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If God made us all in his image

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Or not? What you just said isn't true. Because, regardless if God was created to explain things or not, removing God just leaves things unexplained, thus getting us nowhere.

That's pretty much how I see it. Either way, believing or not believing isn't going to help me understand things better. Which is why I usually do not bother with religion. I think it's quite amazing though, simple practices such as religion creating such a fuss in the modern day. The human mind is amazing... ._.''

If anything, I don't see discussing all the secrets of the universe and my theories to people. I find that a waste of time... Unless it's with a professional. Like... The Doctor, yo. I plan on discovering these things on my own. If I don't... Then that's just one upsetting fact, I didn't get to learn what I've always wanted to. Who knows what'll happen in the future? Maybe God's existance shall be proven... It could also be disproven. Whatever that may be, I choose to only have religious beliefs when I feel the need to. Only when I'm in complete anguish. Seems kind of rude of me, doesn't it? Believing only when I have reason to. Until those days, We'll all just have to make do.

Please give me an example of something that stays unexplained.

... Uh... How what we call "reality" came to exist?

Of course, I've always had difficulty believing God created everything... Because then, who created God? Then who created the Being who created God? Then who created the being that created the being that created God... And so on.

Edited by Vio Milanor (see edit history)

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That's pretty much how I see it. Either way, believing or not believing isn't going to help me understand things better. Which is why I usually do not bother with religion. I think it's quite amazing though, simple practices such as religion creating such a fuss in the modern day. The human mind is amazing... ._.''

If anything, I don't see discussing all the secrets of the universe and my theories to people. I find that a waste of time... Unless it's with a professional. Like... The Doctor, yo. I plan on discovering these things on my own. If I don't... Then that's just one upsetting fact, I didn't get to learn what I've always wanted to. Who knows what'll happen in the future? Maybe God's existance shall be proven... It could also be disproven. Whatever that may be, I choose to only have religious beliefs when I feel the need to. Only when I'm in complete anguish. Seems kind of rude of me, doesn't it? Believing only when I have reason to. Until those days, We'll all just have to make do.

Agnostic + 1.

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Evolution. Even if evolution is true (and i'm not talking about change over time, like hair color or certain traits, which is true, I'm talking about huge changes like monkey to man) there is no explanation for how the world began. If you say Big Bang theory, okay, but what started the bang? Nothing can't come from nothing (though, a god doesn't have to follow those laws since he created them) and science disproves spontaneous generation. There's no way matter can exist without a creator, a starting point.

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Ok guys, go to the religion thread. Honestly.


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Well there is the Big Bounce Theory, which states that the Universe has expanded and contracted for a very long part, but that doesn't have a starting point that we can see.

If there is a God, I don't see how he can just be. He can't create himself; it defies all logic. And even if he can create things from nothing, he can't create himself from nothing if he wasn't even there to create himself in the first place. It makes no sense. No, the starting point has to be something else. What, I have no idea. But I am sure it was not God.

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Dude, God created logic. God created science. It's mind boggling, I know, but God's a perfect deity. You're thinking in terms of human limitations. God isn't human, he's a god. He can do anything, including exist outside of time.

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But he can't just have always existed.

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Says who? You? You're a human being, meant to live for a short period of time and die, returning to dust. How can you expect to understand infinity?

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Guys, seriously.


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I'll continue this later (tomorrow); I'm too tired now.

Though if he existed forever, then what was he doing before he created the universe?

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Not true; by removing him, what becomes unexplained is not actually unexplained; much can be explained by science, such as how we came to be, which would be evolution and such.

Please give me an example of something that stays unexplained.


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Though if he existed forever, then what was he doing before he created the universe?

Smoking weed. </logical answer>

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Thank you. Hm. I actually didn't think of that.

Thought - That may explain it, though I doubt it. It is unexplained at this moment in time, but will most definitely be explained in the future, just like many other things were and will be.

Besides, does God explain how we think or/and how thought works?


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I'll continue this later (tomorrow); I'm too tired now.

Though if he existed forever, then what was he doing before he created the universe?

Tomorrow let's head to the religion topic.

I don't know what he was doing before he created the universe. No one can answer that. In the same way that you didn't know a world even existed outside of the womb before you were birthed, you don't know what lies beyond this world or what God does with infinity. God created time, and he is apart from it. He's infinite, and has the ability to see the past, present, and future, and preside in all of them.

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I've heard people say everything can be explained by the Big Bang theory, but they probably forget that theory can NOT be proven and raises even more questions, like Where did all that matter come from? Maybe one day, with the help of supercomputers, we can trace back each particle in the universe to a great mass that once exploded (though this isn't realistic). But it's impossible to go back BEFORE the Big Bang, and what caused that. Yes, it's scientifically impossible. This is why a lot of scientists, like Einstein, believe in god: the closer you get to understanding how the world works, the more you come to think it's not all just random luck. And yes I know, Big Bang is generally accepted among scientists, but no one has ever proven it.

There's an idea that I like, that I once read in a Stephen King book. Imagine yourself into space, going farther and farther away from earth. You pass all these planets, solar systems, galaxies... Until suddenly you come to a hard wall. The 'end' of the universe. Then you try to break open that wall, and once you get to the other side, you see light. You see a whole new universe, and realize you just came out of a chicken egg. Now what I'm saying is, what if our planet is just an electron in a molecule of something in a universe way bigger than ours? I've always found this a fascinating idea.

Oh btw, Teto: Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist rocks! I like you ^^ I've always wanted to make a movie about a dying atheist, based on that song

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