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I thought the CG was pretty ugly in the first movie during scenes where they had to have a lot of characters on the screen, like in almost all of the battles. I guess I got used to it by the second movie because there's not any jarring CG that pops into my head outside of a certain scene that was only in the movie and not any other Berserk stuff. I think it was used best for animating monsters, like in the third movie. The third movie was pretty great in general.


Anyone here read Vinland Saga? I always see it being compared to the Golden Age of Berserk and decided to give it a read recently, I caught up to the latest chapter today and it's pretty good. It's just as violent as Berserk but there's no supernatural elements. I'd say it's worth a read if you're not focusing on some other manga at the moment.

Edited by Double45 (see edit history)

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And I totally get that the movies cut stuff out due to time and budget constraints and that clearly its meant for people who have seen it, but I still say that the scenes I mentioned shouldn't have been cut out under any circumstances. Maybe cut short, sure I wouldn't care. But they're so important imo; like Griffith's-dream-explanation-to-Charlotte-at-the-fountain level of important. :c Might just be me though.


And yeah Iunno why people hated on the CG much, I liked it. Worked well with the 2D imo.


I've also been at war with myself 'cause I've told 2 of my bestest animu-loving friends to watch Berserk (with many warnings) but before I watched the movies I said AYY GUYS GREAT IDEA! The movies are practically recaps, and in newer, prettier animation! Let's all watch them together and you can share in my shock and love for the story as you haven't seen the show.

And then I saw like the bedroom scene in Movie 2 and ofc I'm reading about how much they upped the Eclipse sequence (I've listened to the godDAMN TERRIFYING MUSIC TRACK FOR THAT SCENE) and i'm like oh god oh no friends. Friends should I even put you through this oh gosh oh geez xD

Like they're not innocent or anything and we're all adults, but its the fact that the sequence is horrifying for any agegroup that I'm kind of like uhhHHMMMM ..

Yeah, thats quite alright to be weirded out by. I wouldn't want to watch that scene with other people

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Yeah, I always try to encourage people to watch the anime because like we've said, the movies are clearly for people who have already seen it. So I think if your friends watch the movies they'll just have a not-as-good experience than they would if they watched the anime. And aren't they your bestest anime friends??? Man just make them watch the anime they'll love it.

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Yeah, I always try to encourage people to watch the anime because like we've said, the movies are clearly for people who have already seen it. So I think if your friends watch the movies they'll just have a not-as-good experience than they would if they watched the anime. And aren't they your bestest anime friends??? Man just make them watch the anime they'll love it.

They dont get through full anime shows very often is why I suggested the movies :c And I mean I could fill them on in things so that'd be fine

Buuuuut with the Eclipse scene, I might just be like lets watch the 1st movie and then you guys ca watch the other 2 on your own time pfft

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Parasyte ep 2

It looks like Parasyte's anime did the best they could get away with in terms of dick hands


You guys should probably be watching Parasyte

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Anime Apudeito!


Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha has been released and two episodes at that. I am getting so many Madoka vibes from this, it's crazy. I'm also getting some major "this would be an awesome video game" vibes and apparently a game for the Vita was announced with the anime, so there ya go. I definitely don't want it to go the Madoka route and would rather see some awesome mahou shoujo with minimal suffering, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it all pans out. I really love the visuals when the world changes. It's just so colorful and lovely, even if it isn't really much at all besides a bit of a color rush against the viewer. I have a thing for when the setting of something suddenly and dramatically changes. Think of in Skyward Sword when you're collecting the tears and the area suddenly changes color to an intense orange when you're spotted. Stuff like that is awesome.


As for Sanzoku no Musume Ronja, the anime that Ghibli only made character designs for apparently and is also being directed by Goro Miyazaki, but nothing beyond that, is alright. The CG does make it a bit less enjoyable though. The characters are nice, but a little too "Ghibli", you know? They're too... perfect... or happy? Something like that. Still, the characters are keeping my interest since they have a nice charm to them.



Also, I've taken quite a liking to Garo, Parasyte, Shingeki no Bahamut, and Ore, Twintails.


Garo: I really have to thank Necro for pushing me (Not really) to watch Garo. Double and I are loving it. It's just so cool, man. The two main characters are the perfect opposites to each other. The too cool for you edgy teen son and the nonchalantly cool and laid back dad that is trying to show his son how to be awesome and a good knight. It's great.


Parasyte: It's been the perfect blend of everything so far: stupid, cool, funny, cute, edge, gore, mysterious, interesting, thrilling. Oh, and Madhouse even managed to get the penis arm in. I like how things are progressing though, seems like this should go well for an adaption even though a few things have been changed.


Shingeki no Bahamut: I actually already made a post about this, but yeah. I'm liking this a lot so far now that the girl has been shown to be really likeable and adorable. Looking forward to more cute and cool.


Ore, Twintails: Please, watch this. It's just so stupid that it works. The enemy steals twintails from girls. Their ship has twintails. They obsess over their enemy's(The MC) twintails and have already made figures of her. They play giant Jenga to decide who fights her next. The MC is a guy who turns into a loli with twintails. I just... please, watch. With Commie subs, preferably. Everyone on /a/ hates it, but they're perfect for a series like this that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Please, watch, it's too stupid and too funny.

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As someone who also couldn't help but marathon all of Parasyte after starting, I can safely say I am hyped for this anime



Did you guys see all the character designs that show up in this weird screamo opening? I think most of these are actually pretty great, although it is hard to tell who a few characters are just due to how different they look compared to the 80's version

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I've been hearing about Attack on Titan. Is it worth my time?

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No. Watch a different anime with a large cast of characters that are actually developed and don't die after an episode. Like Baccano!


Unless you just want to see a lot of people die to giant mentally handicapped people with lots of gore and reaction faces. If you want an actual story and actual characters, go for Baccano!


Or just watch Attack on Titan regardless.

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Is there any good hentai reccs? I don't fap to regular porn because Good Christians don't do that

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I honestly don't even like regular Hentai, just pick a popular series you like, find a few doujins or h-games for it and decide what you like from there.


also message me on skype sometime because i need someone else to throw doujinshi at

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Attack on Titan is still a good use of time, though I personally never finished it actually. I haven't finished a full series since Ping Pong ended I think.


Still got to finish/catch up on: Mushishi S1, Space Dandy S2, Monogatari S2, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Kyousogiga, Psycho-Pass S2, and Space Brothers. Mushishi I started maybe over a year ago at this point, and it was maybe the last finished series that I started. Besides that, maybe a handful of airing series that I followed. I've expended my enthusiasm for a while now, I guess. Same goes for finding new music, as well. Oh, and Evangelion. I'm still on episode 5 of that or something.

I honestly don't even like regular Hentai, just pick a popular series you like, find a few doujins or h-games for it and decide what you like from there.


also message me on skype sometime because i need someone else to throw doujinshi at


run for the hills verity

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i just want to give people things they will enjoy :sadlink:


While I'm here though I'll second watching Kyousogiga.

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Dirty! Dirty! Nobody here shares your unashamed enthusiasm for human sexuality, Knuckle. Please grow up and revert into a shy 15 year old.

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