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Easy I didn't pay attention to one thing in TP. The only thing I understood was that Link had to save Hyrule, and do the exact same thing as in OoT just with a minor difference, and turning in to a wolf. I found out there were spiders in Link's Crossbow Training though.

In other words I just played though the game without paying any attention to the enemies.

Huh. Did you enjoy it?

@ Teto

I completely agree with you about Resident evil 5's controls. They're perfect, I'm glad they didn't change them just because stupid people were whining about it.

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Huh. Did you enjoy it?

@ Teto

I completely agree with you about Resident evil 5's controls. They're perfect, I'm glad they didn't change them just because stupid people were whining about it.

Yes. I didn't understand it. Thing is I took advantage of the skip button. :) I don't even know who Zant was until I faught him, and I didn't know I had to fight Ganondorf until I did.

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You're a great writer, Teto. You're well spoken and interesting to read. I hope you put that to use, even if it's posting to us regularly about random things.

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Oh yeah. One last thing that happened today. A good friend of mine left, I knew it for the best part of two years and it gave so much while asking for so little in return only to be replaced by an upgraded version of the same thing, but demanding a two pound deposit before I can suffer it for the year. I never really thought about what it meant to me, I knew it's shape, colours and almost every inch of it's beautiful flaws etched into each cover and down the length of it's spine. Every page soft and familiar to me although I took and kept it, thinking about it not as often as it deserved and keeping it, hating it, without thinking of what it really was in my life until it was gone. But that's what happens with these things, you take them for granted or don't acknowledge them whatsoever. At least I can take solace in the fact that I finally thought over what it meant to me.

Goodbye... Standard Grade Maths Textbook. *sob*

Same thing happened to me. Got my big fat geometry book this week. It takes up like, half my bag! :cry:

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What's the point of this thread?

Or better yet the topic???

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