Obama greeting the Prime Minister

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rude? how?

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an excuse for being rude to a leader of a foreign country. This shouldn't be as big a deal as it's being made up to be.

Yes it is. He's working hard to help his country whereas we don't have such a huge responsibility so we have the time to bitch about him while he slaves over the mess everybody (especially you) has made of the country.

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Ahem... WHAT?

1. And what's bad about trying to prevent people who shouldn't be getting guns from getting guns?

2. So what? Do you seriously care? Do you want kids to hear things they shouldn't? Who even listens to the radio anyway?

3. You calling that poo makes me want to cry. What does Guantanamo Bay accomplish for America? Are you the kind of guy that is afraid of tall dark dudes with beards flying a plane into your town with bombs strapped on them going, "ALALALALALALALALA!!!!!! FOR THE TALIBAN!!!!!" BOOM!!! ? Seriously. Half those guys were innocent. All of them are going to home, wherever that may be. It's not like Iraq has teleportation devices for terrorists that just whoosh them off to a plane in america where they can "fulfill their duty" Seriously.

4. Oh god. Withdrawing troops from a war we won... Oh wait, there never was a war. It was an invasion. Protecting your own land from hostile foreign troops? KILL THE TERRORIST!!!! I wonder how they decided on Iraq. I bet after 9/11 Bush was like, "We gotta get these towel-heads. Bring out the dart board and a map of the middle east." Then after about five darts, he finally hit the board, then spent ten minutes trying to learn how to pronounce the country his dart landed on.

I agree though. Obama can't use fatigue as an excuse.

Wow, you're really ignorant.

1. Do you even know what "gun control legislation" means? They're trying to make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to obtain legal guns, in direct violation of the second amendment. Law-abiding citizens have the right to bear arms, and the far left is trying to take that right away.

2. Once again, do you know what that means? They're trying to use the fairness doctrine to censor the expression of right-wing viewpoints on talk radio, not stamp out dirty words.

3. Yeah, we don't need a place to imprison the people who are trying to kill us and destroy our country or anything. Half of those guys are innocent? You shouldn't throw around numbers that you just pull out of your @##.

4. Of course we need to pull out of Iraq eventually, but we don't need to ADVERTISE it. Let's tell our enemies exactly what we're going to do and when we're going to do it, yeah, brilliant.

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Posted (edited)

Wow, you're really ignorant.

4. Of course we need to pull out of Iraq eventually, but we don't need to ADVERTISE it. Let's tell our enemies exactly what we're going to do and when we're going to do it, yeah, brilliant.

It's going to really suck when it's evac time and there's an ambush set up.

I'm not saying that PM Brown should be treated like a god. He's the PM of one of our closest allies. One of our only allies, from what I've seen. Obama represents the United States. Therefore, he represents its citizens. What impression do you think was left on PM Brown? Not just of Obama, but of America as a whole? Treat him properly as a representative of an ally, at least. Obama didn't even manage to pull that off. This would fall under simple manners, people.

I really think that after this mess with Iraq is over, we need to settle back into Isolationism, where our hemisphere minds its business and the Eastern hemisphere minds is. We'd only interfere with Eastern affairs if we were attacked by a country from that hemisphere, or if an ally is attacked.

Edited by HylianForrunner (see edit history)

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- Inmates aren't tried for what they are accused of.

- Not all inmates have even been formally charged with a crime.

- They are denied human rights, right to trial, and there is abuse.

Just because someone was not born on our dirt does not make them NOT HUMAN. An Iraq citizen is no less human than Americans, and some may be more human.

Also, exhaustion IS an excuse. Under the stress and difficulty of being president, the human body requires sleep! Stress and exhaustion can result in physical illness, weakness, or inability to concentrate.

Should Obama take time out of his rest or sleep to the point that he gets ill, falls asleep during a meeting, or makes a poor decision affecting all of us? We want him at his best. The Prime Minister of Britian is not god. It won't kill him to not be "properly greeted" when the country is at a difficult time. We are all human. The human body and mind require rest to function properly.

If you were working 24/7 every day under this stress, the spotlight of the world, and everything he is under, would you pause all your work, your sleep, your rest time, to go put on a fake smile, wave at cameras, and greet the minister? This is the kind of stuff that gets in the way of real progress. It's REALLY not important if you think about it. It's just a little celebrity game. Does the British Prime Minister think so highly of themselves that they relations would be damaged in any way over this? No. It's just the media and public being 'upset' about this thing.

Also, is it better for Obama to do this and not meet the PM, or would you rather him go meet them like Bush and insult them and pat them on the ass? :angry:

Also, thank you Bathy.

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- Inmates aren't tried for what they are accused of.

- Not all inmates have even been formally charged with a crime.

- They are denied human rights, right to trial, and there is abuse.

Just because someone was not born on our dirt does not make them NOT HUMAN. An Iraq citizen is no less human than Americans, and some may be more human.

Also, exhaustion IS an excuse. Under the stress and difficulty of being president, the human body requires sleep! Stress and exhaustion can result in physical illness, weakness, or inability to concentrate.

Should Obama take time out of his rest or sleep to the point that he gets ill, falls asleep during a meeting, or makes a poor decision affecting all of us? We want him at his best. The Prime Minister of Britian is not god. It won't kill him to not be "properly greeted" when the country is at a difficult time. We are all human. The human body and mind require rest to function properly.

If you were working 24/7 every day under this stress, the spotlight of the world, and everything he is under, would you pause all your work, your sleep, your rest time, to go put on a fake smile, wave at cameras, and greet the minister? This is the kind of stuff that gets in the way of real progress. It's REALLY not important if you think about it. It's just a little celebrity game. Does the British Prime Minister think so highly of themselves that they relations would be damaged in any way over this? No. It's just the media and public being 'upset' about this thing.

Also, is it better for Obama to do this and not meet the PM, or would you rather him go meet them like Bush and insult them and pat them on the ass? :angry:

Also, thank you Bathy.

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- Inmates aren't tried for what they are accused of.

- Not all inmates have even been formally charged with a crime.

- They are denied human rights, right to trial, and there is abuse.

Just because someone was not born on our dirt does not make them NOT HUMAN. An Iraq citizen is no less human than Americans, and some may be more human.

Do you understand what a war is? If they are shooting at our soldiers and captured on the battlefield, then maybe, just maybe, they're guilty. And about your charge they are denied human rights, a recent study has concluded that Guantanamo Bay follows the Geneva Conventions. The terrorists are safer in Guantanamo than they would be in several cities of the world.

More human? What does that even mean? Are there people here who are half-monkey or what?

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We gave back Churchill's bust. I thought that was interesting/hilarious, since my friend was furious about that. He idolizes the man.

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I really am amused that everyone thinks Obama is going to be perfect at everything and are outraged when he isn't. Fury over things like this will cool down once people realize that Obama isn't the next Jesus and has priorities beyond throwing banquets for the prime minister to attend to.

Still a shame that it was handled like this, especially since the prime minister's gift was so thoughtful. Every presidency has their bumps and scrapes and mistakes, I guess.

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It sounds to me like Obama is being a wuss. He should have been ready to deal with the stress that comes from representing an entire country. At the same time, though, we have to remember that he's a father who shares a close relationship with two very young girls. Maintaining the role of a father while trying to run a country is obviously going to be difficult. That being said, he should have taken everything into consideration. He needs to tough it out.

I do, however, think that it's idiotic to feel insulted just because somebody didn't get extra special treatment. The Prime Minister needs to get over himself and understand that Obama really isn't cut out for his role (at least not yet) and needs to adjust. Obama needs to understand that he doesn't really have any excuses. Hopefully he'll get himself in check.

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The president is still a person. Nobody can tell me they've not seen "normal" people screw up worse when under far less stress.

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Wow, you're really ignorant.

1. Do you even know what "gun control legislation" means? They're trying to make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to obtain legal guns, in direct violation of the second amendment. Law-abiding citizens have the right to bear arms, and the far left is trying to take that right away.

2. Once again, do you know what that means? They're trying to use the fairness doctrine to censor the expression of right-wing viewpoints on talk radio, not stamp out dirty words.

3. Yeah, we don't need a place to imprison the people who are trying to kill us and destroy our country or anything. Half of those guys are innocent? You shouldn't throw around numbers that you just pull out of your @##.

4. Of course we need to pull out of Iraq eventually, but we don't need to ADVERTISE it. Let's tell our enemies exactly what we're going to do and when we're going to do it, yeah, brilliant.

Ignorance is bliss, and I hate my puppying life.

1. Remember those school shootings? You should. Those kids were law abiding citizens too. Suck my point. (It's only sick if you yourself are sick minded)

2. You win.

3. Exaggeration is often used to prove a point. Your argument is based upon taking something that is not factual and treating it as fact, then treating it as though I thought it was fact to ridicule me for saying something that is not true. And yes, we do need a place to put the people trying to destroy our country, it's called a federal prison. A place where they are contained but at least still treated as humans. Bad humans, but humans.

4. What are you afraid of? Yeah, they're gonna be watching tv, then they here that america is pulling out of Iraq in 2011, then they're like, "Oh poo, we're way behind schedule!" Then go out and plant some c4 on every us vehicle the come across... Is that it? "Pulling out" is a vague term. The US troops aren't some body of living beings, all mashed together, and they're either blown up or alive. You can't just say, "oh, they're pulling out, why don't we fly some planes to an army base in the US and prepare for an ambush, thereby vanquishing the 'evil' that is the invader." What would change in their "battle plan"? "Ummm, ok. Let's just try and kill them... more than we already do."

Try putting yourself in the president's shoes. I couldn't even stand up if I had gone through what he has. I don't think he was really being horrible, but he could have tried harder.

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Ignorance is bliss, and I hate my puppying life.

1. Remember those school shootings? You should. Those kids were law abiding citizens too. Suck my point. (It's only sick if you yourself are sick minded)

2. You win.

3. Exaggeration is often used to prove a point. Your argument is based upon taking something that is not factual and treating it as fact, then treating it as though I thought it was fact to ridicule me for saying something that is not true. And yes, we do need a place to put the people trying to destroy our country, it's called a federal prison. A place where they are contained but at least still treated as humans. Bad humans, but humans.

4. What are you afraid of? Yeah, they're gonna be watching tv, then they here that america is pulling out of Iraq in 2011, then they're like, "Oh poo, we're way behind schedule!" Then go out and plant some c4 on every us vehicle the come across... Is that it? "Pulling out" is a vague term. The US troops aren't some body of living beings, all mashed together, and they're either blown up or alive. You can't just say, "oh, they're pulling out, why don't we fly some planes to an army base in the US and prepare for an ambush, thereby vanquishing the 'evil' that is the invader." What would change in their "battle plan"? "Ummm, ok. Let's just try and kill them... more than we already do."

Try putting yourself in the president's shoes. I couldn't even stand up if I had gone through what he has. I don't think he was really being horrible, but he could have tried harder.

1. If all the other kids had guns, then the shooters would have gotten pumped full of lead before they got two shots off.

3. We should not hold prisoners of war along with common criminals. Their treatment is not our priority; winning the war is.

4. If they know when we're going to leave, they'll just lay low until then, and reemerge and start killing people again. Also, the time we pull out should depend on how good we're doing, not be a fixed date. In war, you have to make your plans flexible, because things rarely work out as planned.

On the subject, I couldn't care much less about how diplomatic he is, but when his people say the U.K. is just as good as any other country, even Iran or Venezuela, to the U.S., that really sends a negative message. What bothers me is that Obama seems unwilling to take responsibility for his actions, even though he is supposed to be responsible for the well-being of the country.

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Obama seems unwilling to take responsibility for his actions, even though he is supposed to be responsible for the well-being of the country.

He is focused on the well-being of the country. The place he shirked was in foreign relations. Our economy is not doing well right now

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Yar @ gun control legislation. Sure we need less criminal types with less guns.... buuuut, there's no REAL way to do that! Putting in rules just makes it more difficult on those that follow them. And guess who doesn't follow them? The criminals we don't want to have guns! Therefore the extra rules are un-necessary and just really hurt the good guys. :angry:

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