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Posts posted by Kaffles

  1. That guy I ranted about asked me to be his valentine. When I said no, he repeated his "Wo ai ni" act. When I said no again, he asked the next girl.

    Went pretty well imo.

  2. There's this douche bag at my school who keeps hitting on me, or has been for the last two weeks.

    When walking to a table to say hi to some of my friends in the morning, he cleared his throat to tell me he was checking out my ass, I was wearing a thigh length coat btw.

    Then he keeps telling me "Wo ai ni" whenever I see him, which is chinese for "I love you", but he butchers it really bad such that it is cringe-worthy and keeps doing it even when I told him to stop.

    And once one of his friends was sitting in his lap and he pretended to dry hump her while still talking to me, making other crude comments.

    and just generally being annoying.

    We've been interacting for 3-4 months and he sits next to me at lunch but he just now started with all the garbage. I'm p. sure it's because he's feeling lonely and it's almost valentines day. Though I don't understand why he'd bother to hit on me when he has all these skanky girls all over him all the time.


    that's my pre-valentines day rant.

  3. theres only been four votes, i think....and no ones really been attacking anyone but saha =.="

    but most votes are still on kimmy

  4. no one else stepped forward to claim compatibility.

    But not /everyone/ posted that day, and still not /everyone/ is posting today either

  5. I would highlight "Kittens", but there's no list and some of these names are just /:E

    also what do you mean highlight kittens? I've been talking plenty

  6. [Thursday, February 10, 2011 3:42 PM] Kafai:

    <<< oh tholluxth

    I'm sure losing some teeth is helping with his speech

    [3:52:46 PM] Kafai: MAN


  7. I just want to point out again that I STILL HAVEN'T VOTED FOR SAHA



    but then again, Chimeney, how were you confirmed a townie again? Because if the only reason was that you have the ability to bring gmp back, and gmp isn't necessarily town, you might still not be town either. :/

    just a thought

    But going off what I was saying the other day, maybe we should try Timmy since she hasn't been around much at all in the thread. But we know she's been on hyrule.

  8. Also Pheo is having internet problems and can't get on hnet for some reason

    so I was explaining to him what was happening

    and he told me to paste the chat log

    [4:54:12 PM] Pheonix 561: confirmed statuses?

    [4:54:15 PM] Kafai: allen

    [4:54:17 PM] Pheonix 561: When have I ever confirmed a status?

    [4:54:23 PM] Kafai: forgot that eric was town

    [4:54:27 PM] Kafai: and also hit his win req

    [4:54:40 PM] Pheonix 561: right

    [4:54:41 PM] Kafai: he is a confirmed town now

    [4:54:44 PM] Kafai: so is GMP

    [4:54:46 PM] Kafai: because GMP DIED

    [4:54:48 PM] Pheonix 561: yeah, thats true

    [4:54:49 PM] Kafai: and came back

    [4:54:54 PM] Pheonix 561: when did I say his alignment?

    [4:54:59 PM] Kafai: gmp?

    [4:55:02 PM] Kafai: when he DIED

    [4:55:02 PM] Pheonix 561: yeah

    [4:55:10 PM] Kafai: we haven't had anyone die who was a wolf

    [4:55:10 PM] Pheonix 561: but he got brought back to life

    [4:55:14 PM] Pheonix 561: he's essentially a zombie now

    [4:55:16 PM] Kafai: w8

    [4:55:29 PM] Kafai: you're not allowed to tell me things like this

    [4:55:36 PM] Pheonix 561: I'm not saying he's a wolf, I'm saying he's not confirmed anything

    [4:55:41 PM] Kafai: puppy

    [4:55:45 PM] Pheonix 561: if you guys noticed, I didn't name his alignment

    [4:55:51 PM] Pheonix 561: jesus christ why do you run around assuming things

    [4:55:56 PM] Kafai: EVERYONE ELSE IS

    [4:56:00 PM] Pheonix 561: you did, too

    [4:56:05 PM] Kafai: they asume his role stayed the same

    [4:56:09 PM] Pheonix 561: you did, too

    [4:56:14 PM] Pheonix 561: ;D

    [4:56:16 PM] Pheonix 561: or wait

    [4:56:18 PM] Kafai: well that's because U SUK

    [4:56:18 PM] Pheonix 561: :::;D

    [4:56:23 PM] Pheonix 561: :::;D

    [4:56:24 PM] Kafai: SUUUUUUUUK

    [4:56:29 PM] Kafai: I COUNTED THEM JUST FOR YOU

    [4:56:39 PM] Pheonix 561: NOW YOU ARE A TOOL FOREVER

    [4:56:45 PM] Pheonix 561: feel free to copy this entire log and show them

    [4:56:49 PM] Kafai: NO I HATE YOU

    [4:56:51 PM] Pheonix 561: tell them I can't get into the thread

    [4:57:00 PM] Pheonix 561: tell them I'm sowwy I cannot do things :(

    [4:57:02 PM] Kafai: fffuuuu

  9. or simply to remove 2 powers with one kill. if we have a protector, theyre eithier dead, inactive, or not thinking last night.

    Actually I think I have an idea of who the protector is. Or they have some sort of death avoiding ability, not really sure which.

    That's the weird stuff I mentioned.

    BUT. to counter your claim that my logic doesn't make sense: I didn't even vote for saha yet. I was pressing him for information because he's the only one related to ammonsa that we have right now. And I'm extremely skeptical so I'm just pointing out that SAHA IS NOT A CONFIRMED TOWN YET. There's still a possibility that he is a wolf, and my reasoning is that it could've gone down like this:

    Assume saha is a wolf

    As a wolf saha has to make up an alibi

    He chooses to make a fake role with vague descriptions based on the assumption that he "can't expose it to everyone because of modkill" (he has done this several times before and is plenty clever enough to pull it off. Remember spelunky?)

    But for the wolf side, the wolves also want to take out town members with abilities because for the town to win they either have to be extremely smart and work together or have an overkill of abilities.

    So, he uses his fake alibi to also get people to disclose information about their ability

    Getting ammonsa to use his ability on saha ensures that nobody else will have any chance at ammonsa's help

    and then he can kill him and pass it off as "someone was framing me" if anyone even suspects a connection. (He tricked GMP once into protecting him and then killed him in a game)

    Though it's still possible that a wolf could have just picked ammonsa to rid two people of their abilities, saha being a wolf hasn't been blown out of the water just yet.

    And even if you're a confirmed town member, if you don't have the ability to seer someone's character your word still isn't law. I just trust that you don't have as many hidden anterior motives.

    How am I a better candidate of a lynch than saha? All I'm doing here is being skeptical and reminding you not to just assume saha is town yet.

  10. I saw something weird going on, but I'm not sure if I should disclose all of it just yet in case anyone else has any knowledge about it too.

  11. But if I knew Ammonsa's ability was useless, I would kill someone else. :/ Why would I kill what is essentially a vanilla, when I can take a random shot and probably hit someone who has an ability?

    I haven't been saying ammonsa's ability was useless, I was saying it was useless for a WOLF to be receiving it. It's useful because it could potentially trigger someone else's ability. But what that ability is is unknown, could be anything.

    Why not make sure he can't trigger anyone's ability, so someone is out of an action and then pick someone by random the next day?

  12. Well we all know TIG's ability is vanilla because he already hit his win condition and is now town instead of indie, vouched for by pheo

    and something was going on with chimetals, but I don't quite remember.

    and we don't know if it was useless for any other town. Not everyone has been completely active

    And for the last time, it wouldn't matter if their ability would "help" you if you were a wolf, because wolves don't actually /need/ any help.

    ^ I don't see how you can't make that connection. It flaws your argument. You could just be lying that you need any help with your ability at all.

  13. I don't even know what the action is. He didn't tell me. He just said it might be something I need to unlock my stuff.

    but that's the point. Because he said he had an ability at all, and that it was helpful at that, puts him up for a better target than T1G.

    It doesn't matter exactly /what/ it did as long as it qualifies for "helpful town nightaction"

    /ANY/ "helpful town nightaction" is a threat for a wolf. If his nightaction was meant to help any other town player "discover" their own power, that means another character might have gained a more threatening ability than "enlightment".

    It's a very obvious choice to target him then if you were a wolf. And because the ability probably wouldn't give a wolf any more abilities (because they already have the ability of KILLING THINGS), it doesn't leave anything left for you to say you're not associated with the kill because you "needed their ability".

    If anything you're the only person connected to Ammonsa's death because you were the one who lured him out in the open. Marquis was pulling a similar stunt with asking if anyone had "friendly" in their character name, or knew of the "friendly neighborhood serial killer". Only for him, nobody took the bait and so he now /claims/ it wasn't anything.

  14. You seem pretty dead set in lynching me for no reason. }:E

    You even ignored how someone who just offered to use their positive night action on me got killed.

    Why would I kill someone, or organize to kill someone, who was offering me something good, in turn, not getting it?

    You keep saying you need information, but I've given you more information than just about everyone else in this thread.

    Stop voting for me.

    It does leave one feeling

    quite lonely }:E

    But because they offered to use their night action, you knew they had one. If you were really a wolf, you would've killed them for that info. Assuming that you killed them also assumes that you didn't actually /need/ their action anyway.

  15. More friends of mineral town actually had a bit more plot content to it

    I can't remember what all the differences where exactly, but I know there were easier ways to get money and maybe more stuff with the mines?

    dunno, it's been a while

  16. Runefactoryyyyyyy

    was sorta cool

    having dungeons and levels and things

    Though I never finished HA HA HA

    (but I never finish games to begin with so that's sort of bias)

    but yeah, the normal harvest moon games get old fast

    why do I have 5 of them
