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Posts posted by Mila

  1. Not being biased as a compliment, being like YLA. Because I see impending doom on the horizon. I think what happened to YLA is gonna happen to me now all because y'all mis read that statement. Never once in that entire essay did I say "Wii Motion+ is a bad thing"

  2. And I take that as such a compliment because YLA is one of my closest friends and am talking to him right now. So I'm biased for not knowing what Motion+ is? You people think I'm saying Wii Motion+ is bad, I'm not, I was stating the features of the game and asking what it was and I didn't get what the big hype was, that's it. PLease don't start forum war over this.

  3. No one like my pal to straighten thing out :n_n: Love the avatar CO :D But now that I know what Motion+ is, I see why it would benefit a Zelda game. I mean, you'd have to stay alert as if it were a real sword in your hand...sweet :squint:

  4. 1. She looks nothing like a Zora

    2. She looks exactly like a more grown up version of the Queen of Fairies

    3. Her outfit looks exactly like the Master Sword, so it's much less BS than calling her a Zora

    Gaming style? You mean art style? Also, TP had more color than OoT and WW was way more vibrant than either of them.

    You say that like it's a bad thing. See, the Wiimote senses only primitive movements. Like when you swing up, it goes up. When you move it right, it moves right.

    The Wii Motion plus is 1:1 movement. Which means, whichever position the Wii remote is in real life, his sword will be in the game. That's immersion, right there. You're just being shallow minded.

    No, I'm not being shallow minded because I said I didn't know what Wii Motion Plus was so how can I be making it sound like a bad thing. Just saying was all. I agree, she looks nothing like a Zora and does look like the Queen of Fairies (I already said that...).

  5. Ah, new person. Why hello there :wave: I'm Mila and, surprise surprise, am a huge fan of Zelda. OoT did it for me too only I saw it when I was 6 ;) Still, need a friend I'll be g;ad to talk to you and any questions feel free to ask us. This site is full of nice people (mainly) and like Chef said talk to moderators and admins, they help a lot. So, that's about it. How to see you post a lot on here :3

  6. Well the buzz about Zelda Wii is just everywhere and I really can't wait for it to come out n_n.gif I've been gone a while and am just happy to be back in my Zelda world. Anywho, back on topic, Zelda Wii is a fairly big topic now, no? I was just checking over various Zelad sites and came across a list of rumors for Zelda Wii and even a poll for "Most Anticipated Game" and sadly Zelda Wii is in second place (so said the polls when I casted my vote) -_-.gif You can find the poll here: http://e3.gamespot.c...ost-anticipated but results are only shown for those who vote.

    Now since we know so little of the game (until E3 hopefully) there's a lot of room for speculation. Here's a list I found over at :

    1. Link will be replacing the bow and arrow with a crossbow.

    2. Game is all but finished. Putting on final touches.

    3. There will be a playable demo at E3.

    4. Time travel does occur and it happens through the use of a new blade. (not the master sword)

    5. Link’s hometown is much bigger than in previous titles.

    6. There will be several “Majora’s Mask

  7. From Heroes to Kinky Midna lines...I don't know if I should laugh my ass off or just agree or both :squint:

  8. Well for Tetra's mom to be Zelda that'd be impossible. A ) There's a picture of her in Tetra's cabin and B ) Like you said, she'd be hundreds of years old and the game states that she was still young.

  9. I've wondered that too. He was just trying to help his people but took it too far. Joan of Arc was a very brave woman I think. She burned for her beliefs :cry:

  10. :whammy: You needed that. Look, everyone does have their problems and I understand unstable family life. What's really important, IMO, is to find a way to more or less help everyone. Example: keep up the work with your mom and your job. As for Jay, whenever you get a hold of him, tell him that it's not hte end of the world. You two will have plenty of time together. Work out times in between y'all schedules so you can optimism together time. That's all I can really think of. Hope it all works out ^-^

  11. Hm, essay? I think it qualifies as a narrative poem. Still, It is very good and the idea is great. The only thing I suggest is to maube find another way to go from one thing to the next. Instead of saying "I feel" or "Next thing I know" use other transition words. Such as "Then, suddenly" or "THe sensation of energy around me" and things of that sort. I think you have a great piece of literature here, just needs a bit editing which I'll ne glad to help you with if you need it. Good job Jared.

  12. Indeed it is. Ganondorf is either really stubborn or really determined. *shrug*

  13. Yeah, respecting them and trying to model their good aspects is what I think is the main point. Trying to copy them exactly and worshipping them probably isn't healthy. Like I admire my dad because his job is basically what I wanna be. He knows so much and I can ask him anything. He's been trying to get a better publisher for his book but can't so I think it's a bit sad, but he never lets go of his dream, so I admire that. But I don't think I could say "Be strong like Dad" whenever I need an instant boost of courage. That's where Link comes in :n_n: He teaches me how to go on no matter how hard it is link_sword.gif

  14. Exactly Linox. Couldn't have put it into better words. Yay Jared! That's how I feel too joy.gif

  15. You speak the truth. It's about the image it gives and how it guides you, right?

  16. Opposite fun fact: I was disappointed to learn Link wasn't right handed like me :( I still love 'im link_sword.gif

    Yeah, sorry for constantly saying "thanks so much" and all, but like everyone else I've gone through a lotta crap and to have someone make me feel loved and to understand, or at least try to, makes me feel really good cause I don't get that too much. I do have two friends on here that do that, and now I can say three ^-^ Cudos to YLA, CO, and you Lionheart. You all make me feel like a person kiss.gifglomp.gif and the like :3

  17. My gods I love you :cry: You are so nice to me and understand that I wanna talk maturely. I'd say you've done you Christain duty :D Despite the fact that I'm pagan, I still like to brighten up people's day and be with them in their dark hours. We all have goals in life and heros help us understand how to get their by giving us an image. I'm sure Jesus is a great hero to you and so far seems to be getting you far. You are really nice despite most "Catholics" I've met. They have no regard for others. I kinda find it ironic that a pagan such as me understand to treat people better than that. But this isn't religion. I hope you find your goal too Lionheart. May I say that your username fits you nicely. Sorry, I may sound like I'm sucking up to you, but I'm not. One thing I've learned it to act on impulse and say the nice things I feel and this is one of 'em. You deserve this :whammy:

  18. I know, and that's why I posted it here, at the risk of getting bashed. But I believe that what I think isn't stupid so I'll say it (holy crap people are right I do stand up for my beliefs O_O When did this happen blink.gif)

    I still kidna do judge people, but I don't let it influence how I treat them. It's hard, but I get by. *thinking about your heros* You know I never really sat down and thought about people like MLK and all. He did have an impact on America and died for it. Wow, nice hero :D And even though I may not be Catholic anymore, I do admire you for sticking so strongly to your faith. I don't see many people like that.

  19. :glomp: Thanks Lionheart. I'm just scared that someone will come on here and bash me for that :( Link is just a role model for me because he puts others before him and risks his life for side quests and all that are as silly as "the aliens steal out cows every year before the carnival" and doesn't judge people. I guess I just wanna be like that, ya' know? Thanks so much for making me feel like a person :cry:

  20. Ok, people, listen up. In this thread, I'm gonna tell you who my hero is and you guys can do so as well. But please be respectful to me and anyone else wh state's their hero. I don't want anyone feeling bad about their hero just because someone doesn't agree that that person is a hero or not. Please, let's be mature and serious ok? This is a journal entry I typed up just a little while ago. Have at it:

    It's kinda hard to grasp this; I'm still working out the details. But you know how most kids have a football player as their hero, or a movie star? Well, mine is a fictional character. As if we didn't already know his name. Link. It's so...queer, I mean, how did I manage this? Mainly it's this video right here:

    but I've already posted that. Still, I guess...I guess for me it's about how one person came from the little quiet person who stayed to themselves to a hero who saved the world. And it appeals to me better than reality. I've never liked reality; not my taste. Fantasy and adventure is where my heart still lies (yes still, I have a theory that a past life may be partially responsable for this). That video moves me and reminds me of how Zelda is more to me than just a game to play. I think it just shows...I don't know. I maybe crazy in some people's eyes, but I don't think that. If I have a hero that is a good example for me and helps me to strive forward in life, well then, what's so wrong about it? Just because mine doesn't exisit doesn't mean I'm stupid. It's the image, not the fact that the person is real or not. I'm thinking about posting this on Well, if I do I'll seriously get bashed probably. You know what, I don't give a sh*t. I wanna post this on the internet to see if anyone agrees. F*** anyone who says I'm stupid for this or says I need help. Link is my hero and I'm proud to say it dammit!

    And I swear, if the first thing that comes outta someone's mouth is "I hate that song because Mariah Carrey sings it" I will be pissed (probably a mistakes typing that. *sigh* Why can't we behave like mature people?). That's not the point of the video, it's the lyrics. OK? Now please do as I said and stay mature and respectful. Ok? *getting ready to not be listened to*

  21. Yeah, in WW she died and that's why Tetra is the captian at such an early age. TP Zelda is old enough to be queen, but since she isn't married is still technically a princess. OoT I think Lionheart may be right with that one. But what about ST or MC? ST neither king nor queen are mentioned and it seems like Zelda basically rules Hyrule herself. MC her mom wasn't mentioned at all.

  22. Hm, Queen of Hyrule....yeah, what did happen to her? Is it as simple as a sickness? And is it me or are there no mothers in Zelda games? I can't think of one. *thinking* No, wait, stand corrected by WW. Still what did happen to the Queen?