook his head in amusement and laughed, ‘Sometimes I think you care more about Epona than you do me.’

    ‘Aw, she’s a lady; I’m just making sure you’re treating her like one!’ Ilia smiled and reached up to kiss him on the cheek.

    ‘You know, honey, the first time I saw him look at you I knew you two were more than a couple of Ordonian kids. Everyone could see it, you just hadn’t realised it yet,’ Telma said appearing at Ilia’s side, causing her blush self-consciously.

    ‘She’s right!’ Beth chirped as she and Renado’s daughter, Luda, skipped ahead.

    Telma winked at Link and Ilia and followed after them on her wagon. When they all eventually reached the village, Bo was puttering around adjusting decorations and adding the final touches to the table while the other residents of Ordon gathered near the entrance to greet the guests. Rusl called for Bo to join them seeing as he was mayor and should be the one to carry out the introductions. Beth, Colin, Talo and Malo ran to their parents as Link took his place at the end of the line while Ilia went to stand by her father.

    ‘How do I look?’ Bo asked nervously.

    ‘You look fine, Pa’ Ilia replied.

    At that moment, Telma and Renado rode past the small crowd, followed by Auru, Ashei and Shad, and lastly Luda and Ralis, who was now king since his return to the throne. Bo introduced them respectively and instructed Fado to relieve Telma of her horse and wagon.

    ‘Right this way everyone,’ Bo announced, ‘Lunch will be served shortly.’

    Everybody made their way towards the elaborate table while the women, Ilia included, went to get the food. The child bypassed the table and the ‘boring adult conversation’, as Talo said, and ran straight to the creek to test out Colin’s new fishing rod. Beth and Luda watched in awe as Ralis showed them how he could back flip of the tall platform that protruded upwards from the deep end of the water.

    Meanwhile, in Pergie’s kitchen, Ilia helped the other women prepare the food. She didn’t particularly enjoy cooking, but after so many years of making sure Bo was eating healthy, she had grown to tolerate it, even though she still considered it a chore.

    ‘Here Ilia, why don’t do these?’ Uli asked handing Ilia a basket of pea pods.

    Ilia sat at the table and began extracting the peas. She stared out the window at Link as he laughed and spoke with Auru and Shad.

    Why can’t we be together without being interrupted every minute...she thought to herself. She popped the last pea from its pod and stood up to hand the basket back to Uli. As she stood up, a wave of dizziness rocked her. Ilia lost her balance for a second and grabbed the table for support.

    READ NEXT: Ilia's Secret: Renado's Verdict Part 2

  11. ‘Ilia? Where’s that centre piece?!’ Bo called from the kitchen.

    ‘Coming, Pa,’ Ilia replied as she carried it down the stairs. The centre piece was a set of Ordon goat horns adorned in white and pink flowers.

    ‘Oh my, it looks beautiful. Good work, love!’ He said as he examined the intricate detail, ‘OK, I have to get to work now, there’s still a lot that needs doing before the guests arrive!’

    ‘I will be back shortly to help but for now I’m off to see-’

    ‘Link?’ Bo injected, trying not smile.

    ‘Come on, Pa, I thought you were used to it by now?’ Ilia said rolling her eyes. Bo could be just as bad as the children sometimes; giggling and whispering whenever Link and Ilia were together, or making stupid innuendoes about their relationship.

    ‘I’m just happy for you, sweetheart. It’s about time you two got it on!’ He said.

    ‘It’s been two and half months...’ Ilia replied in a very matter-of-fact tone, ‘anyway, I’ll see you later.’

    Ilia fastened her purse around her leg and stepped outside into the morning sunlight. She took a deep breath and smiled. The beauty of Ordon will never tire me, she thought as she began walking towards Link’s house. Ilia looked around and was instantly thankful to see that no one else was awake yet. It was still very early so she thought she had at least an hour or two where she could be alone with Link without any interruptions. Her step quickened as couldn’t wait tell Link her news. She had hardly slept last night with the thought of it and didn’t want to tell anyone else, especially Bo, because she knew they would ruin it by blabbing to the whole town.

    When Ilia reached Link’s house, she was surprised to see he was already awake as usually he enjoyed sleeping in on his day off. Epona was grazing lazily in a patch of grass while Link stood with his back to Ilia, oiling her saddle. Ilia crept up behind Link and wrapped her arms around him.

    ‘Good morning!’ She said cheerfully, ‘You’re up early.’

    ‘Hey!’ Link turned to pick her up and spin her around, ‘Well, how did you expect me to sleep after you said you needed to talk to me yesterday?’

    Ilia laughed and kissed him once, ‘Oh, you’re so sweet; I said you didn’t need to worry,’

    Link smiled at her and played with her hair, ‘What did you want to talk about?’

    Ilia took a deep breath and looked into his wild and curious eyes. Maybe telling him won’t be as easy as I expected...she thought.

    ‘Ilia...?’ Link pressed

    ‘I love you, Link, so please don’t freak out but-’ She started.

    ‘Hey, I found them!’ a small voice called behind Ilia. She turned to see Talo running down the path from the spring, closely followed by Beth, Colin and Malo. They were all carrying long sticks that loosely resembled swords.

    ‘What is it guys...? Is it important because I am kind of in the middle of something here,’ Ilia groaned.

    ‘Oooh! Link and Ilia sitting in a tree!’ Beth chanted.

    ‘ you have to that?’ Link said, annoyed.

    ‘They’re here! They’re here! Telma and everyone, even Ralis!’ Talo said excitedly as he and Colin grabbed Link and Ilia by their hands and dragged them towards the main bridge near the spring.

    READ NEXT: Ilia's Secret: Renado's Verdict Part 1 (its actually meant to be called 'the banquet' but i puppyed the name up so in the thread it appears as 'Ilia's Secret: Renado's Verdict)

  12. Twilight was descending on Ordon, throwing an orange haze over the small village. Silver dust moats played in the warm light as it shone through her stained glass window. Ever since the fall of Zant, the hour of twilight now brought with it an air of comfort and unity, rather than sadness. Ilia let herself become immersed in the soft glow and couldn’t help being reminded of Link and all that he did to restore balance to the world. She smiled to herself and let her eyes wander to the path that lead to the ranch.

    Time always seemed to move slower when she longed for him, almost as if it were teasing her nerves on purpose. In a hopeless attempt to calm her fluttering heart, she sighed restlessly and tried to focus on finishing the decorations for tomorrow’s banquet.

    Bo had been organising the event for quite some time now and she knew he would want it to be perfect. Every month, on the annervisory of Zant’s death, a gathering would be held in the honour of those who helped to save Hyrule. Each gathering was held in a different town; the first was Kakariko Village, the second Zora’s Domain and now it was Ordon’s turn to act as host.

    As Ilia finished threading the last line of flowers through the elaborate centre piece, she heard a faint, yet recognisable whinny outside her window. She looked up excitedly to see Link leading Epona past her house.

    ‘Finally...’ she breathed as she hurried down the stairs. When she reached the bottom, she threw open the door and skipped towards him. Link caught Ilia around the waist with his free arm and kissed her affectionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lent into his body.

    ‘There’s something I need to talk to you about,’ she whispered in his ear.

    ‘What...?’ He said as he brushed his lips against her neck. Ilia pulled away to look around. Everywhere she looked people were either busy setting up the village or going about their evening chores.

    ‘Hmm...Not here.’ she said biting her lip.

    ‘Is everything all right, Ilia?’ Link asked.

    ‘Everything is great,’ she said brightly as they started towards Link’s tree house, hand in hand, ‘I’ve been waiting for you all day-’

    ‘HEY! LINK!’ Bo’s voice boomed and Link turned to see him and Rusl standing by a long, wooden table, ‘Hey, son, lend us those muscles of yours for a minute will you?’

    Link looked hesitantly at Ilia, ‘Er...’

    ‘Unless you kids have more important things to do, that is!’ Rusl said beneath a smirk.

    ‘It’s OK, you go and help them,’ Ilia smiled at Link, ‘I’ll tell you another time.’

    ‘As long you’re OK,’ Link kissed her on the cheek and ran towards the two men who were now laughing and making jokes at the young couple’s expense.

    Ilia sighed in both disappointment and annoyance. She had been waiting for so long to talk to Link alone.

    Hmm, trust Pa to steal Link away. He is always interrupting at the most inconvenient of times... she thought as she made her way back inside to prepare dinner.

    READ NEXT: Ilia's Secret: The Arrival

  13. OK, so i was wondering, why does Midna shatter the Mirror when returning to her own land? I have been thinking this over and have come up with a few suggestions.

    1. Zelda says that "shadow and light are two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other", also implying that they can't mix otherwise they will no longer be two completely different 'worlds', therefore, if they mix, the product of this combination will not survive because the balance will be thrown off and there will be nothing to counteract it. So...Midna shatters the Mirror in an attempt to make sure this never happens again.

    2. Midna also says something like "as long as the mirror exists, then we will meet again," again, this overlaps with No.1 so she smashes the mirror and sacrifices never seeing Link or Zelda again to avoid putting either world at risk.

    3. Duringt the game, Midna says that only the true ruler of her land can ultimately destroy the mirror, proving that Zant was not the rightful King because he could only break it into four pieces. having Midna actually shatter the mirror into hundreds of pieces, the difference between her and Zant, and also their power, is made very clear. But, it didn't really seem nessecary for this to happen cos from Zant's defeat onwards, Midna's power is shown a I dunno...

    These are the only reasons I came up with but they don't really seem strong enough, plus they are a little hard to explain...

    What's your opinion??????????????


    i thought this song was pretty funny, here are the lyrics...



    He come to town,

    Come to save,

    The princess Zelda,

    Ganon took her away,

    Now the children don't play,

    But they will,

    When Link saves the day


    Now Link,

    Fill up your hearts,

    So you can shoot,

    Your sword with power,

    And when you're feeling all down,

    The fairy will come around,

    'Till you be brave,

    And not a sissy coward.


    Now Link,

    Has saved the day,

    Put Gannon,

    In his grave,

    And now Zelda is free,

    And now a hero shall be,


    I think you name shall go down into history.

  15. all that bothers me is being unable to jump. that always really pisses me off in games.

    you don't really need it tho, and when u to jimp ovr a ledge or whatever, he does it automatically and u have a jump attack thing for fighting

  16. i dont like toon link at all, he also always treated like a little 'real' or human like Link is hot as :P especially in TP. also, one of the things i dont like about TP is that u see all this extra land, but u cant get to it, for example the castle moat and across various gorges. in OOT, if u saw something..there was always a way to get there, it made it more 'realistic' and added a sense of freedom to the game that other games dont really have. but TP had heaps of physical boundries which i didnt like

  17. one problem, Link doesn't talk

    At the beginning of TP during a cut scene where Link is riding Epona back into the village and Ilia is walking next to him (just after you round up the goats for the first time), you can clearly see they are having a conversation cos his lips are moving and she is responding. but ur right in that we never here him talk...which is a bit of a shame lol

    We know that Link's father isn't mentioned. We probably don't even know who Link is. He's a chosen hero, but that's really all that we know. He always appears time and time again as though he's reincarnated and perfectly in time to save the day. Is he really just a Hylian? Does he really have a father at all?

    It's said that Zelda begins with Ocarina of Time. Some would argue, but let's go with this. Link is brought into Kokiri Forest by a woman(his mother?), who is said to die right there or soon after.

    So we can assume that he had a father, but did he really?

    I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night.

    are u saying it's like a mary/joseph situation?? cos that has crossed my mind with the whole triforce tattoo thing he has going (wait, does ganondorf have one too????) but i dont have the N64 games anymore so i cant go back and look for evidence lol but i would say its a definant posibility that the gods essentially created link and he doesnt have a biological father or whatever...